You know, this looks like so damn predictable that it just makes you wonder, could WWE be possibly planning something major, some really big surprise, something like...last year's Survivor Series when Goldberg beat Lesnar in the fashion he did? Like, something has to give, right?
Granted, last year it was Goldberg, this time around it's Jinder so there's obviously no comparison to be made, nor am I thinking any type of squash; not from Jinder at least, that would be absurd. But it's almost like they have something big up their sleeves, which brings me to two possible ideas, both of which have some ground to them:
First, the rumor regarding the special guest referee. Let me first say that Meltzer is a schmuck. There ain't any Rock or Austin being involved and their surely ain't any Undertaker either. Undertaker as a referee? Are we for real? Austin has no desire to step back into a ring, that's well documented and if the Rock will by any chance get back into the scene, it will be for a match with Triple H. To put it this way, there ain't anything to tie any of the aformentioned stars to this story, nor would it make any sense.
Therefore, if there will be any special gues referee, John Cena is the one that makes the most sense. For one, Cena could get involved and somewhat cost Jinder the match, thus setting up a WWE title match for the Rumble while at the same time Mahal stays "protected". Mahal can then say that "it's because of John Cena I didn't slay the beast" and blah blah blah, you get the idea...
Or...the unthinkable happens and Jinder actually wins. This is the least likely scenario of the two but I must say, that Heymann promo this past Monday really got me thinking because it's not like Paul to trash or bury Brocks opponents. I mean, the guy said it himself, he's the one to always hype the opponent, he's the one to almost always make the opposision look good and credible because that essentially helps Brock look even better when he eventually wins. So for Heymann to be trashtalking like that and practically making a joke out of Mahal, one can only think, is there possibly a chance WWE are considering this?
Like I said, I'm leaning more towards option A but they are basically forcing me to be a bit more open minded about the situation....