*It's the Precision before Fully Loaded, there is no one in the ring. Suddenly, lighting strikes the ring and Victor Sokolov appears, along with a table with 3 contracts on it, all closed. Victor demands for a microphone and when he gets it, begins to speak.*
Victor: Listen up Slimeballs..... last week I was attacked by Anthony Sharpe. Unfortunately for him... he has just made the worst decision of his life! *Crowd boo very loudly and start chanting Anthony's name.* Chant him all you want... it won't make a damn difference! On this table are three contracts... and as you can see inside... *Grabs the first contract and opens it.* All 3 of these contracts feature Victor Sokolov vs. Anthony Sharpe... but they also have a mystery stipulation. *Points to the piece of paper covering the stipulation.* Anthony can choose any one of these contracts he wants.... BUT.... he has to sign it first before he can know what the stipulation is! Oh and trust me... no matter which one he picks... he will get destroyed and demolished either way! *Crowd boo loudly once again.
Victor: Also.. last week, I defeated Jack Rouge in what can be called a classic match! I'm gonna keep winning matches during my stay with this company and absolutely no one can stop me! Not Rhys Haze... Not Jack Rouge... Not Will Neilson... and especially not Anthony Sharpe! How about you get out here so you can choose your fate Anthony!
*After a few seconds Anthony's theme plays and a smile grows on Victor's face.*
@The Anarchist - leave a space for me to reply bud.
Victor: Listen up Slimeballs..... last week I was attacked by Anthony Sharpe. Unfortunately for him... he has just made the worst decision of his life! *Crowd boo very loudly and start chanting Anthony's name.* Chant him all you want... it won't make a damn difference! On this table are three contracts... and as you can see inside... *Grabs the first contract and opens it.* All 3 of these contracts feature Victor Sokolov vs. Anthony Sharpe... but they also have a mystery stipulation. *Points to the piece of paper covering the stipulation.* Anthony can choose any one of these contracts he wants.... BUT.... he has to sign it first before he can know what the stipulation is! Oh and trust me... no matter which one he picks... he will get destroyed and demolished either way! *Crowd boo loudly once again.
Victor: Also.. last week, I defeated Jack Rouge in what can be called a classic match! I'm gonna keep winning matches during my stay with this company and absolutely no one can stop me! Not Rhys Haze... Not Jack Rouge... Not Will Neilson... and especially not Anthony Sharpe! How about you get out here so you can choose your fate Anthony!
*After a few seconds Anthony's theme plays and a smile grows on Victor's face.*
@The Anarchist - leave a space for me to reply bud.