Superstar Billy Graham on Sammartino: “Bruno is a lying hypocrite”
From Superstar Billy Graham to all of my deeply appreciated Facebook friends and the rest of the wrestling world.
Sadly Bruno is a lying HYPOCRITE to all of you fans. He has told you he received only 5 thousand dollars like the rest of the WWE Hall of Fame inductees. WRONG , He told a mutual personal friend that ” He received Mike Tyson type money and is set for life to go into the WWE Hall of Fame ” Now he is in love with Vince McMahon and in the same class for this horrific lie. ” My fans deserve the truth and here it is, after 30 plus years of hating Vinee and the WWE he is now one of them. See and hear the full story in my new DVD ” Face to Face ” that you can buy on my website. Keep the faith. Billy
From Superstar Billy Graham to all of my deeply appreciated Facebook friends and the rest of the wrestling world.
Sadly Bruno is a lying HYPOCRITE to all of you fans. He has told you he received only 5 thousand dollars like the rest of the WWE Hall of Fame inductees. WRONG , He told a mutual personal friend that ” He received Mike Tyson type money and is set for life to go into the WWE Hall of Fame ” Now he is in love with Vince McMahon and in the same class for this horrific lie. ” My fans deserve the truth and here it is, after 30 plus years of hating Vinee and the WWE he is now one of them. See and hear the full story in my new DVD ” Face to Face ” that you can buy on my website. Keep the faith. Billy