Batman Detective Comics

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Mar 30, 2020
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Cast [order by first appearance]
Young, Talia Al Ghul [Erika Tham]
Young, Bruce Wayne [Jack O'Connell]
Jason Todd [Frank Dillane]
Katarina Kane [Bitsie Tulloch]
Bruce Wayne [Karl Urban]


Vito Gallo [Zach Gilford]
Ritchie Moretti [Frankie Muniz]
Hitman [Colin Farrell]
Ra's Al Ghul [Dennis Quaid]
Sandra Wu-San [Li Jun Li]
Young, Slade Wilson [Odell Beckham, Jr.]
Black Mask / Roman [???]
Oswald Cobblepot /The Penguin [Charlie Sheen]
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A woman wearing a thick fur jacket, stands on the edge of a snow covered mountain looking down into the abyss below, with a burning cigarette sticking out the side of her mouth. Perhaps the only thing generating any sort of heat, in this barren landscape. A voice belonging to a man comes from behind her.

“I don’t know why you insist on smoking those things, you know your father hates the smell they make and they have no benefit other than putting you into the ground faster.”


Erika Tham - Talia al Ghul

The woman turns around and smiles, as she continues to take a drag on the cigarette.

“Bruce, haven't you realised that half the things I do are done, so that my father is pissed off. How else would I have any fun at all?”

“You have a unique way of looking at the world, Talia.”

“There is nothing unique about it at all Bruce, it is just one of the burdens that comes about by having parents. They love to tell you what you are doing wrong, and be openly disappointed at all the choices you make before you even realise you’ve made the wrong decision. I am just a cliche teenage girl angst, doing her best to rebel.”

“You are far from a teenager Talia.”

“Yes - but when you spent most of your childhood in boarding schools, how can you rebel if you don’t have an audience? Life might be easier if I made the smarter choices, but it really wouldn’t be the most fun. It is like you.”

The camera cuts to the man for the first time, to the one that is called Bruce.


Jack O'Connell - Bruce Wayne

“What do you mean like me?”

Bruce sounds confused as he asks the question.

“You are my father’s favourite student out of everyone in the League. You are in many ways his proudest accomplishment, to the point that I am pretty sure he holds you in the same regard as he would if you were his own son. You might be the heir to his mantle that he has been searching for, and so if I was smart you would be the perfect mate for me. I could make my dear father so very happy, if I told him I wanted to share my bed with his prodigy.”

“Who said I would want that?”

Talia smiles as she finishes her cigarette and drops into the snow.

“Because you would be a fool if you didn’t. Anyway, we should go back inside - otherwise Slade will convince himself that we are sleeping together and then there really will be a fight to the death this month.”

Bruce chuckles to himself.

“Now would that really be a bad thing. I know he is your beau at this moment in time, but even you have admitted he is nothing more than an instrument to vex your father. Would the world really be worse off without Slade Wilson?”

“The problem with that statement Bruce, is that you may be smarter, fitter and faster - but in one-to-one combat, you still have a long way to go before you would beat Slade in the fight.”

Talia smiles.

“There is a reason why a general lets his best soldiers go first into battle Bruce, one day you might realise that you are at your strongest when you are surrounded by those you trust. Not a group created by convenience though, but a group that you would consider your family. There is a reason there are more skeletons at the bottom of the pit, than apprentices that have been given full league status. If my father doesn't consider you as family - then you simply have no future within his ranks. There is no strength in standing by yourself, and there is no strength in engaging in battles that don’t need to be fought.”

“You sound an awful lot like your father.”

Talia smiled as the pair started walking towards a cave entrance on the mountain side.

“Despite my little rebellion, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe what my father had to say. Remember, everyone is here because they chose to be. Even me, and just like everyone else - if I fail to do what is expected of me, I too will find myself broken at the bottom of a pit.”

Bruce sniggers.

“If you truly believe that your father will ever do that to you, then you still have a lot to learn.”

+ + + + + + + + +

“Bruce - are you not going to say something? You’ve been sitting in silence for minutes now. This isn’t the time for brooding.”


