Kayfabe Before The Match: Need a little hope.

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Apr 13, 2016
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*The Scene starts with an angled shot of Chris Young in his locker room wrapping his hands. He is dressed in his ring gear and a “Resident Evil shirt. Chris Finishes taping his hands and he looks at the wall and the camera turns showing a torn poster of Precision. Chris Sighs and reaches into his bag and pulls out his gloves and his ring. He puts them on and the camera zooms in on his face showing the marks from his matches the past week and sound plays from his cage match. As he starts to look at the floor Chris starts to speak to himself as if he is speaking his thoughts out loud .*

Chris :That was my match. That was my chance and I just let it slip away.
I was so close to victory and I let them get to me. I just want to wrestle the best because I must face to best to prove why I’m amazing. No one thinks I can make it but last week I showed I can out wrestle punks like that guy..he just got lucky. I will not fall, I will not fade and I will not break as this setback does not break me at all. I’ve come too far just to get knocked back down I’m better than most and I have the will of a champion. Am I just a fool in over my head?

*Chris Stands up and kicks the locker that was behind him. He rests his forearm on the locker with a look of defeat. The door slams open causing Chris to turn around and he gives a small smile. The camera turns to show the black boots of a woman and it pans up to show Lilith Young standing in the door frame staring down Chris as she leans on the frame.*

Lilith: What, Did not expect me here? Look here Chris, You're out of line, buried yourself alive and you expected to be fine. That’s why you lost last week. You got too god damn cocky vs Will and now you’re paying for it. You started a fire and you're,going to burn it brighter like we always do. Look you have a match vs Antonio Stark this week but even if it’s that fool doesn't get in over your head. It's hard to find life, in something that's already died so Chris, show the world why you will not die!

*Chris’ Glove lining shines from the light in the room as he forms a fist and he removes his shirt and puts on his jacket. Chris Turns hi back to Lilith and the camera shot changes to a close-up of his face but still showing the background.*

Chris: Thanks, But this is my fight and my rules. Antonio Stark is not going to walk out tonight.
That freak looks like some 2-bit guy from a comic. It's all inside of me this deadly sickness and this is sickness is called wrestling and this guy spits in the face of wrestling. I’m the better wrestler and just better in general. They are gonna find out real quick I'm not every other independent guy that walked in from some trash fed that one heard of, I’m the amazing one Chris Young and I’m just starting this road to reclaiming what I lost. This match is just a test put in front of me. This is my era for the taking and I’m doing it my way.

*The camera cuts to a smiling Lilith who now fully enters the room.*

Lilith: Now that’s the Chris Young I know not the sad sack who was just sitting there.
Now are you ready? The Match is next.

*The Camera shows Chris putting up his hood and turning to stare right into the camera with his eyes hidden under the hood.*

Chris:: Oh I’m ready. I Am ready to take what’s mine. I'm never gonna drop,I’m no different than it was before.
I just needed a little hope. Let’s go.

*Chris' Music starts to play as the two walk to the ring for the match.*