He's lost to the Rock twice, lost to Cena. He's a cowardly heel who couldn't beat Ryback. I mean if Triple H and Shawn Michaels couldn't beat Undertaker, then what chance does Punk have?
Now don't sell me that: "he won fatal four way", because that's a load of sh*t, we knew from the start that he is going to win this match. But still didn't gave enough reason to why he actually deserves a match with Taker.
Now if Punk was the June 2011-July 2012 face, this matchup would have even better, because he would have credibility and he wouldn't be a cowardly heel.
Now don't sell me that: "he won fatal four way", because that's a load of sh*t, we knew from the start that he is going to win this match. But still didn't gave enough reason to why he actually deserves a match with Taker.
Now if Punk was the June 2011-July 2012 face, this matchup would have even better, because he would have credibility and he wouldn't be a cowardly heel.