BTB Promo Tournament Final: Beer vs. CMS

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This is the Final of the BTB Promo Tournament.

CMS vs. Beer

There are no Stipulations.

Good Luck!

EDIT: I forgo to add voting so you will have to post to tell us who you have voted for.


CMS, I have decided to put no Time Limit on this so we can both post the best we possibly can, obviously within reason. I don't want a Promo in 3 weeks.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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One week is already by.. Not to rush, but out of curiosity. This is still going right?

The Rated R CMStar

Read post above, there's no time limit.

I'll post one either on Thursday or Friday

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Oh yeah I know I read it, I just wanted to you know. Make sure it was still on. No rush CMS, I went your top notch work big guy :happy:



The year is 2010, Rated RKO, Edge and Randy Orton have been tangled in a heated feud with the team of John Cena and Batista.

It all started at Wrestlemania 26, when we had the Dream Match, of Randy Orton vs. Batista, the two battled hard for over 20 Minutes, but when the dust settled, Randy Orton was on top..

How you may ask? With the help of the Rated R Superstar! Edge ran down to the ring, and while the ref was down, hit a vicious spear. While Batista clutches onto his gut in pain Randy Orton delivered a sweet punt to the head just in time for the ref to get up and make the count.

The next week Randy and Edge came out explaining that they are bringing back the team of Rated RKO. Suddenly The Animal’s music played as he run down to the ring all guns blazing, as Rated RKO run from the ring scared, as RAW went off the air.

Batista demanded a match against Rated RKO, and Mr. McMahon delivered, bt he said that he will have to find a partner. When Backlash came the partner was revealed, John Cena! At Backlash the two teams came to a draw after Batista pinned Edge and Orton pinned Cena.

At Judgment Day John Cena took on Edge in a Ladder Match with the winner receiving a shot at the Tag Team Championships at Night of Champions. With the interference of Randy Orton Edge came out on top and at Night of Champions Rated RKO won the Tag Team Titles from the one man Tag Team, Kane.

Now, we pick up the night after Night of Champions, were Edge and Orton are in the ring boasting about becoming Tag Champs.



A huge eruption of heat comes down on Rated RKO as they strut there way to the ring. They finally reach the ring as Edge slides into the ring and Orton climbs up the steel steps. Orton mildly smiles at the crowd, before entering the ring. They both have a microphone in there hands.

EDGE: Boo us all you like, we are not going away.

The crowd boo again.

RANDY: You see, you are booing us, and say that is because you hate us. We are the main attraction of this god damn show, so why the hell did you show up if you hate us so much?

EDGE: The bottom line is, you love us. Deny it all you want, but inside you know it.

RANDY: But Hey! Who can blame ya’? Eh? We are kind of the best this place has to offer.

EDGE: We are two time World Tag Team Champions, the current Tag Champs! Between we have raked up over 5 World Titles. Why? Because we are just so god damn good.

RANDY: You see, back at Wrestlemania 26, when I punted Batista square in the temple, I knew, that from now on, nobody could be me, and so far, I am yet to prove myself wrong!

The crowd boo loudly again.

EDGE: I am the Rated R Superstar! I am Edge! Enough of this “You can’t see me!†Bullshit! There is a reason John Cena has not won a title in over a year, because all he is a crappy kid who thinks he is a wrestler, that one day got lucky.

RANDY: You see this, this is what a GREAT superstar is, John Cena and Batista, if they want to carry on scooting around, pretending to be action heroes for 5 year old kids then fine by me, it is there life they are wasting, not mine.

EDGE: Oh, and one more thing…..

Suddenly the lights turn out, and sporadically flicker on and off as the ring begins to shake. Suddenly “Out of the fire!†plays as red lights start flashing onto the ring, as Edge and Orton continue to hold onto the ring ropes, trying not to fall. The lights finally turn on, and the ring ceases it’s shaking. Edge and Orton look around confused, not knowing what is going on.

Suddenly, the ring collapses as each ring turnbuckle snaps off! Edge and Orton gaze at each other, the backwards towards the behemoth, Kane, who snuck into the ring while the craze was happening. His red and black mask, glistening in the red light.

