~BTB Of the Month~ World Wrestling Federation: It's SHOWTIME

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WWF Monday Night Raw
July 19, 1993
Manhattan Center - New York City

Raw opened with a video package highlighting the on-going issues between WWF Intercontinental Champion "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels and "The 1-2-3 Kid" Chris Candido. The date line of May 17, 1993 welcomed us in as we saw Shawn Michaels standing in the ring with Vince McMahon, issuing his open challenge.

Shawn Michaels:
I've defended this belt all over the world, McMahon! I take on any and all challengers! I am the best wrestler this world has ever seen and I do whatever it takes to prove it! That's what this belt means to me! And that's why I said last week that I was opening the door for anyone - that's right ANYONE - who wants a piece of the Heart Break Kid to show some courage and step into this ring and taste some Sweet Chin Music....

Randy Savage (from commentary):
Wait just a minute, we got movement!

Bobby Heenan (from commentary):
Some idiot just climbed the baricade!

The fan threw back his hood to reveal...the fan, Chris from 2 weeks ago that HBK outright embarrassed on national television...

The video quickly faded back in time to dateline of May 3, 1993 as Shawn Michaels had just interrupted a potential proposal between Chris Candido and his girlfriend.

Shawn Michaels:
I'm sorry....that I'm not sorry Vince, because I couldn't sit there and let this happen. You should be ashamed of yourself, Vince.


Shawn Michaels:

You're going to let this guy, what was your name again?

It's Chris...

Shawn Michaels:
You were gonna let Kurt here take this beautiful, stunning little blonde bombshell into the joke that is monogamy? I won't stand for it!

Shawn Michaels:
..So, my lady, I got a proposition for ya. Why go back to the gutter swamp that is New Jersey when you can take that sexy little body of yours back to the hotel room of the WWF Intercontinental champion...yours truly, H-B-K!

Chris was clearly perturbed while Tammy seemed to be trying her best to hide a smile as Michaels, being the gentleman that he is, reached out and took her by the hand. HBK lifted her hand up and gave it a little kiss.


Back to the footage from May 17th as Candido stood opposite Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels:
Oh, man...this is rich. Curt, wasn't it? Listen bud..

It's CHRIS - Chris Candido.

Shawn Michaels:
Curt, Chris, Christopher, Christina - NO BODY CARES! Get the Hell outta the ring, kid - you're not a WWF employee so you don't qualify for my open challenge. How about we get some security in here!

WWF Security finally start to make their way down to the ring.

Shawn Michaels:
C'mon boys, stop sleepin' on the job and do somethin'.

Three security guards, helmeted for some reason, enter the ring - one watches on as the other two began to grab Candido to escort him out. But Candido stopped to say one thing before being taken off...

Chris Candido:
Yea...sure, okay. I get it. But two weeks ago, you made me look like a fool in front of da whole world. I'm not here to challenge you to a match or nothin' - I'm just here to return da favor!

A perplexed Shawn Michaels tried to make sense of what he was saying as the security guard behind Michaels reached up and removed his mask...to reveal...

Marty Jannetty!


Footage clipped to later in the evening during the Intercontinental Championship match between Jannetty and Michaels...

HBK climbed to his feet and began to climb to the top turnbuckle, stopping to spot Chris Candido in the crowd and began to mouth of to the youngster before blowing a kiss in his direction, telling him to give to to his "girl" for him. Candido responded wiht a blurred out middle finger to HBK! Michaels finally turned his attention back to the ring as Jannetty got to his feet - FLYING CROSSBODY...



Winner and NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion: Marty Jannetty at 13:05


The show wasn't quite over yet, however...the irate Shawn Michaels demanded a microphone.

Shawn Michaels:

Michaels pointed in the direction of Chris Candido's ringside seat.

Shawn Michaels:
This is all YOUR fault! You weren't man enough to step into the ring with me yourself, huh? If you wanted a piece of me, boy, come and get it!

Security and Jannetty stepped aside as Candido jumped over the guard rail and climbed into the ring - staring down the now former Intercontinental Champion. Candido tossed his hooded jacket aside, revealing a Mr. Perfect T-shirt, which onyl amplified Michaels' anger. But then Candido pulled the shirt off as well, revealing his well toned body - Randy Savage complimented Candido's physique - suggesting Candido was not just some average joe fan after all!

On edge and having had enough, Michaels charged in at Candido, and Candido side stepped him and rolled Michaels up into a schoolboy pin! The referee, still in the ring, decided to play along and dropped down to make a count - ONETWOTHREE! Yeah, albeit it was fast, but the crowd it up watching HBK getting pinned by this "fan!"


Video clipped to footage dated June 28, 1993 as Chris Candido was ready to face Shawn Michael's new bodyguard - Flash Norton - in an arm wrestling match where if he won, he'd get a shot at Shawn Michaels and the Intercontinental Championship!

Shawn Michaels:
So nice of you to show up again, pipsqueak. Where's that lil' ray of sunshine that you had with you at ringside the first time we met? I could use her to really brighten up my day!

Michaels laughed as Candido showed off some hot heatedness as some anger boiled up, looking ready to fight only to have Jannetty hold him back.

Shawn Michaels:
So here's the deal, lil' man! You're about to get the embarrassment of a lifetime!

