Kayfabe Claiming the Crown

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
16 hours before UK Rampage.

*The scene opens up to Reagan Cole's UK fightclub, the cameraman starts to walk to the front door and attempts to open it, however the doors are locked firmly shut. He tries again but eventually gives up and begins to walk away until he spots something out of the corner of his eye, a man with black hair, a plain black shirt on and some casual jeans, the unknown individual looks up at the cameraman and beckons him to come over. Will Neilson looks up at the camera with a neutral expression and orders to cameraman to sit down opposite him, he then begins to speak.*

"Sometimes... I take a look in the mirror and think 'Damn, I sure look different to what I looked like 1 year ago' it reminds of my rookie days, signing pen to paper on my Precision contract, something I will never regret in life. It's been somewhat of a rollercoaster for me this past year, and winning the Undisputed Championship was the peak of my career, but then I realised I don't need fan support, I don't need people in the back telling me to put on a smile every time I walked down to the ring, I'm not a hero. I've held nearly every single title in this company, the World title, the Survival title, and the Tag Team titles as part of Anarchy Inc. I won them all by showing my true colours, and I'm not stopping now."

*Will gets up and walks to the front door of the fight club, the cameraman follows suite as Neilson uses his all his force to kick the door open, terrifying not only the cameraman but some of the people inside aswell. They all stare at Neilson as he walks over to Reagan Cole and mutters something to him, Reagan initially shakes his head, but after a stare down from Will, nods slowly. Neilson walks back over the cameraman and they both sit down on a bench.*

"I told him I didn't want him or anyone to interfere in my Intercontinental Championship match, I want to show everyone that I'm not the puppet of Anarchy Inc, he tells me, I do it, he tells me, I do it, I will do it myself. Jason St. Pierre is a formidable opponent, the so called 'Psycho of Precision', it's my time to claim the crown and the rest will bow down to me as I am the King of Precision, the King of Precision. I will become Intercontinental Champion, that is a fact not an assumption, and in the future I will also win the Precision Championship, and then I will be the best in the world... and the one that claimed the throne."

*Will gets up and walks out of the fightclub, taking one last look at it before walking away for good, the camera fades to black.*

OOC: Not my best work as I am suffering from the flu, but I think it turned out ok. :)