Rated-RKO flee the ring, as fast as the leg’s can take them. They head up the entrance ramp looking back at Kane when suddenly…… The “I Walk Alone/Time is now†remix hit’s the speaker as a great roar of excitement echoes through the arena.

Edge and Orton know they are in trouble as Orton puts his mic up to his mouth

RANDY: Look? Guys? You don’t have to do this! I mean, Kane, back at Night of Champions, we were only messing around when we put you through a table. And Batista, Cena, you did not seriously think we meant that stuff back there? Did you?

Batista grabs a mic.

BATISTA: Randy, Randy, Randy…. Look what you got yourself into, eh? Two angry former world champions and a crazed psycho after you, good luck. And Edge, your no better off, you got us three guys hanging on you too. It is quite funny really, you came out here and acted as if you were the ones who got the better of the rest of us, but look at you now.

You see, what you have done to me. What you have done to John Cena. And what you have done to Kane, well, it’s all coming right back at ya’!

And really…. it’s a shame. You are good wrestlers, good, talented wrestler, but, after this, I am afraid you won’t be. So, when do you want this, tonight or now?

Edge picks up the mic to speak, but Batista swiftly cuts him off.

BATISTA: You know, I think I will decide. I want to break your neck right now! But…. I am not going to do, because of we do it later on, I will be more prepared, which means I will hurt you even more!

So get ready Rated-RKO! Tonight, you face Me, John Cena and Kane. In a No hold’s Barred Match!


The Rated R CMStar

At Survivor Series, it was The Undertaker battling The Big Show in a Casket Match, and Triple H defending his championship against Vladimir Kozlov.

In a hard fought battle, Triple H retained his belt against Big Show.

SD's main event was the Casket Match. Big Show and Taker took it to each other in a vicious war, however, right when Taker had the upperhand, no other than Edge made his return, and accompanied by Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkings, they took Taker down. Big Show though they were there to help, however Edge would prove him wrong and Spear him 5 times in a row.

But the betrayals were not over, as Edge would go to the outside for a steel chair to apparently attack Show and Taker, but instead would attack The Edgeheads, knocking them down and then setting them for a couple of con chair toes.

Edge speared the recovering Undertaker and then rolled him into the Casket. He closed the lid and walked up the ramp...alone.

“Metalingus” plays to a massive amount of boos from the audience as The Rated R Superstar Edge makes his way down the ramp. There’s no pyro on the stage.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Smackdown and, I don’t truly need to tell you who’s that man walking down the ramp, but I think it would be fitting to call him the Biggest Stealer in WWE History.

Tazz: That’s absolutely right my man. What Edge did at Survivor Series is completely, I personally am speechless, but let’s see what he has to say.

Edge walks down the ramp and enters the ring, where standing in the middle of it he just waits for the boos to die down.

Edge: Guess whose back!

Crowd boos massively.

Edge: Did you really think you were going to get rid of me Undertaker? Did you think that you would send me down to hell and I would just burn into extinction? You were dead wrong Undertaker. Ironic uh? You see Undertaker, you and I, we are one of a kind. We are and we forever will be linked to one another, because let’s face it, I can’t put you out, and you can’t put me out.

Crowd boos again.

Edge: There’s one difference though. You send me to hell, and I came back! What are you doing to do next?! How are you going to top that Undertaker? Me, on the other hand, I have multiple resources. I have, uhmm, multiple shovels to choose from to use when digging your grave.

Crowd boos again.

Edge: I could go to, I could go to Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, or, I could go to, let’s see, The Big Show, who could, once again, incrust his fist into your skull! Or, or, I could…

A “Taker” chant breaks from the crowd.

Edge: Or I could go and…oh wait a minute! Now I remember! I can’t go to Zack Ryder or Curt Hawkins because they are both in the hospital with a bandage over their bloody heads, and I can’t go to The Big Show because I speared one too many times, more times than you’re supposed to spear a giant. So, that would leave me with only, you, Vickie!

Crowd boos again.

Edge: Because if Taker and I are linked through blood and hell, what you and I share, is sacred, is holy, holy matrimony. Only dead will due us apart, and believe me, after what I have been through, dead is something I can see right on the eyes and laugh at, because I’m….

“The Game” breaks through the speakers to a lot of cheers from the audience as the WWE Champion Triple H makes his way out, interrupting Edge.

