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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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The date is December 31st, 2008, and word has just come in that TNA has FIRED Vince Russo, and a new upstart simply known as Blaze has been hired as the new booker of TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION! We are told that Dixie Carter will hire anyone he makes a request for, and hopes he helps takes TNA to the next level. Only time will tell what Blaze can do with TNA.

(This is going to be the journey of Blaze as I could end up moving somewhere else to book, so it might not always be TNA that is being booked. But it will for awhile, I got stars I want to build)

Doing this with Pro Wrestling Sim, which is a pretty fun game honestly, if you like TEW, you'll love this.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Impact
Thursday January 1st, 2009

Sonjay Dutt vs Sheik Abdul Bashir
We open up the first TNA Impact of 2009 with this match up, and it wasn't the best match but it was pretty decent. Crowd seemed to have liked it. The finish would see Sheik win

Crowd Reaction: 65%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 53%

Alex Shelley vs Eric Young
This match was to see who would face Chris Sabin at the upcoming PPV for the Vacant X-Division title. Both men put on one heck of a show, good back and forth action from them that saw both men come within inches of pinning the other. In the end, it would be Alex Shelley who picked up the W.

Crowd Reaction: 80%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 63%

The Knockouts have a game changer!
We see Taylor Wilde backstage, before Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed would attack her and start to beat her down, before Gail Kim, making her return to TNA, and Legend Trish Stratus making her debut in TNA, would make the save, and we get a stare down with Kong, Saeed, Gail, and Trish.
Beatdown: 67%
Stare down: 57%
Final Score: 64%

TNA World Tag Team Championships
Lethal Consequences(c) vs LAX
We move right on to a match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships, pretty good match up and fun spots that the crowd did enjoy. Some great high flying as well from all four men. We would see new tag team champions, with LAX getting the win.

Crowd Reaction: 76%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 61%

Rhino is seen, bloody, and beaten backstage being taken away to the hospital down the road. No one knowing what happened too him, or who did this.

Rating: 84%

Samoa Joe vs Booker T
Fun match here as we get closer to the end of the show, we had the crowd at it's hottest yet, and boy they were HEATED after the finish, where Booker T would cheat to beat Samoa Joe, after kicking him in the dick with a clearly loaded boot.

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 81%

IWGP Tag Team Championships
Togi Makabe & Toru Yano vs Berry Money
We have Togi and Toru from NJPW here, defending the IWGP Tag Team Championships in a pretty fun little match up, it helped show off some of the NJPW talent and got a fun match for the crowd out of it.Togi and Toru of course would retain here.

Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: Two and Half Stars
Final Score: 64%

Main Event Mafia Time!
We see the MEM backstage, talking about what happened to Rhino, and how it's so unfortunate that he be able to make the match with Sting for the World Champion at the PPV. But then Jim Cornette walks in, and informs Sting he will still be defending that World Championship, and next week in a battle royal, we find out who he'll be facing

Rating: 77%

AJ Styles vs Elijah Burke
In The Main Event, we see AJ Styles take on the debuting Elijah Burke in a decent match, nothing to really write home about. But it was good and the crowd seemed to get into it near the end. We would see Burke pick up the win by holding AJ Styles tights.

Crowd Reaction: 91%
Match Quality: Two and A Half Stars
Final Score: 70%

Overall Show Final Score: 55
(Note it would have been a 69 if my production was better, which I'll slowly update)​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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Some broadcasting Deals were signed, let me share the ones that caught my eye

AAA got two


WWE got 4(but the ECW one isn't worth a mention as it's something called Space and idk what that is lol)


NJPW got two

and finally NOAH

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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TNA Xplosion
Tuesday 06 January 2009(Shown on Saturday)
Jimmy Rave and Lance Rock vs The Young Bucks
We got Rave and Rock taking on The Young Bucks who are newly signed to OVW, getting a chance to show off a little bit at this taping. Fun match that was nice. But it ended up with Jimmy Rave getting the win for his team

Crowd Reaction 71%
Match Quality: Two and A Half Stars
Final Score: 57%

Curry Man vs Adam Pearce
We got the debut of Adam Pearce here, taking on Curry Man in a fun match up. Some good wrestling from the two men, as we see Adam Pearce pick up the win.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 63%

Petey Williams vs Sonjay Dutt
Nice little X-Division Match, some fun stuff, crowd wasn't that into it for some reason. Petey would get that W.