Frank Dillane - Jason Todd

“Jason there is no easy solution to this problem. We all know that there is more to this than we are seeing on the surface. The Penguin wouldn’t have organised this parley, unless he had an ulterior motive. There is nothing to lose by taking our time and considering our options.”


Bitsie Tulloch - Katarina Kane

“Kat I know you mean well - but shouldn’t you be in Coastal City? I thought the whole purpose of you being stationed there was to give Bruce eyes and ears on the West Coast?”

“Jason I understand that you are frustrated that I am here, because you think I am some sort of threat to you…”

“I don’t consider you a threat. If you were of any worth, there is no way that Bruce would have let you leave in the first place.”

Bruce finally breaks his silence as he slams his fist on the table, like a judge hitting his gavel on the bench.


Karl Urban - Bruce Wayne

“Would you two both stop your bickering? I don’t have time to battle with either of your egos, in regards to who you think is second in command - because at the end of the day neither of you are my number two. You are both going to have to show a lot more maturity before you get to that point.”

There is silence in the room, but there is no challenge.

“You are strongest when you are surrounded by those you trust. And so if we are going to actually go into this meeting with Penguin were are going to need the numbers. We need to have an extended friends and family meeting - and we need to put all our grudges behind us if we are going to stand any chance of coming out of this situation alive.”

Jason looks uncertain as he answers.

“Even Dick?”

Bruce stands up and looks at a portrait on the wall, the last that was painted of him with his mother and father before their passing.

“Yes Jason - even Dick. Don’t worry though, I will do my best to convince him on that matter.You two both have your friends, so reach out to them and bring them into the fold. We are going to need all the help we can get.”



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Two men stand outside a warehouse, leaning up against a black BMW. Both men are dressed as dock workers, although are very openly carrying rifles over their shoulders proving some sort of security for some sort of operation that must be taking place within the warehouse.


Zach Gilford - Vito Gallo

“Ritchie, do you really think this arrangement between the Boss and Black Mask is going to be the solution to all our problems? I’m not sure how I feel about getting into bed with a load of guys I’ve never met before. All it takes is one rat from Black Mask’s side and we are all going to land ourselves in serious shit.”


Frankie Muniz - Ritchie Moretti

“You worry far too much Vito. Ever since The Penguin brought the Falcone Family to its knees, everyone in the city has understood that we hold all the real power in the city. Even the GCPD understands that we are off limits, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the cops weren’t already in Cobblepots pockets.”

“We are sitting at the big table now, Ritchie, and when you keep company with the King of Gotham - we become vulnerable to everyone else. Black Mask may end up being someone we can trust, but we all have massive targets on our back for as long as Penguin sits on the throne.”

“We’ve always had targets on our backs. But with these rumours that The Penguin has convinced Batman to meet for a parley, the final battle may have already been fought.”

“The Bat isn’t going to surrender though, we all know that he is going to make a move against Cobblepot.”

“And we all know The Boss is going to make a move against The Bat, but ever since he was exiled from the Justice League he has never been weaker. It is our time to rule Gotham.”

“I hope you are right Ritchie.”

“I know I am brother. Trust in the process and everything will be okay.”

There is a clattering sound towards the back of the car, as both men instantly lift up their rifles and aim them towards the back of the car.

“You stay here Ritchie, I will go check it out.”

As soon as Vito starts, walking there is a heavy thumb as Ritchie clatters to the floor. Vito turns, but before he can react he is kicked in the check before he is smashed in the ribs and the rifle is pulled from his grip and being pointed at him by a man wearing shades and a green trench coat.


Colin Farrell - Hitman

“I know this experience isn’t going to change your mind or your lifestyle, and I don’t put bullets in people that I’m not paid to kill. So before I knock you out, I am going to give you two options. The first is that you answer my question, and I knock you out as quickly as possible. The second is that you refuse to answer and I throw you head first through the windscreen of this expensive German car.”

The man in the green trench coat points at the BMW with the rifle.

“So what is it going to be?”

Vito looks nervous, but does his best to put on his bravest voice as he replies.

“Ask the question first, and then I will decide if I answer it or not.”

