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Sep 15, 2008
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Circa 2003

In 2002 the WWF was thriving however it suffered from a lack of competition and a lack of originality. There was also a pending lawsuit with the World Wildlife Fund that the WWF would surely lose. In an effort to revive the federation and bring life to the roster, Vince McMahon held a “Run the WWE” competition. The winner would get to run the WWE for three months not just on the screen but also by booking matches and signing wrestlers. Bobby Lee, a McDonald’s cook from Montgomery, Alabama, registered on and out of a million people he won with a fantasy booking for Wrestlemania. Bobby Lee gained control of the WWF and instead of playfully doing as Vince asked he booked matches that no one expected. Pushed stars that had never been pushed before and in three months made the WWF the highest rating program on TV and Pay Per View. Bobby had become a favorite with the fans and the roster and Vince McMahon didn’t like it. Bobby Lee had only booked three months of his 6 month contract and Vince McMahon terminated the rest of his tenure stating that “the rules and stipulations to the contest could change at any time.” This caused an uproar with the roster. Some of the top stars boycotted events and the ratings took a huge hit. Vince McMahon was willing to do anything to get his viewers back. Bobby Lee sued Vince McMahon for breach of contract and won. Receiving an unannounced amount of money. Bobby Lee decided to start his own federation. Bobby Lee took his money and started “Championship Wrestling Entertainment.” Bobby used his relationships he formed with the roster to buyout majority of the WWF roster. Vince McMahon lost his lawsuit to with the World Wildlife Fund and was forced to change the name of the WWF to the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. However, without star power to drive the WWE it soon collapsed and Vince McMahon took his dying dog into the backyard and fired a shot heard around the world. The WWF/WWE was gone and Vince took his billions and went on to another venture. Bobby Lee bought the likeness to the WWE’s titles and all of the rights to the pay per view names the WWE owned, including the WCW pay per view names. Now there would only be two federations. NWA: Total Nonstop Action with it’s young roster and potential and Championship Wrestling Entertainment with it’s roster of stars and a fresh new owner. This is Championship Wrestling Entertainment’s rise to power...


Bobby Lee






CWE Tag Team Titles

CWE Title

CWE Television Title

CWE United States Title

CWE World Heavyweight Title



Time: Tuesdays @ 8pm Eastern/ 7pm Central
Commentators: Jim Ross & The Coach

Pay Per Views
January - Last Man Standing
Februrary - Bad Blood
March - WrestleFest
April - Spring Stampede
May - Great American Bash
June - Uncensored
July- King Of The Ring
August- SummerSlam
September- Lockdown
October- Survival of the Fittest
November - November 2 Remember
December - Armageddon

Recaps will be posted for the beginning of CWE until the fall of WWE. At that point full shows will be posted.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I really like the backstory. It's pretty original, at least I haven't read anything like that since I've been here. I think this BTB can be pretty good. Good luck with it. I'll be checking back to see what develops.

The Rated R CMStar

This is actually pretty original, because you added to the normal created fed thing the twist of a different scenario, being on 2003. It truly seems interesting.

Check out BTW, Turning Point PPV has been posted


Sep 15, 2008
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ShockWave Results
Dec. 31 2002 to Jan. 21 2003
The Birth Of CWE

Dec.31.2002 - The first ever episode of CWE ShockWave kickout off with the owner, “The Bank” Bobby Lee, making his way out to address the fans. The Bank thanked the fans for their support during legal battle with “he who should not be named.” He promised that his federation would be nothing like the “other federation.” He announced that at the first ever CWE pay per view the top two titles in the federation will be decided in two different ways. He announced a tournament would begin the next week with the winner of the finals at the pay per view would become the CWE World Heavyweight Champion. The combatants in the tournament were announced to be : Stone Cold Steve Austin, Goldberg, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Big Show He announced that the winner of the 30 man Battle Royal would become the CWE Champion. He announced a four way match for the United States title, pitting Chris Jericho vs. Christian vs. Booker T vs. Edge. Also the tag titles will be on the line as Los Guerreros would take on the Dudley Boyz.

We saw a segment where Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman confronted The Big Show back stage with Heyman telling Show that Brock Lesnar was the “Next Big Thing” and that he should be in the Tournament for the title. Big Show said that he had nothing to do that night, and if he wanted to put his money where his mouth was they could settle it tonight. The first match of the night saw John Cena take out Rico with the FU after hitting a freestyle talking about how he would eliminate some members of the roster at Last Man Standing. The second match had Evolution members Randy Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair take on The Hurricane, Rey Mysterio, and Ultimo Dragon. The good guys got the upset when Rey Mysterio pinned Randy Orton after a 619. The victory was short lived as Evolution attacked Mysterio, Hurricane, and Dragon.

Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to a huge pop and announced, “WWF, WWE , CWE, ESPN, hell, it don’t matter, I’m still gon raise hell, drank beer, and kick plenty ass in this ring.” Stone Cold continued on with his banter until finally he was cut off by “Dead Man Walking” as the Undertaker came out. The Undertaker told Stone Cold that the CWE was “his new yard” and he doesn’t take to kindly to some Redneck Drunk doing whatever he wanted in his ring. Stone Cold told Taker if he had such a problem with Stone Cold, then Taker should walk his half dead carcass down to the ring so Stone Cold could stomp a mudhole in him and walk it dry. Taker began to make his way down to the ring. When Bobby Lee showed up on the big screen and told both men to cool it. He said that they wouldn’t have to wait long because next week their first round matchup would pit them against each other. Undertaker told Austin that he would “see you next week, boy,” and Austin flipped him off before drinking some beer with the fans.

Los Guerreros stole the CWE Tag Titles from the Dudley Boys after Eddie rolled up D-Von and used the ropes for the 1.2.3! The Guerreros quickly made their way to the back with the titles as the Dudleys stood in the ring in disappointment. Backstage Shawn Michaels was in his locker room when The Rock came in. The Rock had all of his bags and dropped them at the sight of HBK. The Rock complained that this was his lockeroom and that Shawn Michaels needed to leave. Shawn Michaels said that it was his name on the door so the locker room was his. The Rock said that he was the star, he was the man, HBK was a has-been and he doesn’t deserve such a nice locker room. Shawn listen to The Rock rant before finally stopping the Rock and saying that he would leave. Shawn walked out of the cameras view as The Rock shouted after him. Suddenly a boot came flying into the shot as Shawn Michaels hit The Rock with a thunderous Sweet Chin Music. HBK looked down at the Rock before leaving the locker room with his bags.

The Big Show took on Brock Lesnar and had the match won when he went for the Chokeslam but Brock Lesnar loosened Show’s grip and took him down with an armbar. Lesnar made Big Show tap as he almost ripped Show’s arm out of the socket. Medical workers had to assist Show after the match as Lesnar had submitted the World’s Largest Athlete to get into the title tournament. Team Angle comes out after the commercial break and Kurt Angle announces that he will win this tournament and win the battle royal at Last Man Standing to become the ONLY world champion because everyone knows its not room enough for two. Kurt Angle then began talking about the other entrants in the tournament. Stating that HHH wouldn’t win the title because Bobby Lee’s daughter isn’t old enough for him to sleep with yet and get a title shot, and that Goldberg isn’t smart enough to get out of his locker room and come to the ring. He continued on before restating that he would be a double champion at Last Man Standing and that his boys, The World’s Greatest Tag Team will be the next tag team champions.

The Main Event saw the United States Title on the line as Edge, Christian, Booker T, and Chris Jericho met in a four way match. The match was fast paced with Fan Favorites Booker T and Edge taking out Y2J and Christian and clashing one on one. Edge finally hit the Edgecution. He went for the pin but Chris Jericho hit the lionsault onto Edge and Booker T and got the pin on Booker T for the 1.2.3. Jericho celebrated with his United States title as the show went off the air.

Jan.7.2003 - The show started with the first title tournament match. Goldberg took on Kurt Angle and even with interference from The World’s Greatest Tag Team Goldberg still manage to get the win over angle after a spear to all three men and a jackhammer on Kurt Angle. The Rock made his way down to the ring and called out Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels made his way to the ring and bought men had a brief staredown to the crowd’s approval before The Rock demanded that Shawn Michaels apologize for the Superkick he gave him the week before. Shawn Michaels apologizes…for The Rock selling out and becoming such a jerk. The Rock laughs this off before hitting Shawn Michaels with the Rock Bottom. The Rock leaves ring side.

The second match of the evening pitted The Dudley Boyz vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team for a shot at Los Guerreros for the CWE tag team titles. The Dudley Boyz won after a 3d on Shelton Benjamin. The third match had Rey Mysterio take on Ric Flair in a one on one competition. Rey Mysterio defeated Ric Flair with the West Coast Pop only to receive another beat down at the hands of Evolution. Randy Orton and Batista stayed at ringside to take on Ultimo Dragon and The Hurricane. Evolution got the win after a Orton reversed the Asai DDT into an RKO. Rey Mysterio came out with a chair however and got retribution taking out Orton with a chair assisted drop kick.

