I mentioned this as well as @Mr. Roman Empire.
When it comes to Wrestlemania, it is like the WWE's Super Bowl. It is THEE event to want to be at for wrestlers and fans alike. When you push to stack the card and make sure nearly every wrestler is at the event, it dilutes it. It takes away from the prestige of the event. It makes it feel less valuable and more attainable. To me, the greatest things in life should be fought for, earned, and the ones who make it deserve to be respected for what they did to reach whatever they worked so hard to reach. Handing out matches for the sake of making everyone feel included is just stupid. It is like a participation trophy. Why would you want to be included in something where you did nothing to earn the spot for it? Why would you want to be praised for making it "THAT far" if you didn't have to work or put in the time? There is a reason people who win millions get bored with life. Once you take out the struggles and make things easier, everything seems less valuable.
They are ruining Wrestlemania because of this. At least to me. I am sure some of you are just fine with it and don't care so long as there are good matches but I watch for story lines, drama, overcoming struggle, and achievements. At the very least, I want to see the struggle to gain achievements. It should be an honor to have a match at this event. It should show you earned it with your hard work, determination, and winning over the fans.
Maybe I am too old fashioned? I don't know. Just wanted to vent a bit. I understand not everyone will feel this way but I do and it sucks. lol

When it comes to Wrestlemania, it is like the WWE's Super Bowl. It is THEE event to want to be at for wrestlers and fans alike. When you push to stack the card and make sure nearly every wrestler is at the event, it dilutes it. It takes away from the prestige of the event. It makes it feel less valuable and more attainable. To me, the greatest things in life should be fought for, earned, and the ones who make it deserve to be respected for what they did to reach whatever they worked so hard to reach. Handing out matches for the sake of making everyone feel included is just stupid. It is like a participation trophy. Why would you want to be included in something where you did nothing to earn the spot for it? Why would you want to be praised for making it "THAT far" if you didn't have to work or put in the time? There is a reason people who win millions get bored with life. Once you take out the struggles and make things easier, everything seems less valuable.
They are ruining Wrestlemania because of this. At least to me. I am sure some of you are just fine with it and don't care so long as there are good matches but I watch for story lines, drama, overcoming struggle, and achievements. At the very least, I want to see the struggle to gain achievements. It should be an honor to have a match at this event. It should show you earned it with your hard work, determination, and winning over the fans.
Maybe I am too old fashioned? I don't know. Just wanted to vent a bit. I understand not everyone will feel this way but I do and it sucks. lol