Crowd Reaction: 54%
Match Quality: Two and A Half Stars
Final Score: 47%

Brutus Magnus vs Matt Morgan
Main event time, it got a nice reaction from the crowd, match wasn't great, but it did it's job and everything to get the crowd hot. Magnus would win it.

Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 64%

Overall Score: 58%​


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I think Space a channel in Latin America or just Mexico

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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TNA Impact
Thursday January 8th, 2009

We get a promo package with four of twenty two people in the main event battle Royal, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, and Hernandez.

Samoa Joe: 88%
AJ Styles: 78%
Bobby Roode: 77%
Hernandez: 64%
Overall: 79%

Scott Steiner vs Curry Man
We get a quick match here, where Scott just makes quick wokr of Curry Man, getting a win.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 63%

Consequences Creed vs Jimmy Rave
This match happened, wasn't good, but it happened. Jimmy Rave won

Crowd Reaction: 70
Match Quality: One and a Half Star
Final Score: 54%

We see a video of The Governor, talking about change, and how she hasn't been being true self, and it's time she does. Which transitions to a shot of her as Daffney

Rating: 91%

Jay Lethal vs Elijah Burke
Pretty good little match, and it gets both men some tv time. Burke would get the win.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score:63%

We get the contract signing of Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin for this Sunday for the X-Division Championship

Note: This match actually did happen as part of a tournament final that had started before the start date, so I wanted to do that. I didn't wanna do Rhino by the way vs Sting, so it's why I had him wrote off.

Final Score: 43%
Daffney vs Roxxi
This was a fun match, didn't last long but it was fun. Daffney won.

Crowd Reaction 60%
Match Quality: One Star
Final Score: 48%

Jim Cornette announces, Trish, Gail, and Wilde will take on Kong, Saeed, and a partner of their choice this Sunday.

Rating: 58%

Booker T vs Matt Morgan
This match happened, it was okay, Booker T won, and that's that.

Crowd Reaction: 88%
Match Quality: 1 Star
Final Score: 66%

22 Person Battle Royal
This match was too figure out who would be facing Sting this Sunday. Some noteworthy names was Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, the debut of Bryan Danielson, and Tyler Black from OVW. We would see AJ Styles win by last tossing out Bryan Danielson to earn a shot at Sting.

Crowd Reaction: 92%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 69%

Final Score 64%​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Genesis
Sunday January 11th, 2009

TNA World Tag Championships & IWGP Tag Team Championships
LAX(c) vs Beer Money vs Apollo 55(c)
We get a double tag title match to open the show, Beer Money looks to go from no titles to two titles, where but LAX and Apollo 55 looking to add another set. Good fun match to open the show, that would see Apollo 55 get the win here.

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 65%

TNA X-Division Championship
Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin
We have a good match between two people who know each other really well in the finals of the X-Division Championship. Lots of spots, both men even stealing each others finish. In the end Alex Shelley would win

Crowd Reaction: 77%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 62%

Awesome Kong, Raisha Saeed, and ??? vs Trish Stratus, Taylor Wilde, and Gail Kim
The partner ends up being Jazz, who has some history with Trish, so we get some call backs to matches they had been in. Trish would pick the win up for the team by pinning Knockouts Champion Awesome Kong

Crowd Reaction: 80%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 62%

Bryan says he's going to the ring and he's looking for a fight.

