BTB Hot Topic

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Sep 7, 2007
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Mason: Hello and welcome to BTB Hot Topic, hosted by myself, Mason "Switchy" Excell

Andrew: And me, Andrew Walker. I guess my name is kind of self explanatory unless you want to refer to me as SWA Anarchy GM

Mason: So what we're going to do is have a guest or two in each week and ask them about their BTB and tell them what we think so we're going to start off with a bang

Andrew: Yeah our guest this week is well known around the section as was referred to as a "godly figure in btb".

Mason: *cough*bullshit*cough*

Andrew:What my very jealous and naive partner here is trying to say, that our guest is one of the founders of the Sadistic Wrestling Alliance, Me, Andrew Walker.

Mason: So anyway, hello Andrew.

Andrew: hello Mason. I know it must be a wonderful experience to bask in my “godliness†but would you get on with the interview hahaha

Mason: lol I was getting a drink bitch

Andrew: righty-o than chip chip cheerio.

Mason: WTF?!

Andrew: I am feeding the British stereo-type

Mason: lol, you can tell I'm from the rough end of the country anyway, question time so after your shock decision to retire from BTB'ing, where do you think you stand in the section?

Andrew: Well I never thought I had a large or meaningful stance in the section anyways. So I guess I will kind of stay the same.

Mason: Interesting. So are there any chances that a comeback may be on the cards sometime in 2009?

Andrew: I honestly do not think so. I believe that I am pretty much done unless something very captivating comes along. Like what happened with Levi when we did the SWA vs. HEW. If something like that came along again, I would more than likely come back for that.

Mason: what, you mean something like SWA Vs AWE

Andrew: Haha. Well from what I have helped you with, I think AWE will be AWEsome enough and if you can keep it going, I bet it will happen some day haha

Mason: Well I'm looking forward to it if the opportunity was to come along one day. So after winning Booker of Bookers do you feel you've achieved all there is to achieve in the BTB section?

Andrew: Well obviously I was so frustrated at not winning the Booker of Bookers when I was in my prime in the first run of SWA. So it really was a goal I wanted to achieve and motivated me to go through with the second run of SWA. But also winning the Tribute to the Booker Award was a huge honor to be in such established company in those who have won it. I know some people say I don't deserve it, but have no problem putting themselves over for the award now a days. But I kind of brush it off and obviously the people who voted for it believe I was worthy to hold it. So after dragging on your question, I feel the only thing I have left to achieve in the section is of course to go into the Hall of Fame.

Mason: Well getting in the HoF is inevitable for you now if you ask me so good luck. As most of us know, you have a reputation for helping out other bookers, including myself. So with the success of SWA during both runs, what run did you prefer, the first or the second?

Andrew: I honestly found the first run much more satisfying. I made it pretty public that I love writing with a partner and going solo was what I did not want. But I think with the first run, it made Weebo and I one of the best teams to write a BTB, also I made the decision to step down from when I was pretty much at the top to give someone else a chance to make a name with something established which was something I had never heard of someone doing. Thus Brain Kendrick’s Biceps was launched into the spotlight and had the pressure come down on him to succeed and he did. He didn't crack and flourished. But I didn't just throw him out there and say go, I was right there still helping him with booking and writing and really wanting to help him succeed. Now he is one of the best writers in the section. I am not saying I was the only reason he was a success, which is not true because he had the talent from the beginning to be great, I just had to help get him on his feet. Also Gards was brought in, he was a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes but when he was on and ready to write he did great. He has let himself slip lately but he still has great potential in my eyes if he could just stick to his convictions. So I say SWA version 1.0 was the most satisfying.

Mason: I agree SWA 1.0 was better but I do find it weird how you got more success on the awards side of things in the second SWA. Why do you think things turned out like this?