Shortened footage of Candido struggling with Flash Norton in the arm wrestling contest proceeded before finally Norton decided to stop playing around with the youngster...and slammed Candido's arm down to the table, picking up the victory.

Candido held onto his arm as he stepped away from the table, Jannetty there to greet him and tell him it was a good effort...but Flash was just too much. Meanwhile, Michaels jumped down off the turnbuckles and lifted up his bodyguard's arm in victory.

Shawn Michaels:
Thanks for comin' out tonight, Chris...better luck next time!

Michaels laughed as Candido shook his head in obvious disappointment. As it looked like he and Jannetty were going to leave the ring, Michaels wasn't done yet.

Shawn Michaels:
Oh, and one more thing...

Candido turned back around to see what HBK wanted...





The referee was still in the ring to make another quick unofficial count for Candido over Michaels!


The hype video wrapped up on the footage of Candido and Jannetty celebrating while Michaels was fuming in the ring.


And we faded to LIVE footage of Marty Jannetty and Chris Candido on their way to towards the ring.

"And tonight - will the 1-2-3 Kid Strike ONCE AGAIN?" Vince McMahon questioned.

Jannetty and Candido were stopped as Candido's girlfriend, Tammy Lynn, entered the shot - much to the surprise of both Candido and Jannetty.

Chris Candido:
Hey! Wow, what're you doin' here Tammy?

Tammy Lynn:
Well, this is your big break, baby! I wouldn't miss it for anything! I wanna be in your corner when you give Shawn Michaels what's comin' to him!

Marty Jannetty:
I dunno Chris, that might not be a good idea.

Tammy Lynn:
Ppplleeeease! Pretty please!

Chris Candido:
C'mon Marty, I can't so no to that pretty face! Let's go do this!

Tammy Lynn, all smiles, hooked arms with her boyfriend as a concerned Jannetty followed them off screen.


As the sirens were going off inside the Manhattan Center, we were joined live at ringside by Vince McMahon giving us the introduction and he was, of course, alongside Randy "The Macho Man" Savage and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

In just moments, the young rookie, "The 1-2-3 Kid" Chris Candido would have the chance of a lifetime against the Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels! But also tonight, we'd once again check in with STING on his "Deadly Venom Tour." PLUS, Men on a Mission will make their in-ring debut in tag team action, and we'd see "The Narcsist" Lex Luger in singles competition. And finally, Jerry "The King" Lawler had promised a special guest tonight an edition of The King's Court where he promised to reveal the type of person Razor Ramon is and why he should not be considered a "King!"



The tunes of "Sexy Boy" meant we were kicking things off right away as Shawn Michaels sauntered out from the back with the much more serious Flash Norton right behind him. Savage noted that Michaels may look confident and cocky right now, but he better not be taking this match lightly after the "upsets" Candido has had over Shawn since showing up in the WWF.


As Shawn and Flash entered the ring, The 1-2-3 Kid had his own entourage in the form of his mentor Marty Jannetty and his girlfriend Tammy Lynn. Tammy Lynn followed behind as Marty and Candido raced down opposite sides of the guard rails - high fiving any fan that had their arms extended out. The duo circled the ringside area before sliding in under the bottom ropes. Ever the gentleman, Candido would return to hold the ropes open as Tammy Lynn bent over and entered the ring, her short shorts delighting the crowd at ringside. Marty gave in some last minute coaching to Candido in the corner before Tammy gave him a kiss for good luck as the match was about to get underway.

Non-Title Match:
"The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels (w/Flash Norton) vs. "The 1-2-3 Kid" Chris Candido (w/Marty Jannetty & Tammy Lynn)

Jannetty and Tammy left the ring, but Michaels turned his attention to the voluptuous Tammy as she stood on the ring steps. Michaels approached Tammy, asking her if she wanted the chance to "experience a REAL man" with a wink and a smirk...but this only brought in a fired up Candido, attacking Michaels from behind with a forearm to the back...and then multiple blows to the back to officially get the match underway! With Tammy and Marty now at ringside, Candido was fired up and rightfully so by Michaels advances on his girlfriend. HBK was caught off guard and staggered by the fiery attack from Candido, who delivered some hard licks right to Shawn's mouth to send Michaels slumping into the ropes. Candido didn't let up as he grabbed HBK by the arm and whipped him into the ropes...catching him with a high BACKBODY DROP sending HBK flipping head over heels back first to the mat!

"What a start for the rookie!" Randy Savage complimented The Kid as HBK clutched his back on the mat. A jubilant Tammy applauded her man at ringside while Jannetty coached Candido to not keep it up. The 1-2-3 Kid did just that, taking Michaels by the arm as he got to his feet and whipped him into the turnbuckles, following him closely behind with a big running clothesline in the corner to Michaels! After delivering a couple more right hands to the cornered Michaels, Candido lifted him up onto the top turnbuckle. Candido was going high risk already, looking for a superplex, but Michaels fought it off and instead shoved Candido off the top to the mat!

Candido hit the mat but rolled back to his feet only to get caught by a flying axehandle from Shawn Michaels! Michaels made a nonchalant lateral press...ONE, Kickout by Candido! Michaels placed a few boots to the back of The Kid as he tried to pull himself to his feet. Once Candido was up, the duo locked up in a collar and elbow tie up, with Michaels utilizing a go-behind to lock in a waistlock to Candido, but Candido hit Michaels with a pair of back elbows before using his own go-behind to put Michaels in a waistlock...but Candido quickly dropped down to his knees and ROLLED UP MICHAELS!



THRE-NO! Michaels with the kickout!

"No quick counts tonight, Kid!" Heenan said snidely as both men got back to their feet. HBK grabbed Candido in a headlock, but Candido shoved Michaels off into the ropes. Michaels came back off the ropes as Candido leapfrogged over HBK...HBK bounced off the opposite side of the ropes and Candido went for a second leapfrog, but Michaels telegraphed it and stopped in his tracks. As Candido landed on his feet, Michaels swung a right hand at the Kid, only for Candido to duck it and grab Michaels for a BACK SUPLEX...but MICHAELS FLIPPED OVER and landed on his feet!

SWEET CHIN MUSIC from Michaels....DUCKED by Candido into another ROLL UP FROM THE 1-2-3 KID!



another kickout by the Intercontinental Champion!

Both men were back to their feet once again, with Michaels quickly catching Candido with a boot to the midsection before grabbing him by the head and throwing him through the middle ropes to ringside, right near his bodyguard Flash Norton! The referee was quick to warn Flash not to get involved, as Flash held his hands up innocently, just stalking over Candido while Jannetty and Tammy looked on with concern from the other side of the ring. From inside the ring, Michaels taunted the crowd who began greeting him with a "1-2-3" chant with Tammy and Marty both joining in emphatically at ringside. Noticing them joining in, an irritated Michaels bounced off the ropes and hit a BASEBALL SLIDE DROPKICK to Jannetty at ringside, sending him into the ring steps!

"Now that was uncalled for!" Vince chastised from the announce booth as Michaels stood up and stomped on his former partner before turning and blowing a kiss to the nearby Tammy. The referee turned his attention HBK, instructing him to get back into the ring...as Flash Norton took the chance to lift up Candido at ringside and lift him into a Gorilla Press, tossing him back into the ring! Michaels returned to the ring as Raw headed to a commercial break with Michaels taking a commanding control of the match...

Back from break, Michaels was still in control, having Candido trapped in a sleeperhold submission...and Candido looked like he was fading fast. The "1-2-3" chant started up again as Jannetty and Tammy Lynn slapped the mat to try and get Candido back into the match. The referee lifted up Candido's arm twice, both times it falling to the mat. But on the third left, Candido's arm STAYED UP! And Candido began to muscle his way back to his feet and breaking the hold with a JAWBREAKER to HBK! Michaels sold it with a lot of flare, flipping head over heels on the mat before staggering back to his feet as Candido got back up. Candido would meet the wobbly Michaels with a boot to the midsection followed by a vertical suplex before making the pinfall: One, Two, kickout by HBK!

Candido kept on the attack to Michaels as the champ tried to pull himself to his feet, soon sending Michaels into the turnbuckles once again. Candido charged in for another clothesline...but HBK got his boot up to the jaw of Candido as he charged in! Michaels hopped up to the middle turnbuckle and leaped off with an elbow to Candido's head to send him down to the canvas! Michaels found himself back in control, soon sending Candido into the ropes and going for a back body drop, but Candido flipped over going for a SUNSET FLIP...

BUT Michaels fought it off.....and SAT DOWN, CRADLING CANDIDO'S LEGS!






Kickout this time by HBK!

Both men rolled to their feet and took each other out with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! With both men down, the referee began a 10 count...

At the 6 count, Michaels was up to a knee as Candido began to stir as the count broke. Michaels swung a wild right hand at Candido, only for the Kid to duck and hit a BACK SUPLEX to Michaels! The Intercontinental Champ was down and Candido eyed the top turnbuckle...he was heading up! Candido perched on the top turnbuckle...and he was looking for that Flying Legdrop that won him his first match in WWF two weeks ago..



Candido clutched his leg on the mat as Michaels got back up to his feet - now seeming to have Candido right where he wants him after that failed high risk manuver. As Candido was struggling to his feet, Michaels began to stomp his boot to the mat...warming up the band for some Sweet Chin Music...

But TAMMY LYNN was on the apron! Marty Jannetty was confused and was imploring her to come down, but she had caught the attention of Michaels who walked over to greet Tammy. Tammy seemed to flirt back with Michaels...but HBK took it a step forward, leaning forward and planting a KISS right on Tammy's lips! But Tammy quickly pulled away and SLAPPED MICHAELS ACROSS THE FACE!

The stunned HBK staggered backwards into...






Tammy was in shock on the apron, thinking she had just helped her man win the match...and she was even more surprised as FLASH NORTON lifted her up off the apron onto his shoulders! Candido quickly noticed and ran to the ropes, demanding Norton to put her down...which Norton coldly stated, "you got it" before tossing her at Jannetty, who was able to thankfully able to safely catch her. Turning back to the ring...



Candido flopped to the mat as Michaels stood over his opponent after his perfectly placed Superkick. Michaels dropped down to the canvas and made the cover..




