BKB’s Goodbye For Now Rant

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Righteo, I thought leaving the section for awhile wouldn’t be right without saying what I have to say. Some of you can see that I’m pretty opinionated at times, so yeah. If I say something, I mean it. I don’t care if you get offended.

Worst Match

It seems that when most people review a show, the ‘worst match’ is always either a squash, or a women’s match. Now let’s stop and think about this. The ‘worst match’ is supposed to be the one that was written the worst. Yet people still put down squashes or women’s matches automatically. What if nothing is wrong with the way the squash is written? It may have good grammar, and a good flow to it, with the transitions being better than any other match. Yet it will still get ‘worst match’. This really defies logic.


Someone please try to be different. Every new thread seems to be set in 2009. People will notice you if you’re different, not if you’re the same as everyone else. So at least do something to stand out from the rest, because recently, I see very little from a lot of bookers here.


That’s right, it’s my opinion on each and every one of you (that I can remember). So, here we go.

xtremebadass: Ah, one of two guys who reviewed for me every week. Best booker in terms of actual booking on the site. Decent match writer. Best promo writer. You’re in front of everyone else currently by quite a bit. Hopefully, your hiatus doesn’t last too long.

Switchy: Switch, I know you have a new project you’re working on, and hopefully it sticks. You’re one of the better bookers on the site. I’m not sure whether or not you deserve HoF, but be happy that you’re in there.

Scotty_Goldman: OK, you’re someone who has plenty to work on. First off: grammar. This is essential. People need to understand what they’re reading, and sometimes I try to read your work, but I struggle. Secondly; movesets. I don’t know why, but you never seem to have movesets down right. Many a time I have seen Carlito using right hands throughout a match. That is just one of the examples. Third; promos. They need to actually be in character, and make sense. This relates back to grammar in a way. Fourth: booking. Your booking is so questionable it’s amazing. You have E & C teaming together currently. Colt Cabana debuted as a main eventer. Undertaker drew at WrestleMania. You need to think ahead sometimes. And lastly, you need to stop tooting your own horn. You really don’t have that much to be proud of. Shut your mouth, and earn yourself some respect. Then, try tooting your own horn.

Lethal Combination: You have probably had more BTB’s than I have fingers and toes. You’re match writing is decent, and promos are too. Should you find a BTB that you stick with, you could improve.

King Lennie: Grammar. Learn it. Love it. Your matches a plagued sometimes with bad grammar. You also struggle with movesets. Matches are meant to be able to be pictured. But sometimes with your matches it is near impossible. Promos need to be in character, and less like some guy talking in a chatbox.

Emperor DC: He’s opinionated as hell, but most of the time he is spot on. He can write great shows, so maybe people should notice that before bad mouthing him for not being a good writer, or being better than him.

WCW Rules: One of the guys who gives to the section more than people notice. He helps more bookers than anyone. Completely selfless, and quite possibly the biggest asset the section has. I hope everything goes well with your life WCW, because without you, I know the BTB section will be very different. You get nowhere near the credit you deserve.

Roxxi Laveaux Fanboy: You’re certainly different. I have read your shows in the past, and it’s pretty good. You’re creative (I think it wears off from being a TNA mark :p), and you probably don’t get what you deserve.

Headfirst For Hardcore: Great match writer, solid promo writer. You used to do a lot more for the section. With your BTB going, it seemed like you stopped caring about everyone else’s.

-HBK-: Underrated. Match writing is pretty good. Promos are amazing. Right up with xba. No one notices though, and it’s unfortunate, because you left without people knowing about what you can really do.

GardsJr: I remember back when we both started booking. You had potential. You were the next big thing. I was ... nothing. I’m still nothing, but you’re on about the same level, which shows that you have waisted what you have in terms of talent. I just think you need to stop, and think things through. I can honestly say you never did that once when we worked together. I was booking your show, as well as writing my two. God, you know how to burn someone out. Stop ... think ... succeed.

