The first reaction was that you can't look at last week's as a reference because wrestling was the hottest it's been in many years last week.
But I'm looking for the official rating. Saw the quarters and while it opened at a 1.0, it was at a .81-.86 for the rest of the show. That's catastrophic no matter what, weren't they drawing better during the dog days of 2013?
Either way, they had a golden opportunity fall into their laps. TNA may not have had any buzz but pro wrestling in general did. Wrestlemania left us with Daniel Bryan giving many fans the mark-out moment like we haven't had in years (most fans, anyway) and a talking point I still hear fans debating IN PUBLIC with the end of the streak, followed by the mainstream media + Nancy Grace coverage of the passing of the Ultimate Warrior. This was WWE stuff, but while people are talking about them, this was TNA's chance to say "Hey, we exist too!" and give viewers a hook.
And this rating really proves that they blew it. Not only was the person they promoted for the show Dixie Freaking Carter, via the show before, all over the website, and in ads, but they had the Eric Young title win that could only be seen one way. Surprise surprise, this didn't keep those extra eyeballs around.
While there's plenty of things I love about TNA as I raved about in the other thread, they really need to find some way to get out of their own way. And no, letting Daniels walk is not it.
I don't know the situation well enough to say Spike needs TNA. I hope they still value their ratings, but as an exec you have to be concerned in so many ways. From TNA's side, I'm dying to know what (possible) ways they can reverse the trend.