Winner: Shawn Michaels by pinfall at 12:03

Flash Norton entered the ring, helping Michaels up to his feet and handing him his WWF Intercontinental Championship as Marty Jannetty slid into the ring to check on Candido. As Jannetty knelt down and began to try and help Candido to his feet, HBK glanced over at the duo out of the corner of his eyes and quickly stopped his celebration. The jubilation on his face from victory quickly vanished and was replaced with a scowl as he poked Flash Norton to get his attention before pointing towards Jannetty and Candido. Flash nodded..and proceeded to charge over and CLOBBER Jannetty from behind with a big axehandle smash! Jannetty attempted to fight back, but Norton's size and strength was too much as he lifted Jannetty up and POWERSLAMMED him to the mat!

"OH COME ON!" Vince McMahon bellowed out as Michaels joined in to put the boots to his fallen former tag team partner.

Chris Candido got to his feet and tried to come to the aid of Jannetty, but Flash Norton clobbered Candido from behind as well. Norton over powered Candido and then drilled him to the mat with a sitdown powerbomb.

Michaels and Norton both started stomping away on both Jannetty and Michaels before HBK gave some instructions to Norton. Flash pulled Jannetty up to his feet and held him up as HBK delivered the Sweet Chin Music to his former partner!

A valiant Candido tried to pull himself up to his feet, but was immediately sent back down to the mat as HBK drilled him with the Intercontinental Title! From ringside, Tammy Lynn watched on with concern, unsure of what to do to help out the two men in the ring.

Despite laying out both Candido and Jannetty - HBK didn't seem to be done yet. He rolled out of the ring and confronted Tammy, "NOBODY...NOBODY MAKES A FOOL OF THE HEART BREAK KID!" HBK shouted, pointing to the ring.

HBK then walked past her and over to the announce booth, he held his championship belt close to the announcers, "You see this! This is why I'm the GREATEST INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION OF ALL TIME!" Michaels said with confidence as Bobby Heenan was quick to agree wholeheartedly.

Michaels barked at Heenan to get up, which Heenan quickly obliged and HBK grabbed his chair! Michaels folded up the chair and returned to the ring, about to deliver some more damage as Norton was still delivering sporadic stomps to Jannetty and Candido when they would show signs of life.

Back in the ring, Michaels brought the chair in...lifted it high above his head and cracked it down across Jannetty's back!

"Somebody has to do something!" Randy Savage expressed his concern for what they were witnessing. "I just can't sit here anymore, Vince!"

"Wait just a minute 'Macho Man' Randy Savage,"
Vince McMahon interjected, "what are you doing?"

"Enough is enough!
" Savage declared, "someone needs to teach these punks a lesson!"

"But your announcers contract...you aren't allowed to get involved!"

"Contract, smontract! What's right is right!"
The sound of Savage's headset hitting the booth was all we heard next.

Back in the ring, Norton positioned Candido up onto his own knees, holding him up as Michaels spit in Candido and lifted the chair high above his head, looking to deliver a devastating blow to the head with that steel chair...


Savage pulled the chair away from HBK, sending Michaels staggering backwards. With the crowd fired up at Savage's triumphant retur, The Macho Man was looking to give Michaels a taste of his own medicine as he SWUNG THE CHAIR at MICHAELS!

BUT FLASH NORTON STEPPED IN FRONT...willingly taking the chairshot to the head for Michaels!

"Flash Norton just took a BULLET FOR SHAWN MICHAELS!" Vince McMahon pointed out.

"That's his job Vince, he's HBK's bodyguard! That's what you sign up for!"

Vince said in shock as in the ring, Norton stood tall, completely no-selling the chairshot from Savage! Michaels, on the other hand, wasted no time scurrying out of the ring after avoiding the blow from Savage as Flash Norton and Macho Men went toe to toe in the ring, staring each other down...as Michaels would be the one to yell out to Flash at ringside to leave the ring. Somewhat reluctant, Flash Norton shoved his way past Savage - joining Michaels in the aisle as the duo headed to the back to jeers from the crowd.

Back in the ring, Savage climbed the turnbuckles - taunting Michaels and soaking in the cheers from the crowd before he turned his attention back to the ring to check on Jannetty and Candido alongside Tammy Lynn as we headed to commercials.


It's back to back to back Randy Savage as we come back from a "Slim Jim" commercial to find a pacing "Macho Man" backstage with Jim Ross.

Jim Ross:
My goodness, Macho Man Randy Savage - what just happened out there?

Randy Savage:
OOOOOOOH YEAH - JIM ROSS - it's like I said to Vince - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! SHAWN MICHAELS. You want to call yourself the GREATEST INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION OF ALL TIME? GREATNESS is something you earn - and your little cowardly attacks and hiding behind your bodyguard is NOT a sign of GREATNESS. There's been a lot of GREAT PEOPLE to hold that Intercontinental Championship...RICKY STEAMBOAT...MR. PERFECT....THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR...."THE ROCK" DON MURACO...and of course...YOURS TRULY, THE MACHO MAN - OOOH YEAH! You want to call yourself the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, then you're gonna have to PROVE IT! Forget the announcing gig, The Macho Man is READY....READY TO GET BACK INTO THAT RING. And SHAWN MICHAELS - I'M COMING FOR YA!