Edge and Booker T took on Chris Jericho and Christian and Y2J came out on top once again when Booker T went for an axe kick, Chris Jericho avoided the kick and locked Booker T in the Walls Of Jericho. Edge tried to break it up but Christian took him out. Triple H cut a promo on the screen about how the game is on no matter what television program you turn to. He said that he was no fool, he knew where the WWF was going, and he jumped ship to make his mark in a new territory. Triple H said that he was going to be a World Champion in CWE starting with the Title Tournament. The Main Event saw the second title tournament match as Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker collided. Stone Cold defeated the Undertaker with a Stunner after low blowing the Deadman when he went for the Last Ride. After the match Austin did his normal celebration however Taker set up and caught Austin by the throat and Chokeslammed him to hell. Undertaker stood with his hand raised high as the show ended.

Jan.14.2003 - The show kicked off with The Rock taking on Triple H in another Title Tournament match. In the interest of fairness Bobby Lee had banned Evolution from ringside. The Rock started before the match with a rendition of “When I’m Gone” by 3 Doors Down the crowd booed The Rock even though it was a good sung version. Triple H had the advantage throughout the match but all it took was one opening and The Rock using his Guitar to take out Triple H while the ref was down. Rock covered for the 1.2.3. And advanced!!!

Chris Jericho addressed the fans saying how he would go down as the greatest United States Champion…eveeeeeeer. He said by the end of his reign, if there is one. He is going to change the name to the Canadian title. Christian brought himself to ringside and said that if any Canadian deserved to have a title it should be him. This led to a comical argument before a challenge was laid out by Christian. A ref came down to the ring and the match begun. Chris Jericho won after Christian tried to use Jericho’s tights in a roll up but Jericho rolled through and used the ropes to get the win.

Bubba Ray took on Chavo Guerrero in a one on one match with their partners at ringside. The match came to a conclusion when Eddie smashed Bubba in the back with the title as he bounced off of the ropes. Chavo caught the stumbling Bubba Ray and hit a DDT for the one two three. Triple H stormed into the Evolution locker room and began to rant about how no one is taking Evolution serious. He said that a statement needed to be made tonight. Starting with Rey Mysterio. He ordered Batista to end his career. Batista and Rey Mysterio then met in the ring. Rey went for the west coast pop and received a Batista Bomb for his troubles. Batista got the win but that wasn’t enough. He then Batista Bombed Rey not once not twice but three times.

Booker T and Edge took on each other to decide the number one contender for the United States title at Last Man Standing. Edge got the win after a spear. Edge and Booker T shook hands but it was short lived as Evolution rushed the ring and took out the two fan favorites with chairs. Triple H grabbed the mic and said that this was only the beginning. He dropped the mic and walked off with the rest of his stablemates. Shawn Michaels is warming up when The Rock walks in. The Rock wishes him good luck in his match tonight before laying into HBK with a right hand. These two are still at odds.

Shawn Michaels makes his way down to the ring rubbing his jaw still feeling the blow from The Rock. Brock Lesnar makes his way down to the ring with Paul Heyman. The match was Brock Lesnar destroying Shawn Michaels. He went for the F5 but Shawn elbowed his way off of his shoulder’s. Shawn hit’s a super kick. And Brock goes down but it isn’t for long. Brock got HBK up for the F5 again but this time it wasn’t HBK who broke it up but HHH with a sledgehammer shot to HBK’s head. HBK wins by disqualification as HHH takes out Brock Lesnar next. Evolution then enters the ring and begins to go to work on HBK and Brock Lesnar. The show ends with HHH and Evolution standing over HBK and The Monster Brock Lesnar.

Jan.21.2003 - The show starts with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar wants answers and quick so HHH had better get his ass out to the ring or Brock was coming to find him. Evolution came out and HHH told Brock and Heyman that he didn’t have to answer to nobody. He said that this was the beginning of Evolution all over again and if you didn’t make the right move and get out of their way, Evolution would pass them by. Paul Heyman tells HHH that they aren’t evolution, they are still a bunch of apes in nice suits. He says that Brock Lesnar is man evolved and that he is everything that Evolution wish they could be. Paul Heyman then issued the challenge and HHH accepted with one catch. Brock Lesnar would need to defeat Batista and Ric Flair in a handicap match and then and only then would HHH even think about stepping in the ring with Brock Lesnar. Heyman agreed and the match was on for later that night.