Andrew: I think the landscape of the section was a huge factor the first time around and the second. I mean when version 1.0 was out and Weebo and I were still writing, our competition was intense. I mean XBA, Levi, CMS, Anigma, JHar, TRI, and so many other great BTB writers were flourishing and really making their mark and so SWA kind of got lost in the shuffle a bit but was still recognized when the award came around. But when I decided to come back, I wanted to make sure it would have an impact. When I originally wanted to come back and was ready too, Anigma made his return so I was like Damn it lol. So I put it off and the return had died down so than I made my move. So with all these new bookers here and having heard about SWA and the guys who came in while SWA was huge kept it alive and made my return like note worthy and gave me the hype of actually being someone haha. Also the amount of hugely successful BTBs had slowed down. And the Big BTBs that had still been around were getting a bit stale so they wanted something new and interesting which I guess I was able to supply since I did have a major impact on the awards this past Nov. So really it was timing.

Mason: Fair enough, looks like you are quite the thinking man. So now onto the BTB section as a whole, seeing as we have just entered 2009, who do you think the big bookers of the year will be?

Andrew: Hmm well that is a very interesting question. I mean I have not been the dedicated follower to the section as I use to be but I think like Qwake (a.k.a. King Lennie) is already a name and if he really stepped it up he could be a major player. Moonlight drive (a.k.a. -HBK-) also has the same potential. But if I were to choose two guys who I really believe re the next top guys would be CT Styles and Brian Kendricks Biceps. Those two are really going to be the Breakout Bookers that are going to hit the section and really establish dominance. But of course AWE will have a landmark in the section if I have anything to do with it lol

Mason: lol, if you ask me there will be a few good bookers rising through the ranks this year and I think the "Big 5" could be turned on its head. Well that was a good interview and thanks for going through with it and it ended on a great transition into our Hot Topic of the Week. With a few veterans stepping out of the picture it makes room for the newer bookers and I think that 2009 can produce a whole new group of legends in the section.

Andrew: I absolutely agree. But you kind of got a WCW thing going on. Older established guys not wanting to let the newer guys have their spot. But I mean that juts shows the value of their character. It is known I have no problem helping anyone that asks for it. I mean there are quite a few bookers who ask me for advice or help and I gladly give it. Like I said earlier I gave up my spot to establish BKB. So I think once their egos die down and they see or finally realize that he once these young guys are given the ball they could really make themselves and we will see a whole new section blossom and blow the old Big 5 out of the water.

Mason: Well the veterans may have no choice, ego or no ego if some of these new guys continue to improve at the rate they are going

Andrew: Absolutely. What other choice are they going to have?

Mason: It's walk out or be forced out

Andrew: If the guys won't get out of the way, they need to shove them out of the way and say "hey look we are here and deserve recognition."

Mason: Well with all due respect to the veterans they worked hard to get where they are and you can't take that away from them but these young guys are working equally as hard so it may be an interesting battle for power in the section

Andrew: I understand that they have worked hard for their spot. But some of them should remember how hard it was to get really recognized when the guys at the top wouldn't move. So I think if some of these guys who cling would take a break, move aside for awhile and let these guys have their chance, than the section would benefit really.

Mason: No doubt, it would benefit but to say that the veterans should step out the way is one thing but for them to do it is completely different

Andrew: Yeah well I won't hold my breath for that day to happen haha

Mason: Yeah, So can you see any "big" returns happening this year?

Andrew: I think once BKB decides to come back he will make a big splash. Same with CT Styles. But other than that, I really don't see anyone else that would cause a ton of hype.

Mason: I think you're forgetting someone

Andrew: No , no I don't think so.

Mason: Lol

Andrew: lol this week is my ego stroke. So slow your roll lol

Mason: How about the retirement side of things, who can you see stepping down this year?

Andrew: I think Levi might be stepping down sometime late in the year. I mean life comes hard and it doesn't wait for writing haha. Other than Levi, I don't really see anyone else giving up their major spot

Mason: I see where you're coming from but Levi doesn't seem like he's ever going to step down. He is just one of those guys who seem to battle on and on no matter what is happening and if I could follow his example then I might actually be able to stick with a BTB. So that's all the time we have this week in BTB Hot Topic, Thank you for reading from Mason

Andrew: And Andrew Walker, and I hope you guys will read next week! Also, if you would be interested in being a Special Guest Interview for the BTB Hot Topic, PM either myself or Switchy!


