Here are comments from WWE Superstars and employees, posted on their Twitter accounts, regarding tonight’s WWE No Way Out pay-per-view:
Ricardo Rodriguez: Today is the day! #WWE #NoWayOut #FearTheMongoose
John Laurinaitis: Tonight at #NoWayOut, @JohnCena will regret ever laying a hand on me. #SoLongCena
Dolph Ziggler: upside down, whatevs #NoWayOut #LaterMarks
Zack Ryder I offered @MisterRyder tickets to #NoWayOut for Father’s Day…he declined…he said he had no interest in seeing me against catering.
Kofi Kingston: No. Way. Out.
John Cena: TONIGHT at #NoWayOut a JOHN gets FIRED! Will it be the end of #PeoplePower or will u finally not see me?
Jim Ross: What’s the over/under on titles changing hands tonight on PPV @ No Way Out? I say 2 or less..what say you? Will Big Johnny rasp bye bye?