Final Score: 71%

Bryan Danielson vs Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal ends up accepting the challenge, and we get a pretty good match here that see's both men giving it their all. Bryan would pick the win up and the crowd seemed happy despite Bryan playing heel.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 65%

TNA Legends Championship
Booker T(c) vs Samoa Joe
Crowd loved this one, it wasn't to long, and the results was what the fans wanted, when Samoa Joe made Booker T tap out to win the Legends Championship

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 80%

Pre Match Interview
AJ Styles and Ric Flair do an interview with JB before the main event, AJ Styles promises that he will win the TNA World Championship and put an end to the Main Event Mafia

Final Score: 73%

TNA World Championship
Sting(c) vs AJ Styles
Really great main event, crowd loved it, good stuff all around. But the ending would see Ric Flair TURN on AJ Styles to help Sting win, thus joining The Main Event Mafia.

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 79%

Final Score: 70%​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Xplosion
Thursday January 15th, 2009

They moved the tapings to before Impact, and tonight is an OVW Showcase on Xplosion

Tyler Black vs Brent Wellington
We open up with the first match of the show, which sees two superstars with a bright future face off. Crowd was nicely into it. Tyler Black seemed pretty over with the crowd, so I would not be shocked if he doesn't stay in OVW long. Tyler Black picked up the win.

Crowd Reaction: 69%
Match Quality: 1 and a Half Stars
Final Score: 57%

AJ Lee vs Candice LeRae
We have these two go at it in a pretty good match, showing two future Knockouts in this. Crowd was a little hotter for this one than the one before it, had some nice moments. AJ Lee would pick the win up here.

Crowd Reaction: 73%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 58%

OVW Southern Tag Team Championship
Kamiaze Kid and Sucio(c) vs The Young Bucks
The crowd did not care about this one at all, not to much happened, just the champions not looking ready for TV, while the Bucks shined a little, and would pick up the win here to get the tag titles.

Crowd Reaction: 53%
Match Quality: 1 and a Half Stars
Final Score:44%

OVW Heavyweight Championship
Aaron Stevens(c) vs Brodie Lee
The main event of the show was for the OVW Heavyweight Championship, and was a pretty good back and forth match, lots of hard hitting action, and two men beating each other up pretty good, In the end, Brodie Lee would pick the win up here.

Crowd Reaction 72%
Match Quality: 1 and a half stars
Final Score: 56%

Overall: 53%

TNA Impact
Thursday January 15th, 2009

Main Event Mafia/WHY RIC WHY
We open the show with the Main Event Mafia talking about last night, Booker T tells Joe he's coming to get his title back. Sting talks about how soon they will have all the gold, and then no one will stop them. Flair explains why he did what he did, basically summing it up to AJ having no respect for a guy like Sting, who's done so much for this business.

Rating: 91%

TNA X-Division Championship
Alex Shelley(c) vs KENTA
KETNA drops by from NJPW, to have a match with Alex Shelley for the X-Division Championship, and boy do they have a pretty good one. Both of them did some amazing work, showing that it truly is about No Limits. Alex Shelley would retain in a hard fought battle

Crowd Reaction: 68%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 57%

Bryan Danielson vs Eric Young
Bryan has another open challenge, and it's accepted by Eric Young, who Bryan makes pretty quick work of, just once again going a little further than truly needed to win the match, but he gets the win none the less.

Crowd Reaction: 85
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 68%

Trish would issue a Challenge to Awesome Kong for the Knockouts Championship

Final Score: 76%

Samoa Joe cuts a promo backstage, basically just renaming the Legends title to the TV Title

Final Score: 77%

TNA World Tag Team Championships
Apollo 55(c) vs Beer Money
Well we got Apollo 55 coming to defend the tag titles, and I guess they didn't want to travel because Beer Money would pick the win up here and bring the titles back to TNA quickly

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 65%

A hype video for Tyler Black is played, hyping up him, plus his match that will be seen on the Xplosion episode that Satuday.

Final Score: 93%

Adam Pearce vs Petey Williams
We get another match to help build up Pearce, had a good showing with Petey here and of course Adam would pick the win up.

Crowd Reation: 64%
Matich Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 53%

We see that Trish vs Kong for the KO Title is made for Against All Odds

Final Score: 51%

AJ Styles vs Booker T
The crowd was HOT for this match, both men back and forth, AJ Styles fighting to try and get his way back to the title, and Booker looking to push AJ down the mountain even more, but AJ Styles would pick the win up

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 78%

We first have Kurt Angle come out to help beat down AJ after the match, which leads to Alex Shelley running down to make the save, before Nash and Steiner run down to join in, which has Team 3D run down to help, then Flair and Sting join in, before Jefff Jarrett comes to help, but the MEM still have the odds, until we get the return of Rhino, as we brawl as the show ends.

Rating: 74%


Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Xplosion
Thursday January 22nd, 2009

Matt Morgan vs Douglas Williams
This match was to just basically give Matt something to do, and make him look strong as he wrecked Williams here and picked up the win.

Crowd Reaction: 67%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 55%

ODB va Roxxi
Not the best match, these two don't seem to work well together. Which made the match a little sloppy. OBD would win it.

Crowd Reaction: 68%
Match Quality: 1 and a half Star
Final Score: 54%

Curry Man vs Elijah Burke
Pretty solid match, these two put in a pretty good showing and worked pretty good together. We would see Burke pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 65%

Tyler Black vs Cute Kip
We get more of Tyler Black, who you got to think will be called up soon just putting on a good match with Cute Kip, they had some good action, before Tyler Black would pick the in up.

Crowd Reaction: 86%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 66%

Overall: 60%

I will do Impact tomorrow when I'm feeling better​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Impact
Thursday January 22nd, 2009

Consequences Creed vs Sheik Abdul Bashir
Decent little match to open the show, these two worked decently together, and had the crowd a bit into it. Creed would pick the win up after a good back and forth battle to get Impact started for the night.

Crowd Reaction: 71%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 57%

We get a hype video for Matt Morgan, showing some of his work and making him come off as a monster

Final Score: 70%

Rock N Roll Express vs Beer Money
For some reason this is a match that happens, after Rock N Roll Express was just in the ring to do some sort of celebration, for they really didn't say, but Beer Money crashed that and it led to a match that was quick, which Beer Money won

Crowd Reaction: 76%
Match Quality: Two and a Half Stars
Final Score: 60%

Afterwards, Beer Money keeps beating down Rock N Roll, when Team 3D Runs out to make the save, chasing off Beer Money

Beatdown: 43%
Save: 82%
Final Score: 69%

TNA X-Division Championship
Alex Shelley(c) vs Curry Man
FUN MATCH here, really great stuff all around honestly, and just a match that the crowd was super into. Curry Man came within an inch of winning the title, but Shelley kicked out at like 2.999999, before he was able to pick up the win and retain the championship.

Crowd Reaction: 80%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 64%

Ultimo Dragon vs Nigel McGuinness
Kind of a fun match, it was cool to see Ultimo Dragon, which did get a nice pop from the crowd. Not much to say here other than Nigel did pick the win up, but showed some respect afterwards

Crowd Reaction: 66%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 54%

Main Event Mafia Talking
We see the MEM talking backstage, where Sting talks about the lack of gold they have, saying how he wants all the championships apart of the Main Event Mafia, as he can't be the only one carrying the weight around here.

Final Score: 79%

Samoa Joe vs Adam Pearce
GOOD STUFF HERE! Crowd was into it, match was great, and both men were just on their A game, really fun stuff man, like you would have to see it to understand how much the crowd was loving this one. Samoa Joe would win by chocking out Pearce to win.

Crowd Reaction: 89%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 70%

We cut backstage to a brawl between Bryan Danielson and Jay Lethal, which got pretty intense, with Lethal ending up with some blood pouring.

