:jono: Is this you?
So Jono...
How many pizzas have your ordered from Domino's this year?
Don't lie about it either, we all know you can check the exact number...
So far... 23
So you average a pizza and a half a week. I am shocked and disappointed.
I would have expected that number to be in the triple digits by now.
You haven't been here in a long time, Jono.
So, simple question. How are you, man?
British Kid or Michael? I need this for my ego.
LMAO what the fuck I was not aware of this emote. Sadly, yes this is me 1:
Good to know you remembered me
Are you a ghost?
You mentioned eating healthier...
What do you eat more of now to replace pizza? Have you spoke to Domino's at all? I mean they might go out of business without you... :bayley:
Why do you say "sadly this is me"?... you look pretty darn cute to me.. anyway..
Why do you not visit us as often now? We miss you
Why did you all leave me alone here? Where did the 2011/2012 crew go? :downer: