Solid Stinger the Big Boss
Earthbound series: Snowman
Final Fantasy VII: Victory Fanfare, Birth of a God, Good Night Until Tomorrow, JENOVA, Bombing Mission, and One Winged Angel
Final Fantasy XII: Victory Fanfare
Legend of Zelda series: Sacred Grove, Main Theme, Song of Storms, Dark World, and Hyrule Field themes.
Everything from any Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid game.
Everything from Legend of Dragoon
Gears of War Train Theme(last act)
One Night in Neo Kobe City from Snatcher.
OLD L.A 2040 from Policenauts
Final Fantasy VII: Victory Fanfare, Birth of a God, Good Night Until Tomorrow, JENOVA, Bombing Mission, and One Winged Angel
Final Fantasy XII: Victory Fanfare
Legend of Zelda series: Sacred Grove, Main Theme, Song of Storms, Dark World, and Hyrule Field themes.
Everything from any Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid game.
Everything from Legend of Dragoon
Gears of War Train Theme(last act)
One Night in Neo Kobe City from Snatcher.
OLD L.A 2040 from Policenauts