Goldberg and Shawn Michaels stepped into the ring in the semifinals of the title tournament. Goldberg dominated HBK early on but Shawn Michaels caught a break when Goldberg went for the spear and went head first into the ring post. Goldberg stumbled out and HBK hit him with the Sweet Chin Music for the 1.2.3. After the match HBK and Goldberg shook hands. Next D-Von Dudley took on Eddie Guerrero. The tide finally turned for the Dudley Boyz when Los Guerreros’ cheating backfired. The Ref went down and as the ref got up D-Von threw the chair to Eddie and fell to the grown. The ref sees Eddie with the chair and Eddie is disqualified. The Dudley Boyz have the momentum going into the Last Man Standing.

Edge took on Christian in a one on one match up. Edge got the win after a spear on Christian. Booker T and Chris Jericho met in competition as well with Chris Jericho getting the win after a lionsault. Bobby Lee addressed the fans from backstage announcing that the CWE Television title will be decided at Last Man Standing when Rey Mysterio takes on Randy Orton in a Ladder Match but before that the two men would pick each others opponents that night. Randy Orton came out first and his opponent was The Hurricane. Randy Orton reversed the Eye of the Storm and hit a huge RKO on The Hurricane for the 1.2.3. Rey Mysterio came out next and his opponent was Sean O’Haire. Rey Mysterio defeated O’Haire with the 619.

Next Brock Lesnar took on Batista and Ric Flair. Ric Flair was taken out of the match completely after he was power bombed into the turnbuckle by Brock Lesnar. It came down to the two big behemoths Brock and Batista. Batista tried to Batista Bomb Brock but instead of the normal Back Body Drop counter. Brock lifted Batista onto his shoulders and dropped Batista with the F% for the 1.2.3. He had earned a match with HHH at Last Man Standing. HHH however came out and got some of Brock early. Taking him out with a sledgehammer shot before Batista lifted him and dropped Brock with a Batista Bomb. Triple H then added insult to injury, by give Brock a hard Pedigree. Evolution left the ring and a bloody Brock Lesnar as the show went to commercial.

The Main Event was underway as The Rock took on Stone Cold Steve Austin to see who would go on to face Shawn Michaels at Last Man Standing. Stone Cold had this one won when he went for the stunner but saw Big Evil walking down the ramp and released the move and approached the ropes taunting the Undertaker to come in the ring. Stone Cold flips off of Taker and turns around into the Rock Bottom. The Rock gets the win. The Rock celebrates as Stone Cold scowls from the mat in Big Evil’s direction as the show comes to an end.


Event: Last Man Standing
Location: America Airlines Center Dallas, TX
Date: Jan.26.2003


CWE Tag Team Title Match

Los Guerreros vs. The Dudley Boyz
Eddie Guerrero pinned Bubba Ray Dudley after a Frog Splash to retain the CWE Tag Team Titles

Ladder Match for the CWE Television Title

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton removed the belt after hitting Rey Mysterio with an RKO from the top of the ladder to become the first CWE Television champion.

CWE United States Title Match

Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Chris Jericho submitted Edge with The Walls of Jericho to retain the CWE United States Title.

Singles Match
Goldberg vs. Kurt Angle
Goldberg pinned Kurt Angle after the Jackhammer. After the Match, The World's Greatest Tag Team came down and took out Goldberg with chair shots. Kurt Angle then hit the Angle Slam on Goldberg and locked in an Ankle Lock.

Singles Match
HHH vs. Brock Lesnar
Triple H pinned Brock Lesnar after a low blow and a Pedigree. After the match Brock Lesnar hit HHH with an F5 in the ring. Followed by an F5 into the ring post.

CWE World Heavyweight Title Match
The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels
In a 5 star classic, The Rock pinned Shawn Michaels after reversing Sweet Chin Music into the Rock Bottom to win the CWE World Heavyweight Title.

Last Man Standing Match for the CWE Title

Participants : Val, Venis, Test, Kane, The Undertaker, Edge, Booker T, Christian, Matt Hardy, Ultimo Dragon, Lance Storm, Stevie Richards, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, Rodney Mack, Rob Van Dam, Rico, Rhyno, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Batista, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Big Show, John Cena, Chavo Guerrero, D-Von Dudley, Bubba Ray Dudley, Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair, Goldberg, Gold Dust, Sean O’Haire, Kevin Nash, The Hurricane, and Rikishi
Stone Cold tossed out The Undertaker last to win the CWE Title. Stone Cold celebrated in the ring as the show went off the air.

Bare with me gents, full results after WrestleFest


This looks good, I like the rosters from back then so I should enjoy reading this. The results were pretty good, I would have liked Angle to beat Goldberg but the attack is good. Stone Cold winning should meean we will have sone good promos in shows to come and everyhting else look as though it was decent. Nice job, ill continue to check this out. Check out IPW if you want to...