JR: And maybe, there’s one person who had enough of the Rated R Superstar.

Tazz: Man, is Edge still psycho or what?

JR: Well, you don’t go to hell and come back exactly sane don’t you?

Triple H has a huge grin on your face as he enters the ring and looks right into the eyes to Edge.

HHH: Hey there looney, everything good up there in crazy town uh?

Edge: Don’t you ever, ever again make fun of me, not after all I have been through. This is the Edge that will go to the top of the WWE again, and this is the Edge that will reclaim that championship you hoist.

HHH: Hey, hey, I’m sorry. I know that having your wife discovering you cheated, then leave you and put you in Hell in Cell, then being sent to the actual hell, going crazy on the process, coming back just last Sunday and, destroying a giant, The Undertaker, and what once used to be your family, that has to be detrimental to your sanity one way or the other!

Crowd laughs.

HHH: But in all seriousness, I actually came out because, all that I listed that happened to you, one way or the other, I feel is because of me.

Edge: What do you mean?

HHH: Well, I don’t know if in between swinging chair shots to your number one fans you remember but, I was the one who placed that camera in your hotel room and, basically I’m the reason why you and your marriage went straight to hell!

Edge: (barely being able to keep himself together) Maybe you are the one not remembering things but, I am still married to the General Manager of this show, and I am not the man you want to be messing with.

Out of a sudden, on the Titantron we see Chavo Guerrero running backstage across a corridor, wheeling the wheel chair of Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie: I can take it anymore! Edge is back, Big Show is going rampage all over the arena, just take me out Chavo, just take me away from here!

Chavo continues running until they reach the parking lot. Chavo looks for their car and finally finds it. Both men get up and the camera films as the car is driven away.

HHH: Uhmm, anyways…

Edge can’t seem to control himself and is now down to his knees about to cry.

Edge: Did she leave? Did she leave?

HHH: OK, I don’t know if after seeing you down to your knees right in front of me what I will say makes much sense but, if you ever start thinking if getting revenge on me for what I did, let me tell you, you don’t need to jump me from behind like you did with Taker and The Big Show, because I am standing right here!

Crowd pops.

HHH: Crazy, crying, whatever, I say, let’s do it!

Edge immediately changes his composure and gets back to his feet now mad, and slowly he gets right on the face of Triple H, staring down.

JR: Oh my God, business is about to pick up right here between these two.

HHH: So, what’s…

Out of nowhere, and with nobody knowing how and when he entered the ring, Vladimir Kozlov nails Triple H with a headbutt right to the spine of Triple H knocking him down. Edge moves out of the way and limits to stare as Vladimir Kozlov beats the hell out of Triple H, stomping all over his anatomy.

Edge: That’s it! Now, what are you…

“Big” blasts through the speakers interrupting Edge and announcing the presence of The Big Show.

Tazz: And this show is about to get a little…bigger, haha!

Edge wastes no time and as he sees The Big Show come down the stage and walk down the ramp, he flees out of the ring and escapes jumping over the guard rail and running through the fans.

Inside the ring, and as Big Show now runs down the ramp, circles the ring and jumps the guard rail as well in pursuit of the Edge, Vladimir Kozlov picks up Triple H and nails him, ending the beat down, with a scoop lift dropped into a Reverse DDT. Kozlov taunts in the middle of the ring, standing over the knocked out WWE Champion.

Tazz: My God, that Kozlov right there is pure power!

JR: And this is just the beginning of what promises to be an explosive Friday Night Smackdown. We’ll be right back!

Emperor DC

Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
CMS. Not the greatest but a lot better than Beer's. The big font did not help his cause and it was a very stereotypical promo with nothing to set it apart.

CMS by a country mile.


I'm going with CMS for this one. Both were good but I feel the introduction of Kane to Beer's promo did not help, and the lines were kinda generic. It could have been more versatile with the people you had in the promo. CMS was not the best, as there were some places like the Chavo/Vickie running away thing that seemed off. You could have included more people in it but I'm glad you didn't. CMS gets my vote.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
I chose not to read the backstories because I only wanted the promo itself to effect my decision. Overall CMS wins in my book. Both men brought good promos to the table.


Alright voting over, the winner of the Beer Promo Tournament is CMS!

Second place was Beer.

Third Place was TJ.