Pretty good read, it was interesting to see what Andrew had to say and I was able to put up with Switchy as the interviewer :shifty: j/k Switch, this should be something to look forward to reading and I am sure it will be consistent. I liked how it wasn't LONG as hell otherwise it could of dragged on, also, I will be interviewed if you guys need someone otherwise I will continue reading! Good stuff guys :y:

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Chavo Guerrero: I am not Retiring! :shifty:

This is an interesting read Andrew and I do really agree with your answers. I still can't believe you're really retiring but I am still hoping that we can still do a one time project in the future. I do honestly think that TBKB is going to be a breakout star in the section. Just like what you did to the section, he also contributed something like having a kick ass Backstories for a BTB. You're one true legend man <hands down>. This is really one Hot Topic right there.


Sep 7, 2007
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Andrew: Hey everyone, It’s Andrew once again bringing you the BTB Hot Topic of the week. It is going to be a little different this week considering I am flying solo at the moment. Switchy is off doing whatever it is British people do haha. But we will hear from Switchy later on about the Topic. This week the topic is The BEST of 2008. That’s right we got together and got together 8 topics and we went through the entire section to look for the end all be all best of the best and we have our choices which we will get to later. But right now, I will go into the interview I had with the Ayatollah of Awesomeness, The Alpha Aussie, The Rolling Stone, THE Morrison Stalker, Moonlight Drive a.k.a. -HBK-!

Moonlight Drive​

What made you first start Booking?

ever since i started watching wrestling I’ve loved doing little scenarios in my head, or like a lot of us, just thought 'hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if so-n-so faced so-n-so' etc. I've been writing for most of my life as well and love to do that, so the transition was very fun at first. Before I even began booking I used to draw little comics of my own company, complete with rip-off characters from the WWE, like 'the heartbreak kid' rick hossack. The first internet forum I joined I signed up for BTB within the first day.

interesting. So looking back, WWU. What made you kind of fall out with that?

Well, back on that first forum, the standards were much lower and you got away with a lot more without people saying 'wait a second, what the fuck is going on, this is ridiculous'. The match lengths I had in Second Coming were actually a hell of a lot longer than anything on that forum, so initially, making the move from short to much longer was tough. I realized that my roster was jam-packed with mega-stars, hell, I had John Cena and Randy Savage mid-carding. I would've ripped me a new arsehole if I saw someone doing that. Anyway, besides the schedule getting tougher and the roster issues,, that isn't really why it ended. While away in Sydney, the backstory for 2nd Coming rolled into my head. Initially I didn't want to do anything with it, but without much else to do, ,it developed to a point I felt I had to use it. Thus 2nd Coming was born.

Second Coming had a pretty successful run there. Do you think the longer matches made the difference or was there something more creatively after learning through WWU?

WWU was what I would call a 6 month lesson in booking 101. I learnt what I should and shouldn't do, fucked a lot of things up but also brought out a lot of good. It was that trial and error which brought Second Coming it's successful run, I learnt what I could do well, what stuff wouldn't float and the fundamentals. I remember I wasted Rock vs HBK on my first PPV, had HBK beat Undertaker by roll-up in my WrestleFest Main Event and Hulk Hogan mid-carding. Once Second Coming came along, I had a whole lot more experience and wisdom under my belt.

OK so I have to ask, what in the hell was up with Pro Wrestling ANZAC.

After Second Coming fell through, I knew I needed something different then what I'd been doing. I already had my Wrestlemania 26 ME lined out and wanted to get to that point right away, so I figured over-planning was the issue. Thus came the unplanned aspect. Which was a fucking stupid idea. ANZAC was destined for failure from day one, but I'm glad it taught me that there's a difference between being different and being Blue.

Yeah I have to agree I did not see ANZAC going anywhere. But than WWE RAW: Where it all bins again got one show and than just fell off the face of the section. what happened there?

Raw was the one I really felt could lead me somewhere and not fail oh so epically as my past BTBs had done. At that point, even when I didn't have a BTB, I'd be working on something of the like and the only explanation I can come up with is I was burnt out. I mean, I had Benoit, Guerrero, HBK, Rock, Flair, Foley, Triple H and a whole host of other talent at my disposal, and most of those guys I'm more than comfortable writing with. I always planned to come back to Raw, until HEW gave me the idea of NOW.

Well before we get into NOW, we had the comical idea of SDWA. What were you and Beer just tossing around dumb ideas or did one of you hit your heads or what haha

Lol, Beer was really just a prop so I could do both and squeeze around the rule. Great guy + booker, but it was always something I wanted to do myself, he was the first guy I approached for partnership so there we go. It was actually Levi & I's dumb ideas. I'm sure you remember our good ol' Ultimate Warrior chats, so I thought, why not put him in a BTB. He was on slate for Raw (no, he really was) but then I had another idea. Noticing how everyone goes about how backstories are 'unrealistic' (BTBs are made-up, and 90% of IWF BTBs aren't anything near realistic anyway) and thought I'd sort of lighten the place up. Looking back at the old ANZAC Santino/Koslov/Naki promo, they joined the fray next before I had a whole shitlist of people coming in. Another dumb idea, but I'm sure everyone would've loved my Scotty promos.

Well it made me laugh that’s for sure. Just the planning of the whole thing was comical. So you went on and did HBK Kolumn. Arguably one of the best and most popular columns we had in the section. What you kind of move away from that which really put you in the light of just about everyone in the section?

Moving away from it wasn't really an issue, I've always loved writing like I said and I had/still have a lot of opinions about BTB. I'd just like to give a little shoutout to H4H, who helped me a lot with the first column. I thought it wasn't that great and wasn't going to post it, if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't have. I'm surprised by the reaction, as I was relatively unknown at that point in time. But the problem which arose was keeping it fresh, and I have a problem ripping the shit out of people I don't hate with a passion. If you go back through them, you'll notice in the 'Under the Spotlight' every booker was established and more than anything I was just stroking their nuts and padding their egos. Eventually, I thought it was better to let the column die with good memories than for me to try and continue on and eventually have it lose its luster and tarnish it's original popularity. I encourage anybody who wants to have a go at doing a column.

OK so that brings us to NOW (yes pun intended) and it seemed like it rally had legs and just recently in the Chatroom you said you were thinking of possibly moving away from NOW. Why is that

Had legs is quite the understatement. I was writing like wildfire, more than I ever have. NOW is still a possibility, but unless I'm committed, I don't want to bring it back right now. If I return to writing permanently, NOW will definitely be back on the charts. Lol, even writing this reply I don't know whether to keep going with NOW. I've had the most fun with it, but as it seems, whenever I stop writing I get ideas from other btbs with different wrestlers and different style shows, so I move on. Hopefully my indecisiveness somehow disappears and I can give a straight answer sometime soon

Well I personally hope you try an stick with NOW, because i think if you stuck, you can make it your main staple in the section. Well thanks for the time Pat, and anything else you want to say to everyone reading this?

A couple of things, but mainly, remember why you started booking. This isn't supposed to be sereose bidness, I don't know about you guys but I didn't start booking for accolades or awards, it was just the love of it. Take criticism in your stride, don't get upset, somebody shredding your work up is a helluva a lot more productive than 'good match, i liked it, etc' and controversy creates cash. And finally, always remember that if it ever becomes a case of 'I really need to finish my show!' stop right there and take a break. Thanks Andy, that's all for now. Although you haven't asked me who I would turn gay for

We will leave that for Patty Part II Inside the mind of a Morrison Stalker lol


Andrew: That was my in depth interview with Moonlight Drive. A good guy and also pretty funny as most of you know. Well now it is time for Switchy’s choices for the very best of 2008! I got them in an email so here is the one the only Switchy.

