Moonlight Drive

OK, thought I'd make my BTB look better, since I have pretty much no pics in it or any skill in GFX
Request 1
Theme: WWU Dynamite
Colours: Green with black background
Person(s): Shawn Michaels, in the middle
The Rock, to the left
Stone Cold Steve Austin, to the right
Text: Dynamite, with with the letters "WWU" in gold across the top
Font: The Raw one (old or new), except Green lettering
Size: 500 X 200
Request 2
Theme: WWU Thunder
Colours: Gold with blue background
Person(s): Randy Orton in the middle performing an RKO
Undertaker to the left performing a Tombstone
Chris Jericho with someone in the Walls of Jericho
Across the top, Big Show chokeslamming someone and Bret Hart with someone in the Shaprshotter (Both transparent)
Text: Thunder. with the letters "WWU" across the top of it
Font: The same as the old WCW Thunder
Size: 500 X 200
Thanks and rep to whoever does
Request 1
Theme: WWU Dynamite
Colours: Green with black background
Person(s): Shawn Michaels, in the middle
The Rock, to the left
Stone Cold Steve Austin, to the right
Text: Dynamite, with with the letters "WWU" in gold across the top
Font: The Raw one (old or new), except Green lettering
Size: 500 X 200
Request 2
Theme: WWU Thunder
Colours: Gold with blue background
Person(s): Randy Orton in the middle performing an RKO
Undertaker to the left performing a Tombstone
Chris Jericho with someone in the Walls of Jericho
Across the top, Big Show chokeslamming someone and Bret Hart with someone in the Shaprshotter (Both transparent)
Text: Thunder. with the letters "WWU" across the top of it
Font: The same as the old WCW Thunder
Size: 500 X 200
Thanks and rep to whoever does