BFG Results: World Heavyweight Championship - EC3 vs. Matt Hardy vs. Drew Galloway

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Bound For Glory | October 4, 2015 | coverage by Bobby James

TNA World Championship | Drew Galloway vs. Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III (c)

Special Guest Referee: Jeff Hardy

The bell sounds and Jeff Hardy immediately ejects Tyrus from ringside. Hardy and Galloway take off against Carter! Hardy clotheslines Carter over the top rope; Galloway rolls him up for a two-count.

Hardy catches Galloway with a back elbow; Galloway scores a neckbreaker from the second rope. Galloway pummels Carter with a headbutt; Hardy catches Galloway with a neckbreaker.

Carter dropkicks both of his challengers. He sends Hardy to the floor and then he and Galloway trade blows; Carter earns a two-count. Galloway and Carter meet with a double crossbody, setting Hardy up to deliver a series of clotheslines.

Carter counters a Twist of Fate by driving Hardy through the ropes! Galloway suicide dives over the top rope; Carter dives to safety as Hardy takes the full impact! Carter drives Galloway into the barricade and then he pulls a table from beneath the ring.

Carter places the table and drags Galloway onto the stairs. He sets up for a powerbomb; Galloway counters, driving Carter onto the stairs with a cradle piledriver!

Galloway rolls Carter into the ring for a two-count! Hardy drops Galloway and Carter, earning himself a two count. Carter sends Matt into Jeff. Matt Hardy delivers a Side Effect; there is no count!

Galloway catches Hardy with a Future Shock DDT. Carter tosses Galloway out of the ring and scores a very near-fall on Hardy! Carter positions Galloway on the table outside and then he suplexes Hardy over the top rope – through Galloway and the table!

Carter rolls Hardy into the ring for a TKO! Hardy just kicks out before three!

Carter calls for the One Percenter; Galloway plows through him with a clothesline. Galloway unleashes his fury on Cater; Hardy is there to answer the call. Hardy catches Carter with a bulldog and Galloway with a clothesline.

Hardy scales the turnbuckle; Galloway moves in for a superplex. Galloway falls, getting caught up on the ropes. Carter moves in for a superplex of his own; Galloway sits up, toppling both!

Carter connects with a double One Percenter! Both Galloway and Hardy kick out at two! Frustration mounts and Carter assaults Jeff Hardy, demanding to be disqualified! He delivers a stiff low blow to Galloway and is moments away from cracking Matt Hardy with a chair when Jeff intervenes!

Jeff Hardy smashes EC3 with the chair; Galloway runs through him with a big boot, sending Carter outside! Matt Hardy catches Galloway with a Twist of Fate, earning the three-count to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

Result: Matt Hardy def. Drew Galloway and Ethan Carter III



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