Best Booker: Headfirst for Hardcore
Now I don’t barely ever drop in with reviews and stuff but one of the BTB’s I kept up to date with quite a bit was Pro Wrestling PRIDE. Now, I’m not all up to date with the indies and everything but there was something about PRIDE that made me feel H4H knew what he was doing and I can’t say all of his storylines, matches and promo’s were amazing because the thing is they weren’t but the majority of them are spot on. He seems to know what to do and when to do it and he has a great selection of guys at his disposal to book with and from my knowledge of these guys he isn’t making many mistakes at all so all I can say to you H4H is that you have done an amazing job in the year just gone and make sure you keep it up in this coming year.

Best BTB: High Explosive Wrestling – By Levi
HEW, one word... Wow. Levi, when you came into booking with HEW all the way back in ‘07 I looked at the thread and was thinking to myself and thought “What is this guy thinking?” but since then all you have done is proved me wrong and made HEW into my favorite BTB. The way HEW started off as something never done before was unique on its own but you’ve dragged it into the year of 2008 and somehow still managed to keep it unique and not let it be dragged in with the rest of the BTB’s. You have great matches and storylines and despite things going bad in your life, you’ve managed to still battle through and keep HEW running which is something I really respect because whenever something bad happens to me I just drop BTB straight away and even though I don’t like to it’s who I am. But anyway this isn’t about me so all I have to say is Levi, you have made a great BTB in HEW and I hope it has a long and successful future and I wish you all the best mate.

Best Match: Adrenaline Rush Match – By Levi
Well it was definitely called the Adrenaline Rush match for a reason! You had all different types of guys in there who all brought a whole range of different styles to the table and I think you definitely showed the contrast from one guy to another as much as you could considering the amount of guys you had in there as well. Another thing I like is the fact you had 10 guys in there but it still wasn’t even close to being a clusterfuck and you used all 10 of those guys to their full potential, never really leaving a single guy out of the action until the end was beginning to near and then as the guys were pretty much falling one by one it pretty much came down to Chris Jericho and Test and seeing (or reading) Y2J prevail was one of the feel-good moments of BTB. Overall it was just a great read, simple as and it had me hooked from when I first started reading because I had no idea who would come out on top.

Best PPV: WrestleSlam – By Andrew~Walker
Wow, WrestleSlam. I remember the first time I read that PPV and I was just amazed at how everything from start to finish kinda just fell in place and the show flowed really well it actually felt like a real PPV when I pictured it in my head. I can’t say all of the matches were “amazing” because they weren’t, but still it was all pretty damn good altogether. With Edge’s finish to the I Quit match that made me feel like a casual fan again like booing the heel and I just wanted to punch Edge in the face for what he did and as for the rest of the PPV you turned a lot of matches that wouldn’t overly amuse me into matches that had me gripped but I reckon the I Quit match was the best match of the show with the opener between Sabin and Joe coming a close second, it was just an awesome show, simple as and I don’t know how but that show went together just like a jigsaw and if I ever have the ability to do that with a show I will be glad because doing that is like working magic to do that with a whole show.

Best Comeback: SWA - Andrew~Walker and THE Brian Kendrick’s Biceps
Great return if you ask me, great writing and great timing. Andrew~Walker pretty much cashed in Money in the Bank when he returned to BTB with SWA and tbh it isn’t only the return which is why I’m giving Andrew and TBKB this award, it’s the fact Andrew managed to keep up the good work and win the Booker of Booker awards which he has wanted for so long and he truly deserved it after pulling off some great shows.

Best Newcomer: Qwake/King Lennie
A great first year for you Leonard. You didn’t make a huge impact on the BTB section like others have done but nonetheless every single booker knows who you are and knows of your abilities. I seriously think you are going to be huge star in ’09 and imo you are far from reaching your full potential and you still have a lot left to offer with IPW so I could see a long and successful year ahead for you next year but that still doesn’t overshadow your amazing first year in BTB. Congrats mate.

