Kayfabe Conclusion of the Intercontinental Championship match

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom

"HERE'S YOUR WINNER... AND... NEEEEEEEW Intercontinental Champion... GOLDEN DRAGON!"

*All 3 men are sweating and seem completely drained, Diamond is leaning up against the barricade panting heavily whilst Neilson is slumped down in the corner, holding his jaw after getting hit by the Running Knee Lift. Will attempts to get back to his fee but falls, holding his left leg that was targeted throughout the match, he tries again but falls. Golden notices this and jumps down from the ladder, Will looks up at him with a blank expression as Dragon extends his hand out. The crowd are chanting 'Yes!' as Neilson accepts it and pats Dragon on the shoulder before raising his arm and the crowd cheer loudly. Will lets Dragon celebrate and appears to get out of the ring, but his expression suddenly changes and he snaps, low blowing Golden Dragon to a mass amount of boos and swear dripping off of his forehead. Neilson pushes the standing ladder over and grabs a nearby chair and wraps it around Dragon's arm and gets into a Hammerlock Armbreaker position, Will attempts to snap back but can't as he is completely drained of energy. He goes for it again but then...*

"Stop this nonsense right now!"

*The General Manager of Precision, Reginald walks out from behind the curtain with a mic in his hand.*

"Will! I warn you don't do this! There will be serious consequences if you do! You lost fair and square so..."


*Will is very annoyed as Reginald has come out to try and stop him putting Dragon out on the sidelines, the rage is clear on his face as he stares down Reginald who is positioned at the top of the ramp.*

"Mr. GM... I know you're a busy man so I'm going to make this quick, if you give me what I want... I'll let him go."

"... I... Fine! What do you want?"

"Isn't it clear! I want a rematch for my Intercontinental Championship at Bad Blood! With Puff.. *stomps on the back of Golden* and HIM! *points at Joseph Diamond who is still leaning against the barricade* I want a street fight, so I can beat both of them down and take my title back that I was never pinned nor submitted for!"

"You see it doesn't work like that... *at this point Will bends back slightly and Reginald puts his hand up* I have no choice, I cannot stop this without agreeing to your demands, and we deserve a champion like Golden Dragon... so you've got it. It's official, at Bad Blood we will have the rematch between Golden Dragon, Will Neilson and Joseph Diamond for the Intercontinental Championship.. in a Street Fight! Now please... let him go."

"Reg.. Reg.. Reg... this bitch stole my title. I'm not letting him get away."

*Will goes to snap back the arm but Joseph Diamond rushes the ring and delivers multiple forearms to the face of Will Neilson, before delivering an Unbreakable Facebreaker, sending Will outside of the ring. Joey helps Dragon out of the chair and picks the chair up in his right hand, he shouts something unaudible at Will before looking at Dragon and nodding, passing him the Intercontinental Championship. It seems Golden can finally celebrate his win, but then Diamond hits him in the head with a direct chair shot, stunning the crowd. Joseph laughs and picks up the Intercontinental Championship and slings it over his shoulder, before getting out of the ring and walking up the ramp and backstage, shoulder barging Reginald on his way out.*

Mentions - @CiV, @Apex


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Cameras follow Joseph Diamond as he arrives backstage, and he's greeted by full jackass, and part time reporter...Alex Price

Alex Price: Well, I was expecting the new Intercontinental Champion, but, um, Joseph Diamond, care to explain your action-

Diamond: I don't know what to tell you, Alexus, I saw my opportunity, I took it. The audience, the people out there, seemed really surprised by what I just did to Puff, but I really don't understand what I need to explain. I wanted my title back, and I got my title b-

Suddenly, general manager Reginald walks into frame, interrupting Diamond mid-sentence, with Alex Price leaving the general proximity, with the camera adjusting to focus in on the two as they lock eyes.

Reginald: Joseph, I could have you and Neilson fired for what you did back there.

Diamond: But you won't, will you?

Reginald: No, I won't. Because I know that for the success of Precision, we need you two, but if you think that you won't be punished for what you did out there, you're vastly mistaken.

Diamond: You're not exactly in the position to be making threats, Reginald, have you not seen the merchandise I've got over my shoulder? I could take this right on over to Ignition and there'd be nothing you could do about it.

Reginald: You're right, Joseph. I'm not. So let me ask you, what will it take for this belts return to it's rightful owner?

Diamond: Wow, Reggie how desperate are you?

Reginald: My name is not Reggie.

Diamond: It is as long as I've got this title over my shoulder. How desperate are you, Reginald?

Reginald: Very desperate, Mr. Diamond

WELL THEN, Reggie, there are a million things I want, Reginald, I want a new scarf, black, not white, I want to be on billboards, I want to be the face of Precision. But above all else, next week, I want an Intercontinental Championship match against The Golden Dragon, I want it to be No Disqualifications, under the stipulation that IF Will Neilson OR ANY member of Anarchy Inc so much as gets in the ring, Will Neilson doesn't get to come to Bad Blood.

Reginald: Whatever you say, Jose-

Diamond: No Reggie, I want you to tell me what you're going to give me if I give you this championship.

Reginald: If you give me back the Intercontinental Championship, right now, you, Joseph Diamond will receive, within the next week, a billboard with your insignia on it will be put up....

Diamond: Put up, where, Reggie?

Reginald: Nationwide, Mr. Diamond.

Diamond: Good. Continue.

Reginald: You will be given a new......scarf?

Diamond: New scarf, yes...what colour?

Reginald: Black, not white. On top of all that, you will be marketed as the....Face...of Precision. And, lastly, next week....

Diamond: Yes.......

Reginald takes a deep breath, likely taking a moment to really think of how fair this is to The Golden Dragon

You will receive an Intercontinental Championship match against current champion The Golden Dragon. That's everything.

Diamond: Under what stipulation, Reggie?

Reginald: It will be no disqualifications, however, if Will Neilson or Anarchy Inc. become involved in the match, Will Neilson will be removed from the triple threat at Bad Blood.

Diamond: Well, that wasn't so hard, was it, Reginald? I'll have my people get in touch with your people, we'll get the contracts all signed, it's gonna be great!

Diamond looks extremely pleased as he, gleefully hands over the Intercontinental Championship to Reginald. It appears, that Joseph Diamond is being "pimped out", so to speak.

Next week, Joseph Diamond vs The Golden Dragon, Intercontinental Championship on the line in a No DQ. If Will Neilson or Anarchy inc becomes involved, Neilson will be removed from the triple threat at Bad Blood.
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