Spent the night watching some of Kendrick's old THE Brian Kendrick gimmick from Smackdown and I figured it would be worth a discussion. I like Brian's gimmick he ran here. He was a douchebag, smarmy and arrogant and you would have loved to seen him have his face punched in. The fact that he had muscle in Ezekiel to protect him only helped enhance the douchebag gimmick.
Kendrick was released around 2009 though but I feel like the E missed some opportunities here. Kendrick could have been a midcard staple and not just a tag guy who somehow became a somewhat known singles wrestler. I could have seen him have an IC or US title reign similar to the Honky Tonk man, cheating and using his characters douchyness to enhance himself and the feud. But that might just be me.
Do you feel that Kendrick could have been good for the current WWE mid card if he was still employed?
How many singles titles would he have held?
How long would the douchebag gimmick have lasted?