The fired up Randy Savage headed off screen, leaving Jim Ross solo.

Jim Ross:
What a declaration from "The Macho Man" Randy Savage! Vince and Brain - looks like you've lost yourselves a colleague but, by God, I think we're all excited to see The Macho Man back in the ring, once again! Back to you guys!


Back at ringside, it was in fact just Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan left to discuss the aftermath of Randy Savage giving up the announce booth with his eyes dead set on Shawn Michaels and the Intercontinental Championship, it would appear.

Vince admitted he would miss sitting next to The Macho Man each week, to which Heenan seemed offended but Vince was just as excited as Jim Ross to see Savage back in action and maybe knocking some sense into the Heart Break Kid!

And speaking of EXCITEMENT - Vince said the ENTIRE WORLD was waiting in excitement for STING to arrive in the World Westling Federation and sign his official contract. We're now only FOUR short weeks away from experiencing just that, but in the mean time it was time to check in on Sting's cross country 'Deadly Venom Tour' as this week, he visited the West Coast!

We faded over to the Deadly Venom Tour hype video package, opening up on the tour bus with the Scorpion painted down the side driving down the road and a shot inside the bus as an excited Sting leaned back, glancing out the window of the bus. We cut to clips of Sting meeting with fans, and much like last week a lot of focus on him interacting with the kids - signing autographs and even holding up a baby at one point. We then get an obligatory shot of Sting in front of the Hollywood sign and then Sting getting blitzed by journalists and photographers on Hollywood Blvd outside of Mann's Chinese Theatre. We also got clips of Sting meeting with some celebrities including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, William Shatner, and L.A Lakers stars James Worthy and Sam Perkins. The video faded out on a shot of a crowd gathered outside Sting's bus chanting "WE WANT STING!"

Back to ringside, "We Want Sting INDEED!" Vince McMahon declared, before telling us that "And STING WE WILL GET - MONDAY, AUGUST 9TH - Sting will be right here on Raw to sign his WWF contract, you won't want to miss that monumental moment!"




Back from the break, the Men on a Mission trio of Mabel, Mo, and their manager Oscar were making their way down to the ring as the crowd greeted them with a loud round of boos. While their opponents waited patiently in the ring as the bounty hunting trio made their way down to the ring, Vince pointed out that after making their first appearance two weeks ago at WWF Stars and Stripes, this would be the official in ring debut for Men on a Mission.

Aaron Ferguson & PJ Walker vs. Men on a Mission (Mabel & Mo) (w/Oscar)

Mo started the match out for M.O.M as McMahon and Heenan discussed last week on Raw when The Smoking Gunn's showed up and, in Heenan's words - stole what rightfully belonged to Men on a Mission, the cash reward for their attack on the Gunns on the Intrepid. But Vince questioned whether or not M.O.M even deserved the reward if the Gunns were just fine after that attack! Vince called this a story that was "continuing to develop." As for the action in the ring, Walker and Ferguson were able to get in some limited offense to Mo - but once Mo made the tag to the behemoth Mabel - the enhancement duo were no match for his size and power. Mabel completely overwhelmed the pair. After a running splash to Walker, Mabel tagged in Mo before the big man climbed to the middle rope. Mo grabbed Walker and hit him with an inverted slam before Mabel came off with a diving legdrop to the back of Walker's head! Mo would make the pin as Mabel would powerslam the incoming Ferguson, giving the Men on a Mission the emphatic win in their official WWF debut.

Winners: Men on a Mission by pinfall at 3:43

Vince and Heenan put over the impressive debut of the Men on a Mission as the trio celebrated in the ring while we headed to break.


As we fade back in from commercials, Jim Ross was standing by backstage with Mr. Hughes of Money Inc.

Jim Ross:

Welcome back to WWF Raw ladies and gentlemen - and I'm here with Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hughes, you actually asked for this time and I can't help but think it has somethin' to do with your blatant error last week on Raw...

Before Mr. Hughes could speak, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase entered the shot in a huff.

Ted DiBiase:
Just what's goin' on here, Hughes? You made a real mess of things last week!

Hughes lifted up his sunglasses and shook his head in agreement.

Mr. Hughes:
Now Mr. DiBiase, you're absolutely right - I keep apologizin' over and over again, but I think I can make up for it!

Ted DiBiase:
It's gonna take a heck of a lot to make up for misplacin' all that money! Out with it!

Mr. Hughes:
Well, you know how you and I.R.S. lost to the Steiner Brothers...

DiBiase scowled at the mere mention of the loss, clearly getting more and more irritated with his hired hand.

Ted DiBiase:
You're not helping!

Mr. Hughes:
Okay, just hear me out! Well, I had your lawyer look over your contract and the contract says...you are entitled to a rematch in the event of a title loss! And ya know, you never ha..

Ted DiBiase:
---I never got a rematch! Oh, Mr. Hughes, this is brilliant! Ha Ha Ha!

Mr. Hughes:
And it gets better - I got us the match...NEXT WEEK...HERE ON RAW! WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH with the Steiner Brothers!

Jim Ross:

You heard it hear folks, the WWF Tag Team Titles...

