Confused! Basically this something I started this year on another forum, but obverisly we are too far into 2010 to do this year, but thought we could start it for next year.
Basically how it works is when you see a promotion live or on TV, rate each wrestler you see [either out of 5 or 10] and basically start compiling a table based on who has the most points, changing it throughout the year. At the end of the year present your top fifty and in a PowerSlam kind of way do a write up on each. So whose interested.
Basically how it works is when you see a promotion live or on TV, rate each wrestler you see [either out of 5 or 10] and basically start compiling a table based on who has the most points, changing it throughout the year. At the end of the year present your top fifty and in a PowerSlam kind of way do a write up on each. So whose interested.