Final Score: 68%

AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett
This was a match with some respect shown, both men just wanted to have a good fun match, and that they did. The crowd surely loved it, and we would see Jeff Jarrett pick the win up here at the end after just getting one over on AJ, who was smiling after.

Crowd Reaction: 92%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 70%

Booker T vs Chris Sabin
The main event of the night was pretty good as well, which saw Booker T taking on Chris Sabin in a good back and forth match, that saw Booker T have to cheat to win, by grabbing a handful of tights.

Crowd Reaction: 90%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score 69%

We saw the MEM run out and start to fight The Machine Guns, before AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley, and Samoa Joe all came out to even the odds as the show went off the air

Final Score: 72%

Overall: 65%​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Xplosion
Thursday January 29th Taping

Tyler Black vs Kyle Matthews
We gpt another OVW Showcase here tonight, we start with Tyler Black taking on Kyle Matthews. not really that good a match, but the crowd seemed to enjoy it, Tyler Black would pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 71%
Match Quality: 1 and a half stars
Final Score: 55%

ACH vs Mustafa Ali
Ali is a new signing to OVW, and being showcased here tonight, as he would get a good easy win over ACH, having a really good outing tonight.

Crowd Reaction: 66%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 55%

AJ Lee vs Courtney Rush
The crowd really loved this one, and was into it, both women showing why OVW has great women action. AJ would pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 81%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 63%

OVW Southern Tag Team Championships
The Young Bucks (c) vs The Briscoes
We get a tag title match on this show, and it would see the newly signed Briscoes pick up the tag titles, in a good fought battle with the Young Bucks, good back and forth action, the best match of the night honestly.

Crowd Reaction: 73%
Match Quality: Three and a Half Stars
Final Score: 61%

Bryan Danielson vs Kevin Steen
We get the debut of Kevin Steen, who puts up one hell of a fight with Bryan, but it would not be enough, as Bryan Danielson would pick the win up in a great showing from both men.

Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 66%

Final: 61%

TNA Impact
Thursday January 29th LIVE

We start the night, seeing Paul Heyman walking into the arena just before the show started, and after the video stops, we go back to JB live, who knocks on the door of the room Heyman is in, as he steps out of the room, he looked back and told someone he be right back, before asking JB what he wanted, who asked him why he was here tonight, and Heyman just told him he'll find out when the time is right, before going back in and shutting the door.

Heyman video: 81%
Heyman Interview by Jeremy Borash: 85%
Final Score: 84%

Jimmy Rave vs Matt Cross
Matt Cross of ROH is here tonight, and had a good little match with Jimmy Rave, both men really doing what it takes to try and get the crowd into it, but didn't really get much of a reaction. But Jimmy Rave would get that win.

Crowd Reaction: 55%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 47%

Trish Stratus would cut a promo on Awesome Kong, to promote their match for Against All Odd, basically saying if she doesn't win the title, she'll leave TNA.

Final Score: 73%

Chris Hero vs Matt Morgan
We get a decent match between these two, where we see the debut of Chris Hero, who ends up getting a win over Matt Morgan, which got a huge pop from the crowd.

Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 61%

TEAM 3D Promo!
We see Team 3D cut a promo on Beer Money, who promise to take the TNA Tag Titles tonight.

Final Score: 78%

Booker T and Scott Steiner vs The Motor City Machine Guns
We find out that earlier in the evening, Booker and Scott issued a challenge, to the Machine Guns, where if they could last ten minutes with them, the Machine Guns can pick the match for when they and AJ Styles would take on three members of The Main Event Mafia, which they are able to do, lasting til the time limit.

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 61%

Rest of the MEM Talk.
We see the rest of the Main Event Mafia in the back, talking about how they let them down, and they knew it should've been Nash and Angle fighting for the team, but Nash says not to worry, he has a plan.

Final Score: 86%

TNA World Tag Team Championships
Beer Money(c) vs Team 3D
Pretty good match, no idea why they did this on impact, when the PPV is right around the corner, but I guess they did. We see Beer Money actually pick the win here, which got a huge pop from the crowd.