Next Breakout Star: SeX-Power
Now, he may not be everyone’s first choice but actually reading through his BTB, I think that he has what it takes to be big this year after seeing the rate he is improving at. He still isn’t as good as some of the others but if he sticks with BTB he’ll soon be on par with the others because neither his matches or promo’s are half-bad and they can only get better so I wish you the best of luck, mate and hope you get on well this year.

Best Personality: Headfirst for Hardcore
H4H really deserves this award if you ask me because while he is reaching full potential in his own writing he still doesn’t mind lending others advice which really takes a lot. Now there are a couple of others I could have given this award to but I think H4H really knows what he is talking about (not that the others don’t) and makes sure he can get across his point in the chatroom when asked a question. Overall I think that he is just a great influence on other bookers and is just one of the key figures in all of BTB here on IWF and I think the lounge wouldn’t be the same without him because he is just a great guy to have around.

Closing Comments to Andrew
Now I genuinely mean this, all jokes aside. You are a true friend. Now I know me and you only know each other across the internet but you are a guy who is so easy to relate to and get along with and you are a great guy to have a chat with, whether it’s a serious conversation or if we are just joking around and tbh there is no-one who I’d rather be doing Hot Topic with than you. You have helped me loads with AWE over the past few months and I am really grateful for the help you gave me and you are truly a booking legend and all I have left to say is thanks and I wish you all the best for this year in your non-booking ventures.

Andrew: Those were the choices from Switchy and some damn good choices imo. Not to mention some really great closing comments from a great guy and a good friend. Well now it is time for my choices for the very Best of 2008! Let it be known I am doing these pretty much on the fly so I am sure the will not be as great as Switchy’s lol.

Best Booker: THE Brian Kendrick’s Biceps.
I truly believe that 2008 has been the year of BKB. He started in the beginning of the year and he just kept getting better and better as the year got on. I watched him develop from each BTB he started and he just gets more interesting. His matches are phenomenal and when he is on, you can tell because there is NO ONE better than him when he is really motivated and determined. He was already in the running for Booker of Bookers and had a incredibly close race with me for the Best Match Writer in the last awards. And his popularity and recognition with everyone really speaks to his character. So no matter what anyone says, BKB in my eyes is the best thing going today.

I have to agree with Switchy on this one. HEW is one of the greatest BTB’s of not only 2008 but of the entire history of the section! He is the man. HEW has the most creative booking around. His storylines are so interesting and always deliver in the ring. I mean making Benjamin a World Champion and making it believable is just one o his many great accomplishments in booker. Also, like Switchy Said, props to him for keeping HEW going through everything that goes on in life. Congrats Levi, because in our eyes ou are the Best thing going today WOOOOOOOOO.

Best Match: 6 Pack Challenge
I also went with HEW again but not the Adrenaline Rush match. I went back and I found that the 6 pack challenge from Full Throttle was simply amazing. It is not very often that I can go back and read something I have before and really get drawn into it but this match just drew me in once again hook line and sinker. It was a complete all star line up in an elimination match. And to think who was coming out of that match was the champion was a total toss up. Ending with Jericho vs. Shelton after everyone was eliminated was truly epic. And being around for awhile and still seeing a match that pulls me in is award worthy if you ask me. Thank you Levi.

Best PPV: Adrenaline Rush
I mean the entire card was great! I cannot praise this PPV enough. I mean you had a match of the year candidate with the TV title match between Williams, Psychosis, Sonjay and Tajiri. It had the debut of RVD teaming with Johnny Jeter an actually winning the titles. His signature hardcore match which delivered on so many levels. Than, Oh My God, just when you think you couldn’t get more excitement, ROSEY of all people beat Benjamin finally to become the World Champ. I was flipping out and the entire PPV wasn’t even over yet! The most innovative guy in the section came up with the Adrenaline Rush match. Avoiding what easily could be labeled a cluster fuck if someone else wrote it but he made it flow like water. Man It was THE must read PPV of the year. Anyone who hasn’t read it, you better go and take out a notebook because that is how PPV’s are mean to be done!

