See I disagree on the time off part. Could you imagine if the WWE just stopped putting on shows now with DB at his height of popularity? It would KILL IT. Same could be said for any part of WWE really. They would have to adjust the way they go about scheduling the entire year. I'm not saying people won't be stoked to see them all come back, like you said, I just don't see it as being beneficial in the story department, know what I mean? And to that point I don't think time off would help the company make more money either.
If the WWE planned a shutdown after Wrestlemania (not when I would do it, but we'll say that just for shits and giggles), then they could gear their storylines to conclude at Mania. This wouldn't preclude cliffhanger-type storylines, mind you, it would just mean that everybody would know coming out of Mania that their storyline/feud/what-have-you would most likely be ending. Then they could do a tremendous anticipatory run-up to Summerslam, where the new season would begin.
Actually, I would do the break between Summerslam and Survivor Series, although I could easily see
@Brad.'s December suggestion working also, although, as I posted, I would probably give them from Survivor Series through the Rumble in one solid block of off-time.