Crowd Reaction: 90%
Match Quality: Two and a Half Stars
Final Score: 70%

AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle
We get Kurt Angle taking on AJ Styles, and we find out that Kurt Angle will be one of the three members in the Six Man at Against All Odds. After a great match, we would see Kurt Angle pick the win up after he was able to catch AJ off guard.

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three and a Half Stars
FinaL Score: 84%

Kong replies back to Trish
We see Awesome Kong just laugh at what Trish had to say earlier, saying she's going to crush her and and send her packing.

Final Score: 78%

TNA TV Championship
Samoa Joe(c vs Bryan Danielson
We get a great match here for the main event, that saw Joe putting the TV Title on the line, a new rule being how the title we be defended every week on Impact. These two men put one one HELL of a show for the crowd, and Bryan picking up the win, after Booker T would hit Joe with the belt while the ref was not looking.

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Three and a half stars
Final Score: 79%

Show Rating: 70%​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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TNA Xplosion
Thursday February 5th, 2009 Taping

Eric Young vs Kevin Steen
Good match to open the taping, and it would be a good fun match between the two, which would see Kevin Steen pick up the win here, looking strong.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 63%

Davina Rose and Serena Deeb vs The Blossom Twims
We get a womens OVW match here, and well, it wasn't great but it showcased some of the young talent coming up in OVW, so, there is that. Deeb and Rose would pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 62%
Match Quality: Half a star
Final Score: 48%

KENTA vs Jerry Lynn
Well we get KENTA from NJPW taking on Jerry Lynn who has recently signed a PPA deal with TNA, having a pretty decent match, that would see KENTA pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 56%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 47%

OVW Heavyweight Championship
Brodie Lee(c) vs Jack Evans
We get an OVW Championship match to close out the taping, and it was a fun match to end the show on, that would see Brodie Lee retain the title.

Crowd Reaction: 64%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 53%

Show Rating: 54%

Thursday February 5th, 2009 LIVE

ROH World Tag Team Championships
Steenerico(c) vs All Night Express
We get the team of Kevin Steen and El Generico taking on Rhett Titus and Kenny King for ROH World Tag Team Championships, in a good back and forth match, that would see El Generico take the pin, thus losing the tag titles for him and Steen.

Crowd Reaction: 74%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 59%

After the match, Steen would help Generico up, before attacking him, and turning on his partner, beating him down, and ripping his mask apart, before just leaving the ring.

Final Score: 54%

TNA TV Championship
Bryan Danielson(c) vs Ultimo Dragon
Really good match between these two here, Dragon vs Dragon, and we see some great stuff, before Bryan was able to pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 73%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 59%

We see a meeting of the Main Event Mafia, where we find out Booker T and Scott Steiner will be fighting in the main event, to see who will join Angle and Nash this Sunday at Against All Odds, they end up sending Sharmell to go pick up the drinks for celebrate later tonight.

Final Score: 79%

Trish Stratus vs Raisha Saeed
Trish makes pretty quick work here, winning quickly to send a message to Kong

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 63%

After the match, Awesome Kong would attack and beat down Trish, getting some heat before the big match.

Final Score: 91%

LAX vs Rock N Roll Express
Rock N Roll Express is back this week, and they got Jim Cornette with them, but none of that matters as LAX makes pretty quick work of them.

Crowd Reaction: 67%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 54%

Chris Hero vs Abyss
Well, this match happened and it was okay, not to long honestly, and we would see Chris Hero pick the win up and get a nice pop from the crowd.

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two stars
Final Score: 63%

Motor City and AJ Styles Talking
We see AJ Styles, talking with the Machine Guns about the match this Sunday, and how they are fighting to save TNA.

Final Score: 62%

IWGP Heavyweight Championship
Tomohiro Ishii(c) vs Doug Williams
We actually get another IWGP Championship match on Impact, and like you would think, the champ would retain, making quick work of Doug Williams.