The stranger smiles.

“Not a complete coward, that is what I like to see from stooges. Doesn’t mean you are smart though.”

“Just get on with it.”

“Which one of these buildings is The Penguin meeting Black Mask?”

Vito looks nervous.

“That depends - what names are written on your bullets.”

The strange smiles.

“You’ve got a spunk kid, I will give you that. Me telling you now isn’t going to change anything anyway, because he will be dead by the time you wake up. I’ve come to put Black Mask in the ground.”

Vito smiles and points towards one of the warehouses.

“You’ll find him inside there, there is a meeting on the second floor.”

The stranger rushes forwards and cracks Vito in the jaw, with the butt of his rifle and knocks him out cold before looking towards the warehouse and smiles.

“You’ll do well in this city, with that attitude kid.”

Before he walks off the building, at a slow pace.

+ + + + + + + + +

Bruce and Katrina had remained sitting at the table, with Jason having left to gather stuff from his room.


Bitsie Tulloch - Katarina Kane

”I know I shouldn’t get baited Bruce, but I really don’t understand why you keep taking that role of Peter Pan with a desperate attempt to collect your Lost Boys.”

Bruce smiles.


Karl Urban - Bruce Wayne

“Wasn't it all that long that you lost yourself?”

“I was in need of some guidance, but I never lost Bruce. The specialist training and your deep pockets just helped me maximise my potential.”

“Kat everyone has an origin story, even me - but sometimes you need to just embrace your truth rather than reinventing yourself.”

“Considering what you have told me about the League Bruce, isn’t that sort of hypocritical?”

Bruce shrugs.

“Kat there is a big difference between a Grad Student with a drinking problem playing amateur detective and an easily manipulated adolescent male who joins a cult in the hope he will get revenge for his dead parents.”

“Both stories are filled with regret and bad choices though Bruce, although yours does involve a group of assassins that seem to keep tabs on you - without actually knowing that you're Batman.”

“You know all of that is complicated Kat.”

“It's never been complicated Bruce. There have only ever been two women in your life you've ever loved - but you seemed determined to push them as far away from you as possible.”

“You know why pursuing those avenues is a bad idea Kat.”

“Actually I don’t Bruce, life is all about taking risks and if you don’t roll the dice based on the fear of losing, then you aren’t really living.”

“You know you sound an awful lot like Dick.”

“I don’t sound like Dick Bruce, I just sound like a lot of people that want to feel something. If you don’t save yourself once in a while, then you will never truly be able to save those around.”

+ + + + + + + + +

A dozen men and women stand in a half circle, dressed in red robes and hoods. Standing in front of them all, is an older man of an ambiguous age dressed in black robes and it is clear that he is in a position of seniority. Everyone in the rooms very much has their attention on the older man, with not even a murmur or a whisper from anyone else.


Dennis Quiad - Ra’s Al Ghul

“Tonight we complete our final step as you are the final twelve and are just one step away from becoming fully fledged members of The League. You have all shown commitment to the teachings I have given and shown promise in all your lessons and training, but before you can advance you must go out into the world and complete the tasks I am giving to you all. You will be split into three cells. As you all know by my teachings some tasks take longer to achieve than others. “

Ra’s has a beaming smile on his face, before he continues to speak.

“The first cell will consist of Sandra Wu-San, Jade Nguyen, Henry Sorros and Lucien Kristo - with Sandra being your cell’s chapter head. Sandra, would you like to say a few words before I issue you with your relocation destinations.”


Li Jun Li- Sandra Wu-San

Sandra steps forward and lowers her hood and turns to her fellow cell members, as Jade, Henry and Lucien all lower their hoods and walk forward. As they do so, the remaining eight members tighten up the half circle as Sandra speaks.

“If anyone would like to challenge my position as Cell leader, please step forward and let it be known. As is customary in the league, a challenge can only be made at the moment of appointment. Any challenge after this time is deemed a breaking of one's oaths, and places the oathbreaker into a position of treason. If there is a challenger, step forward and let yourself be known.”

A minute or so passes, with nothing but silence.

