Hey Guys,
As of late we have been getting a lot of questions about the impact tour, TNA and OVW, etc, and we absolutely LOVE you guys for it! However, as of right now we are no longer with either TNA or OVW. We are actually taking a little break from wrestling. After 9 years and with lots of new and exciting things that took place in both our lives last year, it’s just time for us to take a break! But we just wanted to tell you guys how much your support especially these past 2 years with TNA and Boot camp has meant to us. It’s been incredibly touching. We appreciate the tweets, the messages, the t-shirts, and the posters. You truly kick ass, all of you and we couldn’t be more grateful! TNA have been fantastic and incredibly understanding of where we are at right now. They gave us the most wonderful of opportunities with British Boot camp, the One Night Only ppv’s and Impact TV. For us, the two shy little girls who dreamed of being wrestlers at 12 years old, we have achieved more than we could ever have imagined! We are beyond thankful for all those opportunities and that that door is still open! Thank you TNA for making some of our biggest dreams come true!!