Crowd Reaction: 58%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 50%

We cut backstage to where Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness are brawling as they leave the Impact Zone

Final Score: 58%

Scott Steiner vs Booker T
Well, this tells that their was a plan all along, because not long into the match, the ref would take a bump, before Kevin Nash would power bomb Booker T, and allow Steiner to pick up the win.

Crowd Reaction 99%
Match Quality: 1 and a half star
Final Score: 72%

After the match, Sting, Flair, Angle, Scott, and Nash would all beat down Booker T, and tell him he's no longer part of the Main Event Mafia

Final Score: 68%

Final Score: 63%​
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Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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TNA Against All Odds
Sunday Febuary 8th, 2009

24 Person Battle Royal
We open the match with a Battle Royal, to see who Sting will face that night. We got TNA, OVW, ROH, PWG, and NJPW talent in this one, all fighting for the chance. We got some cool stuff like Steen and Generico both taking each other out and brawling to the back, Rhino hit a very mean looking Gore on Jon Moxley. The end saw Booker T toss out Nakamura to pick up the win.

Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 65%

TNA World Tag Team Championships
Team 3D(c) vs LAX
This match wasn't that bad, but didn't have much to really talk about from it, just a decent tag title match that saw Team 3D Retain

Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score 64%

TNA Knockouts Championship
Awesome Kong(c) vs Trish Stratus
This match was short, but the crowd was hot and that is what counts, the crowd went crazy when Trish was able to pick the win up here.

Crowd reaction: 100%
Match Quality: 1 and a half star
Final Score: 74%

TNA TV Championship
Bryan Danielson(c) vs Tyler Black
Danielson said he reached out to Tyler, told him to fly in, as he wanted to give him a title shot, and god damn they did great, nice crowd reaction, good match, all around great stuff that would see Bryan retain.

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 66%

Main Event Mafia Talk
We see the Main Event Mafia just talking about the matches tonight, Nash said the plan he's got is coming together, so no worries.

Final Score: 78%

OCW Heavyweight Championship
We had a showcase of OVW, but it was quickly ruined when Bryan Danielson, and Kevin Steen rushed the ring and attacked both men, getting heat from the crowd.

Crowd Reaction: 71%
,Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 52%

Afterwards, Paul Heyman makes his way out to the ring, and says that he is here to lead a team of the future, of guys who ten, fifteen years from now, will be the guys who people on internet forums will be talking about, and it starts with Kevin Steen, and Bryan Danielson.

Final Score: 89%

Main Event Mafia(Nash, Steiner, Angle) vs The Motor City Machine Guns and AJ Styles
Really fun match, hyped crowd, great spots, and it ended with some GREAT HEAT, when Alex Shelley would turn, attacking Sabin, as AJ Styles was jumped by Angle and Steiner. Nash would hit a Power Bomb on Sabin to pin him, as Alex Shelley has joined Main Event Mafia

Crowd Reaction: 89%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 68%

TNA World Championship
Sting(c) vs Booker T
Crowd loved it, and match wasn't that bad for a quick one, lasted long enough to allow both men to get their stuff in, but not so long that it hurt the match. The end would see Sting win and retain, but Booker T came so close.

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 79%

Final Score: 69%​

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
Sep 6, 2007
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Crawford County, GA
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TNA Xplosion
Thursday February, 12th, 2009 Taping

Suicide vs Eddie Kingston
Pretty decent match, another OVW showcase, which is what the show is becoming know for, and it was a good match, not great but good, and we would see Kingston pick the win up here, looking great.

Crowd Reaction: 88%
Match Quality: Two and a Half Stars
Final Score: 68%

The Briscoes vs Rock N Roll Express
Reallyy fun, yet quick match. where we would see The Briscoes make quick work of Rock N Roll and win the match pretty easily.

Crowd Reaction: 71%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 58%

Candice LeRae vs Evie
Really good showcase of the women in OVW, the longest match of the night up to this point, we saw them really giving it their all, but in the end Evie would pull off the win. Candice also seemed to have picked up an injury in the match.

