TBH, back in 1999 when I was a JR or SR in high school, WWE used a song by these guys:
I can't remember what song it was off the top of my head, but I wrote to the guys saying I heard them on WWE (or F at the time I think) and that I had really liked it. To my amazement these guys sent me a package with t-shirts, a small poster, some stickers, and even a card they wrote in. And like a week later these mofos called me while I was hanging out at my friend's house. Well really, they called my house first and I wasn't home so my mother gave them the number to my friend's house. I was totally taken off guard lol. I talked to one of the guys for 10-15 minutes and nothing really came of it. He seemed cool enough. Then they never went anywhere and no one knows who they are lol. Oh well. It was pretty amazing to me as 17-18 yr old high school kid. Still got all the stuff they sent me too.