“No challenge has been made. Sandra, would you and your Chapter follow me into my private quarters. The rest of you are dismissed to your chambers, and will be recalled to continue the ceremony later on today.”

Ra’s turns around and enters into his chambers and is followed in by Sandra and the other three before the door closes behind them. The other eight trainees started to disperse, but not before one of them lowered his hood.


Odell Beckham, Jr - Slade Wilson

“You better pray you aren’t selected to be my leader Bruce, because if you do I am going to go out of my way to remove your head clean off your shoulder.”

Slade chuckles to himself, but no one else responds as everyone else just returns to their rooms.

+ + + + + + + + +


Karl Urban - Bruce Wayne

“A long time ago I made a promise to save everyone around me, with no concern for myself Kat. My happiness isn’t important not after all the mistakes I’ve made.”


Bitsie Tulloch - Katarina Kane

“Bruce you can’t let your past shape your future, and what took place with the League was never your fault. How were you know what would happen?”

“Kat - I allowed my anger to cloud my judgement. And lust to allow me to continue down a road of darkness. I did some unthinkable things before I became the Bat. Things that I very rarely share with anyone, so much so that only you and Alfred are the only two living people who know the truth of my past”

Kat raises her eyebrows.

“I think you mean the only two people you talk to. I am pretty certain a large portion of The League of Assassins knows exactly who you are.”

Bruce rolls his eyes.

“I don’t see the League being a problem anytime soon though Kat, at least not anywhere close to home.”

“Bruce, just promise me to look after yourself.”

“Don’t worry Kat, I will. You just head out West and try to convince your friends to join us.”

“I will Bruce, despite what you may think you still have more friends than you think.”

Kat pauses for a second.

“And make sure you are nice to Dick when you see him. Remember, you want him to come home and you don’t want to start your argument again.”

Bruce nods his head, before Kat leans towards him and kisses him on the cheek.

“I’ll see you on the other side Bruce.”

+ + + + + + + + +

On the second floor of the warehouse, a private meeting is taking place between The Penguin and Black Mask.


??? - Black Mask

“Cobblepot, I am growing bored of this meeting. I only agreed to this meeting because I thought we were going to come to an agreement and form a partnership. But, I didn’t agree to come to this meeting to bend the knee and become another of your lackeys. Either we are going to be equals or I am just going to head for the door.”


Charlie Sheen - The Penguin

“Black Mask we have been talking for nearly an hour now, and your terms just don’t make any sense to me. You bring something to table sure, but you don’t hold any leverage and you certainly aren’t bringing in as much as you would be getting out. I wanted to bring you to the table, because you aren’t scared to speak your mind - but you certainly aren’t here because you are needed.”

“If I am not needed then why am I here?”

“You are here because I wanted you to be here. When I take over Gotham on an official basis I want to be surrounded by people I respect. Trust is something that rarely exists, but if I am going to be usurped I at least want it to be done by someone I respect.”

“You have a strange outlook on the word Cobblepot - but you are also full of shit.”

The Penguin grins as he turns to look directly at Black Mask.

“And what do you mean by that Roman…”

“Roman! How do you know…”

“Roman, I am the most powerful person in Gotham City. Did you really think I didn’t know who was hiding underneath the mask. I have so many little birds in my company, and some of them work for you.”

“So what is the real reason I am here?”

Before Cobblepot can answer, there is a sound of footsteps as a third person enters the room.


Colin Farrell - Hitman

“The reason why you are here is because Mr. Cobblepot wanted the two of us to be introduced to each other.”

“And who the fuck are you?”

The Hitman pulls out a Magnum Pistol from out of his jacket and points it straight at Black Mask and squeezes the trigger. The bullet exits the chamber and smashes directly into Black Mask’s chest causing him to drop down onto the floor with a sound thud, as red stain forms through his suit as Cobblepot starts to cackle.

“This is a man worthy of an investment.”

Cobblepot then continues to giggle to himself, as the Hitman just nods his head before exiting the room out of the door in which he entered as The Penguin looks on as Black Mask seemingly seems to bleed out in front of him.

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