CT Styles: You know, if you had a BTB that had been going for a few months, by now you’d be on top of the section. It’s unfortunate the way things go, because you have told me before what you’ve gone through. Life is tough. Hell, I’m dealing with that right now. Hopefully, when I come back, you’re the top guy. Reading your stuff has always motivated me. I feel natural competition I guess. I always want to top you. Unfortunately for me, it has never happened.

The Anigma: Ah, the inspiration. You’re one of the best. Not the best match writer. Not the best promo writer. But one of the best in all. Your storylines are great, and you definitely know how to make a feud evolve and keep going for longer and longer.

Diesel: Your matches are meh. They’re alright, but it troubles me that you have such terrible grammar. Your promos are pretty bad. You need to work on that. Think of the character, and have them say it like they mean it. One day, you could make it. Although I doubt you will.

CMS: Your matches are good, and your promos are good. I just think that at times, your booking is predictable. Feuds are also often dragged out too long. Long feuds are great, but not every feud has to go on for a long time. It makes other feuds seem less special.

-TJ-: Meh. You’re just alright at everything. Nothing really good. Nothing really bad. No BTB to stick yet, which is unfortunate.

Beer: The second of my two regular reviewers. I thank you for helping me like you did. You’re booking is creative, and intrigues me. I honestly don’t know what to expect in the future of your BTB. And I don’t think anyone understands how good of a thing that is.

The Leviathan: Levi is one of my favourite guys in the section. When at the top of his game, he is at the top of the game. Good booker, good promo writer, good match writer. What sets Levi apart if the fact that he can do what people struggle to do with little known stars. Even with top guys, my BTB’s could never be as good as Levi. It shows how truly good he is.

X-Power: Let’s see what you can do. So far, I’m not too sure.

chessarmy: Very good promos, good matches. You’ll be one of the top guys around here if you stick at it. That’s the only thing you need to do.

spiralshock: Good match writer from what I’ve seen. I’ve never really checked out any of your shows properly, although I have glanced at them. You seem to be a much better match writer than most people here.

comicgeekelly: You’re one of those people who can improve. Your shows are alright, although everything can improve. There’s not really one thing to pinpoint, as your game all round is pretty even. It needs to lift though if you want to be a top booker here. You have a BTB that keeps producing shows though, and that’s a good sign.

_-_-Magnus-_-_: You’re decent at both matches and promos. I think you could very well be the breakaway star of the BTB section in the next few months. Probably the one to watch.

Andrew~Walker: What’s there to say?

My Tenure​

Well, I started doing this whole thing back in February when Andrew gave me my first chance. I was the fill in writer for Anarchy, and at the time I thought I was doing alright. I used to get really pissy that I’d get no reviews. Looking back, I was nowhere near ready to fill in Andrew’s shoes. I was terrible, at best, and I think it really shows how much Andrew needed a break to let me write. I’m thankful for that, because without him I wouldn’t have gotten where I have so far.

I went on school camp with SWA still alive. I knew it wouldn’t be lasting much longer, and I had already planned out EGO, because I didn’t see SWA lasting past June. I got back from camp, and saw SWA dead. It shocked me a bit, but I knew it couldn’t last too long. My backup plan was ready anyway.

EGO started out alright. At that stage, I would have said I was about ninth or tenth of the active bookers. I was never anything great. The quality was raised from my SWA days, but the feuds and everything were way too rushed. I had also never considered a real midcard, so it kinda flopped because of that. Those matches were amazingly boring to write.

I still did it though, until my computer cracked the shits. It fucked up, and that put me out for awhile. Three weeks later, I got my laptop for my birthday. I tried writing EGO, but it didn’t feel the same. So I shut up shop, and decided I’d have enough. Not long after that, I decided I’d try again. This time, with a WWE BTB and Gards as my partner. Anigma had left, so I thought there was a nice chance for someone to swoop in with a WWE BTB. However, it was way too hard. I was writing both ECW (which became two hours) and SmackDown! That wouldn’t have been so hard, had I not been writing out the whole Power 25, as well as booking Gards’ show for him. As a partner, Gards is damn hard to work with. Good luck Levi, you may need it.

