Meanwhile, Rock wrote, "TEAM BRING IT - Wrestlemania 28 Miami, FL. - The People's Champ...The People's City...The People's Wrestlemania. IT'S OUR TIME..."
-- Sin Cara was at the first Axxess session over the weekend. It was kinda sad because a ton of fans rushed over to his table thinking it was Rey Mysterio. Upon finding out it was not him, his line quickly dwindled down which was great for me. He was a nice guy, however, he spoke absolutely no English. There was a WWE referee translating to him, then he would say something to the ref at which time he would translate to us what he said.
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-- You can check Road Warrior Animal & Paul Ellering's induction speech at the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2011 induction ceremony below:
Thanks to WrestlingFan22, Andrew for contributing to this article. Got a news tip? Send it to us by clicking here.
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