Main - Ryder vs Cena. Ryder wins, is that even a serious question. No DQ kick to the balls, Broski boot to the temple and then Woo Woo Woo, you know it. Ryder gives the new WWE belt an upgrade and puts the Internet Title in place.
Reigns vs Orton - Could be dank, Orton kicks Reigns with that nasty boot, but when he does that "vintage Orton" move Cole jizzes all over, Reigns knees up the rope and pulls him up to throw him over the ropes. Orton gets concussed, and later dies. The WWE universe celebrates, and immediately hires Jeff Hardy back to replace him.
Steph vs Brie - So many tits pop out in this match. I mean bra and panty matches are cheap, i'm talking dive bar bitch fight with claws and no shirt to put back on, who fucking cares who wins.
Rollins vs Ambrose - Titty master ftw, Rollins has the bitch heel gimmick and needs a way out so hopefully an absolute ass kicking from a guy he is more gifted than would help, srsly.
AJ vs Paige - piss break
Sheamus vs Miz - Take a shit instead.
Bo knows Dallas vs Neville - I dont even know who Neville is, but R-Truth wins.
Swag vs Rusev - Check ESPN, but hurry, you've only got about 3 minutes, max.
Jericho vs The Wyatts. Tivo DVR and Torrent this shit. No one gives a fuck what happens, what matters most is the 8 minutes spent with microphones before the match, because this is the only reason WWE is worth watching today. Oh shit piss yeah, Jericho returns and owns the everloving dogshit out of this chickenshit bullshit, facing the fucking Wyatt family. He comes off a Wyatt win where every asshole who said him losing to new stars was bullshit and then turned around and hated their dicks off when he won Jericho vs Bray 1. I expect this to turn into Bray vs Jericho 1v1 at HIAC, alerting the fans to wear two layers of underwear for all the prejacks that will happen. I expect this to be a FUCKING DOOZIE and when it's all said and done, Monday night will be Raw, is, Jericho.
Pre Show Cesaro jobs to Ziggler so everyone can fully accept WWE is shitting on him for the sake of shitting on him. The match will be great, and the fans will be interested in buying their gear - however we won't see either one for at least a week.
Oh and Heyman will come out, Disco Inferno will be a special guest ref, and there will be at least 3 TNA commercials during the PPV.