Best Comeback: The Anigma
Honestly, there were not many great comebacks for the year of 2008. But Anigma was noteworthy I mean come on he is Angima. The hype was incredibly huge for the anticipated return of The Commencement. And it was the hottest thing going for those first couple of weeks was just like when he was on the top of the world. It did die down and kind of lose the prestige it once had before. But still his initial comeback was truly worth making the Best Comeback of 2008 to me.

Best Newcomer: Moonlight Drive
As you saw my interview earlier and going through the evolution of what he has done in BTB, He has done a whole lot since he first started in July of 08! Can you imagine giving this kid a year and seeing what he could do by than? He made his popularity with a column! That is really unheard of and what did the column really do beside make him known. It put him under the spotlight. It made people look at his work and really critique it. Which really helped as you can see it taking fruition in NOW. So he is the best newcomer I have seen all year because he is a great guy and he has done so much in such a small amount of time.

Next Breakout Star: Qwake
The one who started at Sharkboy and everyone ribbed on because of the name. Yet he stuck around and really made a name for himself. He stuck through all the jokes and harsh criticism and has a really strong running BTB in IPW. The guy is funny and actually knows what he is doing. He is going to be the next guy to reach the level that BKB or CT Styles have reached already. If he can just stick around and stick with IPW he is undoubtedly going to be the next big guy in the section, mark my words.

Best Personality: Headfirst for Hardcore
I had to agree with Switchy. Seeing all the questions that come through the chat room and who always has the best answers in the most detail and is always the most helpful? HFH. He is great influence on all the new bookers and he is the source for great Indy wrestling. He is a wonderful guy. I don’t know him personally like I know some of the guys but from what I have seen he is awesome. I think a lot of people owe him a lot and he is always gracious in his help. So congrats to you as well on sweeping the Best Personality HFH.

Well everyone that is the Best of 2008 in the eyes of Switchy and myself. I hope it was a great read for you all and all your comments are appreciated! Make sure you read next week as Switchy and I run though the WORST of 2008! It is going to be the train wreck you cannot look away from lol. On behalf of Switchy and myself thanks for reading and we will see you next week in the BTB Hot Topic!


Pretty good read there guys. Thanks for the comments on me, I was expecting them to end to well without a sheep joke lol but you managed to keep them out which made them better :D The the ending awards part was pretty cool seeing what you guys thought of everyone, it was something new and interesting since you guys hardly ever review. Anyways it was another good read, the interview was alright but I had already heard alot of it before and sup Pat if your back. I'll be reading next weeks Switch and Andrew and hopefully the OTHER members leave comments! :)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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This is a pure awesomeness in a barrel! I truly agreed to your Year End thing as 2008 is really the year of James (TBKB) and H4H, well maybe also me. Both TBKB and the thousand names (Pat lol) have some potential and I believe they really have something for us this 2009. As for X-Power, I haven't seen his BTB so I am a bit curious how good he is. Once again another great post there Andrew, I can't wait for next week's.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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This was a very nice read, dudes. I don't agree 100% on the Year-end Awards, nonetheless, they were still very good choices. I'm looking forward to next week's Hot Topic. Keep up the good work, guys.

Moonlight Drive

Didn't think it would get posted so early. The Awards you gave were pretty spot on, especially mine :shifty:. I've actually been doing BTB for a year now (started on Australia Day 08 with WWU) so hopefully once I hit that full year in a week or two I can do something more than two shows.

You better not include that damn match I'm writing in the Worst of 2008. Pretty sure it will be the Best of 2009, just wait and see. :D


Can I just point out that I did the backstory for SDWA. *Stands proudly*


Another good read here, and thanks Switchy for mentioning me. I'd like to hope that I will be the next big breakout star and I think my current BTB will get me there. I agree with most of your choices for the year end awards as well, especially the best BTB award as I feel that Levi doesnt get enough praise for how good he is. Only one thing... couldnt you have chosen a more interesting person to interview? :shifty: lol

Nice Work guys