BFG Results: Kurt Angle vs. Eric Young

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May 20, 2014
Reaction score

Bound For Glory | October 4, 2015 | coverage by Bobby James

No Disqualification Match | Eric Young vs. Kurt Angle

Eric Young tells Angle he’s just stepped into the ring with God; Angle announces the match is no disqualification.

Angle drills Young with the microphone. Young quickly takes control. He and Angle battle into the crowd. Young drags Angle back toward the ring; Angle sends him over the barricade into the stairs.

Angle catches Young with a German suplex followed by a belly-to-belly. Angle sends Young over the top rope. Outside, Young regains control; he rolls Angle back into the ring and drops him with a piledriver!

Angle grabs at his neck and rolls out of the ring as the medical staff rushes to ringside.

The ringside physician calls off the match. As the medical staff aids Angle up the ramp, Young explodes! He assaults the medics and the official before dragging Angle back to the ring.

Angle pleads with Young. Young declines and smashes Angle in the head with a chair. He tosses Angle through the ropes and lifts the floor padding. Angle counters a second piledriver with a massive German suplex!

Angle rolls Young into the ring and scores a near-fall. Young powers out and regains control. Angle counters a kick to the head with a trio of German suplexes and an Angle Slam! Young powers out again at two.

Young sends Angle through the ropes into the ring post. He follows up with an elbow drop from the top rope. Young stomps Angle’s neck before delivering a second top rope elbow drop; Angle kicks out a two.

Young sets Angle up for a piledriver from the top rope! Angle counters and cinches in an Ankle Lock, forcing the tap!

Result: Kurt Angle def. Eric Young



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