Brock Lesnar Announces "I'm Back!" - 100% Healthy and Wants to be Champion Again

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Jan 28, 2011
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Expected later today via Brock Lesnar's official (management) twitter account is an update on the former UFC champion's health and initial plans for the future. However possibly pre-empting this news, Fusion Ammo - who are an official sponsor of Brock Lesnar - published a video on Youtube showing the Minnesota Man Mountain in good health taking part in prairie dog target practice with a variety of guns much bigger than is necessary for obliterating the tiny creatures.

Back in May we found out Brock Lesnar was struck down once again by diverticulitis causing him to withdraw from his bout with Junior Dos Santos to this time seek out a surgical solution which involved the removal of several inches of his large intestine.

In the video Lesnar talks about the importance of choosing the right ammo while engaging in Redneck Whac-a-Mole, but of MMA interest he talks about his recovery and his goals going forward:

What's new in the life of Brock Lesnar? Well, recently I went under the knife and had surgery for my diverticulitis. I feel like a new man, I feel great, healthy, strong - I feel like I used to feel.


Right now [it's] one day at a time for me. My future, I believe there's still a bright future in the UFC for me. My health is a hundred percent. I feel great, my motivation is there and I want to get on the map again, I want to become the UFC Heavyweight Champion again and I believe I will do that.

Full video of the Brock Lesnar Fusion Ammo clip after the jump.