So I became very burnt out, without even making it to the first Pay Per View of WWE: Time To take Action. I had a short break, then came back, this time with NEW. NEW just felt right. There was great depth in the roster, a backstory I liked, and lots of plans. It helped me gain more respect in the section, and elevated me to just outside the top five active bookers on the site (around 6th or 7th). I had great fun writing it.

And now here I am. I’m not going to list my personal issues, as you can see them in the Chat Room. But it is most definitely time I took a step back.

My Future​

Alright, so I have been asked for a few people how long I think I’ll be having off. Let me put it this way: I don’t think I’ll have an active BTB for the rest of the year. Things need to settle down for me, and it will be a struggle. When things do settle down, I do also want to get some writing done for my return. Whether or not that return will be with NEW is not clear to me. When the time comes around, I’ll make up my mind. But right now, I’d probably say it won’t be NEW. Most bookers will have forgotten it by then, or will be new. Thus is the life of the BTB section. New people are constantly coming in.

When the time is right you shall see a thread from me again. For now, I’m done with writing, except for my e-fed commitments. As far as reviews go, if you have a Pay Per View up, just drop me a PM, and I’ll check it out. I probably won’t review regular shows as much, but if you need a PPV reviewed, don’t hesitate to ask. Until then, I’ll just be lurking around the section.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Man everyone gets criticized and I just get "what's there to say?' it's like when people review Anarchy. Nothing helpful lol. James you tell it like it is. You got a bright future in this section. Said that to Weebo when we decided to give you my spot and I still believe it today. You are taking the steps in the right direction. Sometimes a cooling off period is exactly what the doctor ordered and you will come back even better than ever I am sure of it. I know you won't be around the section that much but we still got the Kliq on MSN lol. I don't know if this means anything or not but I am proud of you in how far you have raised the bar on yourself. You keep getting better and better with each try. So you better come back stronger than ever or else. You seen what happened to gards lol.

CT Styles

You underestimate yourself I think. You're higher than 6th or 7th, that's for sure.

I kind of know what you're going through, I went through shit like that earlier in the year but didn't give a shit and kept going with BTB I think. That kind of ruined me because I really should have done what you're doing.

The section now has a big loss but this gives some a chance to step up.

Good luck.

Evil Austin

Good rant, Hopefuly you come back soon and about your BTB tenure I think you may have forgot that BTB that we did :shifty: But doesn't matter. Good luck with all the stuff your doing in real life and hopefuly it won't be long till your back.

Moonlight Drive

-HBK-: Underrated. Match writing is pretty good. Promos are amazing. Right up with xba. No one notices though, and it’s unfortunate, because you left without people knowing about what you can really do.


I liked your rant, seemed to be spot on with a lot of stuff. Hopefully you can sort out the shit goin on in your life, similiar stuff has gone on in my life before, far from pleasant.

And tbh, you underrated yourself. You're definitely higher than 6th or 7th.


Wow, that was great James. Your comments were thoughtful and really inspired me. I am going to make a promise to the booker of my favourite show, when you return, I will still be here, fighting to the top, I garuntee it.


I love your RnR's BKB. They always are inspiring and kind. You are the heart and soul of BTB. Awesome work here. I'll most likely see you down the road when both of us get back on the wagon lol.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Great rant. You spoke the truth and I assure you that I will improve. Hope to see ya back.


You tell it like it is man, great job. I am actually in the same situation you're in, I've been real busy these days and I barely have any time to write my BTB. I'm still sticking with it though, so expect a show from me by the end of this week.

Anyway, as I said, you tell it like it is. Its sad to see you go, but I'm sure you'll be back one of these days. You were a great booker, good luck with your time off, I hope you fix all your problems.