JR was interrupted as the victors from the previous match had returned from the back....Men on a Mission - Mabel, Mo, and Oscar crowded the shot, closing in on DiBiase and Hughes.

Where's. Our. MONEY?

An angry Mabel imposed his size in on DiBiase and Hughes, looking to intimidate the duo. A nervous DiBiase adjusted his collar and backed up slightly.

Ted DiBiase:
Now fellas..

Nah man, you owe us - pay up!

Ted DiBiase:
I think we can all look past this misunderstanding and come to an agreement..

Yeah - we sure can - you agreein' to PAY UP.

Ted DiBiase:
You boys want your money. I get it. You think you earned it...but here's the truth of the matter...The Smoking Gunns have your money. The Smoking Gunns were who you were suppose to take out to get the money...so if they have it...your solution shouldn't be confronting us, but instead...you go get it. You think I became the 'Million Dollar Man' by receiving hand outs? You boys want to make a name for yourself here in the WWF? Don't sit around and wait for somethin' to be handed to ya - go out...and TAKE IT. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! C'mon Hughes.

DiBiase patted Oscar on the shoulders as he and Hughes brushed past Men on a Mission, leaving them still visibly frustrated but with something to think about..

Jim Ross:
Still no payment for the Men on a Mission - but By God, we got ourselves a barnburner next week when The Steiner Brothers will defend the Tag Team Championships against Money Inc!

From ringside, Vince McMahon was quick to join in the hype for next week - "WHAT A MATCH THAT'LL BE!"

As Heenan voiced his thoughts on the match, looking forward to DiBiase getting payback on the no-good Steiners...“Great Gates of Kiev” began to blare through the arena's PA system, meaning just one thing that Vince would confirm - when we come back from the break, it was time for Jerry Lawler and The King's Court!


Coming back from break, the "Burger King" chants from the New York crowd were in full force as Jerry "The King" Lawler had made his way out from the back, making the left turn to walk over to the interview platform where he conducts his King's Court segment.

Jerry Lawler:
I'm really excited tonight....


Jerry Lawler:

You people need to shut up with that Burger King crap! Show some respect!


Jerry Lawler:

Now...as I was saying. I am VERY excited about my guest tonight. You see, Razor Ramon may have each and every one of you idiots fooled - but me, I am certainly no idiot! I can look at Razor Ramon just like I can look at each and every one of you ingrates in the audience tonight and know SCUM when I see it! And Razor Ramon is a dirty, despicable degenerate that is NOT WORTHY to be called a KING!

The chants paused long enough for the crowd to instead just loudly boo Lawler for his insults to their fan favorite, King of the Ring winner.

Jerry Lawler:
Yeah, you idiots would want to defend your so called "King" but you don't have to take it from me, because my guest tonight can tell you ALL about just what kind of piece of human garbage that is Razor Ramon! All me to introduce you to my distinguished guest, South Florida's own Lord of the Nightlife....Mr. Vinnie Diamond!

Unsure how to react, the crowd is mostly silent as out walked a blonde curly haired, mulleted man dressed in black leather pants and a matching jacket, dark sunglasses. Astute wrestling fans would quickly recognize him as former WCW and AWA manager, Diamond Dallas Page. Here, Vinnie, headed over to the stage, chomping annoyingly on his gum before shaking hands with The King.

Jerry Lawler:
You scumbags here tonight wouldn't know what getting out of your grandma's basement long enough to know a true 'night life' was like - so I'll excuse you for not being familiar with Vinnie's work - so I'll let him educate you all!

Lawler and Vinnie shared a laugh as they exchanged the microphone.

Vinnie Diamond:
Ha, ya too kind King, TOO KIND! MAN - New Yawk city....I grew up not too far away from here, ya know...and comin' back...man, it reminds me of EXACTLY WHY I LEFT! HAHAHA!

The cheap heat worked out well for Vinnie as he and Lawler once again shared a laugh.

Vinnie Diamond:
But yeah, allow me to introduce myself! The name is Vinnie Diamond - the proud owner of a night club EMPIRE across the eastern seaboard...mostly proudly, my baby that started out all - NORMA JEANS - the hottest night spot from Sarasota to Cuba! I specialize in the THREE B's....

Vinnie counted along with his fingers...

Vinnie Diamond:
BOOZE. BROADS. AND BUCKS. But ya probably wonderin' - what's all this gotta do with Razor Ramon? Well let me tell ya a lil' more about Razor. Ya see, Razor don't talk much about his past, does he?

Jerry Lawler:
Hmmm - I wonder why?!

Vinnie Diamond:
Ya see, 10 years ago - ole Razor was a nothin' - a NOBODY - livin' on the streets of Southern Florida. Nobody wanted anything to do with him - no one in their right mind was gonna hire a guy who spent most of his free time in street fights. But me, I saw some potential in the kid - I could use a guy like him on my team. So I gave him a job washin' dishes at my club - but ya see, ole Razor had some bad habbits he just couldn't kick and he got caught up some real bad dudes...so I ponied up the money to make sure Razor didn't end up in jail or worse, washin' up along the gulf coast one day. I saved his butt - time...AND TIME AGAIN...OVER...AND OVER...AND OVER - and what thanks did I get?

Jerry Lawler:
Wait, let me guess! NOTHING!