Crowd Reaction: 62%
Match Quality: Three Stars
Final Score: 52%

Jay Lethal vs Dragon Kid
This match went just a little longer than the women's, but didn't seem quite as good from a quality stand point, but got a better reaction from the crowd. Lethal would pick the win up here.

Crowd Reaction: 66%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 54%

Sonjay Dutt vs Jimmy Rave
Main Event of this show was pretty good, and had some good moments, but in th end Jimmt Rave would pick the victory up

Crowd Reaction: 61%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 51%

Show Rating: 56%

TNA Impact
Thursday February, 12th, 2009 LIVE

Main Event Mafia Promo
We open the show with a promo from the Main Event Mafia, where basically Shelley explains his actions on Sunday, saying that his good friend Kevin Nash came to him with a promise of stardom, of becoming a MAIN EVENT PLAYER around here, and how Sabin was only holding him back. Now the future is brighter for him, and he will only stop once he gets to the top.

Final Score: 70%

Brother Ray vs Lance ROCK
Decently quick match here that saw Brother Ray pick up the win after a surprise roll up.

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 64%

We start out with what seems to be an Eric Young promo, because Heyman, Steen, and Danielson all come down the ramp, Steen and Danielson rushing the ring to attack Young, who is then saved by Tyler Black, who chases the two men off.

Eric Young Promo: 74%
Steen and Danielson beat down Young: 53%
Tyler Black makes save: 79%
Final Score: 67%

Rhino vs Jon Moxley
Moxley wanted some revenge for how he was man handled or Rhino in the Battle Royal at Against All Odds, but yeah he didn't get that here as Rhino would easily beat him after a Gore

Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: Two and a half stars
Final Score: 65%

Trish is challenge by an ally
We get JB interviewing Trish on how it feels to once again hold a championship, which she basically replies that it was a moment that will live with her forever, we then get Taylor Wilde coming up and asking her good friend Trish for a shot tonight, and Trish accepts.

Trish Interview: 75%
Taylor Wilde Challenge: 32%
Final Score: 54%

Nigel McGuinness vs Homicide
Good good match, fun stuff for the crowd, both men did good work together and it showed. But in the end Nigel would pick the win up.

Crowd Reaction: 76%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 60%

TNA Knockouts Championship
Trish Stratus(c) vs Taylor Wilde
The match was pretty decent, and both women looked pretty good, but the shock came when Taylor would cheat, hitting Trish with a pair of Brass Knuckles when the ref wasn't looking, to pick the win up and steal the Knockouts Championship

Crowd Reaction: 76%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 60%

We then get a video with the announcement of Chyna coming to TNA

Final Score: 50%

TNA TV Championship
Bryan Danielson(c) vs Buff Bagwell
Bryan once again is defending the TNA TV Title in an open challenge, which oddly enough is accepted by Buff Bagwell, who Bryan makes easy work of, and gets the win.

Crowd Reaction: 77%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 60%

We first see Shelley walking down the hall, having just got a water it seems, when out of nowhere Chris Sabin comes running up to chase him, which turns out to be a trap, as Shelley leads Sabin right to a beat down, but this would lead to AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett, Team 3D all chasing off the Main Event Mafia.

Sabin Chases Shelley: 62%
Sabin Beatdown by MEM: 64%
MEM Chased Away: 76%
Final Score: 68%

Abyss comes out, saying he's tired of sitting in the back and DEMANDS a match right now, with ANYONE, which leads to Christian Cage making his return to TNA

Abyss Promo: 70%
Christian accepts open challenge: 44%
Final Score: 61%

Christian Cage vs Abyss
What a return match for Christian, these two went at it and had a really fun match, which would see Christian win after hitting a Killswitch

Crowd Reaction: 100%
Match Quality: Two Stars
Final Score: 75%

Show Rating: 66%​