Former World Champion Eric Young is known for being “Just Crazy Enough” (Eric Young's "Just Crazy Enough" t-shirt at He is never afraid to take on any challenge. He even made a TV show about doing the craziest things imaginable because his wrestling career wasn’t difficult enough. Needless to say, TNA fans can appreciate a certain amount of crazy thanks to Young’s wild side…
However, for the past few weeks, a type of crazy has been rearing its head that is uncomfortable – especially for the beautiful Madison Rayne, who has been the target of the crazy.
Newcomer Brittany said that Madison was her wrestling idol and went out of her way to get close to the Knockout, often times at the expense of Rayne. Brittany would cost Madison matches, be lurking around every corner backstage and showing signs that she might be a little too fascinated with the former Knockouts Champion. However, most accepted it as trying to impress her role model and trying to make new friends in a difficult environment.
That all began to change over the last couple of weeks. First, Brittany stood by as the Beautiful People cheated to pick up a victory over Madison. Then, it all became clear. Brittany called Madison to the ring, feigned an apology and then savagely attacked her former hero before uttering the phrase “Never meet your idols… they ALWAYS let you down.”
Now, Madison Rayne has revenge on her mind and has demanded a match against Brittany. Kurt Angle obliged and even added a special stipulation fitting of these unusual circumstances… Madison Rayne will get a shot at Brittany and it will be a No Disqualification Match.
One of two things can be expected here: first, if Brittany can shine and defeat the former Knockouts Champion, it should skyrocket her value and potentially even put her in line for a KO Title shot. OR, Madison Rayne will have the opportunity to show Brittany what the Knockouts Division is all about — hopefully putting an end to the chaos that Brittany has brought with her.
Do not miss this incredible Knockouts action this Thursday at 9/8c on Spike TV!
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