Vinnie Diamond:
You got it, King. Not a damn thing. One day, Razor just up and left...never said a word. Never paid me back a cent for all the money I gave him. Then I turn on WWF Raw one day and well, well, well...what do I see - my ole pal Razor makin' a name for himself? See, Razor thought he could run and hide and put the past behind him...but he's nothin' more than a no-good, deadbeat, piece of scum!

Jerry Lawler:
And that's NOT the kind of person WORTHY of the title of KING!


"Well, now wait just a minute!"
Vince McMahon piped in, "it looks like Razor Ramon is here to defend his own honor!"

"Like we should believe anything he has to say, you heard what the man just said about him!"
Bobby Heenan rebuted.

But sure enough, much to the delight of the fans, "The Bad Guy"...the 1993 King of the Ring winner...Razor Ramon was making his way out from the back. Lawler, having attacked Roman and kept him from receiving a WWF World Title shot at Summerslam, stepped backwards on the platform, making sure to have Vinnie between him and Razor as he entered the ring.

Vinnie Diamond:
Razor! Long time so see, my man!

Vinnie was suddenly quick to change his tune, all smiles and acting happy to see Razor...extending his arms for a hug. Razor held his arm out, rebuking Vinnie and preventing him from getting any closer.

Razor Ramon:
Well, well....what..do we...have here? Vinnie Diamond?

Vinnie smiled, holding his hands in the air and telling Razor off mic, "don't be like that, baby!"

Razor Ramon:
Y'know, I think ya forgot somethin', chico. You said there were....three B's? I think you forgot one......BS!

Razor scowled as he chomped on his toothpick while Vinnie and Lawler both began to fume opposite of Razor.

Razor Ramon:
Lord of the Night Life? Nah, chico - everybody in Florida knows you as the Lord of the Lies.

An upset Vinnie shook his head frantically as Lawler began mouthing off to Razor as well, from a safe distance of course.

Razor Ramon:
Y'know, I shoulda known the "Burger King" would find someone just as sleazy to be his "character witness." But y'know what...people want to know about Razor Ramon..people want to know the truth, I'll tell ya...

Ramon paused as Vinnie and Lawler both didn't seem like they were too interested in hearing Ramon's side of the story.

Razor Ramon:
Yeah..ole Razor had it rough comin' up...and yeah, I found my way into trouble. But chico, you left out a big part of the story..most of that trouble...was because of YOU! The best thing I ever did for me...was get the Hell outta your so called "Empire." That's when my life turned around...that's when I got the chance of a lifetime. That was never gonna happen with you. So...you wanna sit there...and say I owe you somethin'...

Ramon stopped and smirked.

Razor Ramon:
Y'know...chico....maybe I do. I'm really glad you came out tonight...

Slightly confused, Lawler and Vinnie shared a look before Vinnie began to crack a smile.

Razor Ramon:
So I can you...exactly...what I owe you....

Razor then proceeded to grab and fling his toothpick right into Vinnie Diamond's face before going straight at his previous employer, quickly overwhelming Vinnie only to have Lawler attack Razor from behind! But Razor was fired up and quickly turned the tables on Lawler, nailing some hard punch combinations that sent Lawler backwards bumping into Vinnie. Both Vinnie and Lawler were trying to hold each other up near the edge of the platform...as Razor charged in with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE to send both men falling off the platform and down to the floor!

The crowd was ecstatic and on their feet in support of "The Bad Guy" as Lawler and Vinnie both struggled to their feet, deciding to lick their wounds and head to the back as Ramon taunted them from the King's Court stage as his music blared once again, sending us to break.



After the break, Lex Luger was making his way down to the ring with Luna Vachon by his side. In the ring, his opponent was waiting alongside the full length mirror that was also waiting Luger in the ring. As Luger climbed into the ring and began to flex and pose for himself in the mirror, Vince McMahon revealed that earlier tonight Luger and Luna had some words for their rivals, Tatanka and Sensational Sherri.

Picture-in-picture came up as Lex continued to flex while in the smaller box, we saw the pre-taped Luger and Sherri.

Luna Vachon:

Lex Luger:
Heh-heh, and as for you Tatanka...it looks like you also almost had it all end for you last week...good try against Yokozuna, haha! Oh I wish you were here this week so that I could finish what Yokozuna started and put you out of your misery! Tatanka, we have some unfinished business...and I'm ready to end it..and I don't wanna wait until SummerSlam to do it!

The PIP ended as Heenan commended Luger for his valor in issuing a challenge to Tatanka, but Vince questioned the bravery considering the man he's challenging isn't in any shape to compete after what happened last week against Yokozuna!

Chris Duffy vs. "The Narcissist" Lex Luger (w/Luna Vachon)

As Luger finished up his flexing, Duffy showed some personality as he took over in front of the mirror, flexing his own muscles though he was rocking more of what in these days we would refer to as a "Dad bod." Luger didn't take too kindly to Duffy's mocking, and proceeded to attack him from behind! As the mirror got taken out of the ring, the match got underway with Luger in full control. Once he was firmly in the driver's seat, Luger stopped to flex for the unappreciating fans, allowing Duffy to surprise Luger with a roll up! It wasn't enough to get the three however, but Duffy used the opened door to try and get some offense in, but Luger would quickly shut the door and put away his opponent with his Bionic Forearm to pick up the win.

