We on the internet tend to favour the wrestlers who have worked on the independent circuit before coming to the WWE, especially guys who became big fishes in tiny ponds doing so. Guys like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Chris Hero (now Kassius Ohno). Guys who became known as some of the absolute best in the world by working in smaller venues and helping to build the smaller companies hoping to steal pieces of the cake that the WWE is munching on. But then they come in with all the hype on the internet/in the wrestling world behind them and what happens? It took CM Punk nearly five years to become a WWE main eventer and it took Daniel Bryan two to become a upper midcarder. This can also be considered paying your dues (which happens in all companies) but can the hype we the fans throw around somehow impair their careers in the E?
Look at Chris Hero now. Up until recently he has not been motivated on NXT at all, instead he has just phoned it in in most of his promos and matches and has only stepped up as we head towards Wrestlemania. Is it Hero's ego from all the praise on the indy's that is partially holding him back? The fact that he feels that he should be higher on the card already and that he possibly doesn't have to pay his dues in his new company? Like the Low Ki situation around 2011, where Low Ki felt he didn't need to go through NXT or FCW because of his career in Japan.
Can how we fans hype up independent stars actually become road blocks for the wrestlers when they make it to the E?
So the questions for this thread:
Can "the hype" sometimes become too much for a new star?
Should wrestlers from the independent scene have to pay their dues in the WWE?
Can the goods of the hype outweigh the bad?