Winner: Lex Luger by pinfall at 2:38

Luna Vachon entered the ring as the crowd greeted the win with a chorus of boos and lifted up Luger's arm in victory. As Vince and The Brain looked to be wrapping up the night...it would appear it wasn't quiet over with...


TATANKA! Tatanka was in the building after all! With his chest bandaged up to sell the Bonzai Drops from last week, the Native American Warrior rushed down to the ring at a slightly slower pace than usual as the crowd came alive. Luger and Luna quickly exited the ring as Tatanka was sliding in...not wanting anything to do with Tatanka despite Luger's earlier challenge! While Vince called Luger out on his hypocrisy, Heenan pointed out that Luger just "had a match" so it clearly wouldn't be fair!

As Luger and Luna watched on from the aisle, Tatanka grabbed the microphone.

LEX LUGER! You don't wanna wait until SummerSlam - well NEITHER DO I! YOU'RE ON!

Tatanka tossed the microphone down as the crowd popped for the accepted challenge! Luger and Tatanka would go one on one...and we wouldn't be waiting another six weeks to see it! Raw came to a close as Vince urged us to watch Superstars for more on this developing situation!




This week on Superstars, it was The Steiner Brothers getting some interview time to put over their match this coming week on Raw, defending the WWF Tag Team Championship against Money Inc! Rick and Scott promised the outcome would be no different this time around!

Much like last week as Lex Luger gave his thoughts on Sting's impending arrival to the WWF, it was The Smoking Gunns turn this week. Bart and Billy Gunn were excited about another "quick shooter" coming to town. The Smoking Gunns would also be in action on Superstars, coming down to the ring with that briefcase containing the reward for the very bounty that was on their own heads. They would make short work of Rich Myers and Tony Webb.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan would be in action this week, defeating Duane Gill with the Old Glory kneedrop. In a pre-match promo, Duggan revealed that next week on Raw he would be facing off against The Quebecer's Carl Oulette, looking for some payback for the attack on him last week on Raw!

Diesel returned to action this week with Harvey Wippleman by his side in a dominating win over Tony DiMauro. During the match, Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler discussed last week's segment that ominously featured Harvey Wippleman knowing The Undertaker's weakness. Perhaps we'll learn more next week on Raw when The Undertaker will be in action!

Mr. Bob Backlund took on the gigantic Typhoon in singles competition. Typhoon at points looked like he was in control of the match, but in the end Backlund was able to lock in the Crossface Chickenwing and got Typhoon to submit.

The "Feature Match" of the evening was tag team action between The Headshrinkers (Fatu & Samu) against CarnEvil (Doink the Clown & The Ringmaster). A back and forth affair that ultimately ended with The Ringmaster scoring the victory with a roll up and a handful of tights on Samu. Despite not being the cleanest victory in the world, it was a big win for the recently formed team of CarnEvil!

No new SummerSlam Matches announced this week on Gene Okerlund's SummerSlam report - but he did run down the card thus far and assured his many more big matches will be announced soon!

This week's WWF Update with Gorilla Monsoon updated us on the end of Raw confrontation between Lex Luger and Tatanka. The challenge had been made and accepted, and in two weeks - Tatanka and Lex Luger will face off, ONE ON ONE, on Raw!


WWF SummerSlam 1993
August 30, 1993
Live on Pay-Per-View from The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan


"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan (w/Jimmy Hart) (c) vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart


"The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler


The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Diesel (w/Harvey Wippleman)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Good to get a recap of the fun Michaels/Candido feud to open the show, reminding us of how fun this has been basically. Can’t compliment you enough on this. The match itself was good, and stuck to the story nicely, with Candido getting some flash pin attempts. The interference playing a part in the end and Tammy proving to be the ultimate distraction for Candido all worked well, and it ends in another impressive win for Michaels, which is clearly the right thing to do.

The aftermath was awesome here and pumped that we aren’t getting any downtime between HBK’s next big angle. A Randy Savage feud? Yes please. Awesome stuff. Also, Norton no selling the chair shot is epic because he’s a bad ass.

LOL Sting on the bus tour instead of Luger is just hilarious to me. Don’t get me wrong, it works, but it’s just funny for some reason at the same time. Good booking though, for Sting to get the all American ‘next Hogan’ push as opposed to Luger.

Men On A Mission getting in the ring and looking impressive works. Love the way they have been introduced in here as bounty hunters. JR with Mr. Hughes and Mr. Hughes lol… Solid enough promo here to set up the tag title match next week, which should be fun. DiBiase looks to have just set up MOAM chasing The Gunns as well. Cool.

I love this BTB so much, the booking of characters and introduction of new ones is just perfect throughout. DDP as Vinnie Diamond here is just such an epic, smart move. Love The King getting somebody to slander Razor to prove he isn’t worthy of being king. Razor sticking up for himself in the end and taking care of business was good too. Just awesome stuff here.

Luger win was fine, and typical heel stuff, talking touch when he thinks Tatanka isn’t there, but then running off. Looks like they’ll be meeting before Summerslam which is fine.

No major call outs from me on Superstars this week, all segments seemed to do their job.
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