Kayfabe Ascension of an Empress

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Ascension of an Empress

The scene begins in a dark room where there are candles lit in it, showing what is in the room. The things of note are a posted wall where there are various photos on it of wrestlers from various promotions, both past and present, and a table in front of the wall where a large set of knives lay across it. In front of the table is a rocking chair with patted red vinyl on the back. The rest of the room's walls are covered in stone brick and on the far side wall is a window made of iron bars. This room looks to be more suited as a prison to house a mad person and soon enough the doors of the room creek open as someone enters. This person is a woman with long red hair, pale skin, a long black dress that covers her arms and is using a crutch. This person is injured wrestler Ivy Hale. She limps her way to the chair and slowly sits in it, grunting in pain as she does her best to keep pressure off her injured leg and sits down in the rocking chair. She looks towards the board in front of her and grabs a knife off the table and hold it in her hand, running her finger along the side of it.

"Sometimes fate just doesn't play in your favor. I learned that when I felt the bones in my ankle crunch under my weight. The tendons in my knee twisted and turned and I have taken punishment beyond what any girl like me would normally take, but that was some of the worst pain I've felt in a long time. I knew something was wrong and I quickly put that nobody away with the last bits of my strength, but as I left, I knew my empire, my quest, my mission was put in a dire situation. The very fact is perhaps the deepest cut of all. Now I'm left here to think about what went wrong and what I can do for the future..."

She holds the knife up to her face and sighs as she speaks.

"Going back, the moment that spelled my downfall was the very moment I chose to be blinded by the very things I despise. You see, I'm not a girl who is interested in what society normally wants. This world rejected me just for being different, for being me. When I didn't live the way they wanted me to, they slowly broke their way at whatever bits of sanity I had left. Every ounce of the person I once was slowly was erased and I had to take on a new identity for what I became. Even still, they tried to force me to act as what they saw as 'the ideal sweet little girl.' They wanted to take what was special from me. That was why when I stepped into wrestling, I initially didn't want to fight to be a champion. Just because to be a champion would mean you fight for honour and the values of others and, frankly, I despise everything this world stands for. Yet, because I'm still just a flawed person like all the miscreants I saw when I fought in the ring when I was given an opportunity for it, I took it. Ignoring the vision I originally had, I rushed my way before the time was right. I let myself be blinded by what I despised. I blame myself, but I also put blame on the person who pushed that dream on me..."

She throws the knife towards the board where it jabs its way into the face of a picture, making it completely unrecognizable. Her expression shows anger as she grabs another knife and pouts.

"My fall after that only continued. I was not just haunted by my past ghosts, but people began to question what I stood for and thought I was nothing more than a crazy person. They would say, "Hey, you know Ivy? Ha, she is just someone who thinks of herself as a monster, just like that one person..." They actually compared me to..." She starts to shake a bit before lashing her knife against the wall again, once again cutting its way deep into the face of a picture. Grabbing another knife, she accidently creates a cut on her finger and winces in pain as she continues to look tense. "Then, they would go compare me to someone that I had never even heard of until then. Someone from, what I learned, started a 'so-called revolution' that killed a company and is now at home, retired, probably dying of alcohol poisoning or something. They had it so wrong. You see, I only wanted to break and destroy something because it's what happened to me and sometimes, something needs to break before it can be fixed..." Rage begins to build in her voice. "So, when they would compare me to that showed just how shortsighted they really are...Not fit to be here, not worthy of being in my Empire!" She throws yet another knife towards the face of another person on the wall, this time with a bit of her blood from the cut dripping down on the knife as it stains the picture, making it unrecognizable.

"I would be seen as a 'discount of someone else,' as someone incapable of rising once more, and I was seen as irrelevant..." Ivy reaches over towards the table of knives and grabs a couple of them, placing them in her lap. "I would then throw my trust into a duo of pinheads, fall to unimaginative power abusers, a street rat, and a person who stands for everything I despise..."

Her breathing becomes heavy, and in a fit to release all her anger, she takes each of her knives and jabs them into a picture one by one, each time yelling until every picture is punctured. She grunts in pain and holds her injured knee. Having got a tiny bit of her anger out, she bows her head down and speaks with a much softer tone in her voice.

"This downward spiral I've been in can push anyone to their limits of sanity, drive anyone over the edge. Most people hit rock bottom and think they can never get back up...."

Her lip quivers and her body shakes as she speaks.

"But I will rise again...But not in the same was as I did before. I was self-reliant, a lone girl with her own cause and at first, I was careful and then I turned reckless. Chasing power aimlessly, relying on people I shouldn't throw my trust into, doing a misstep which took my health and it has knocked me out of the battle for the time being. Even worse, while I went to rehabilitate my wounds, they're forcing me to 'seek help' for the mental scars I have...There is nothing to fix about that. I'm fine the way I am... But yet, I realize now that an Empress needs an army, soldiers. Not those who will throw my trust away but will see the world they way I do, who have experienced what I have experienced. They need to understand my words...and live how I do."

Ivy chuckles as she lifts her head and looks towards the wall of wrestlers.

"I'll find you, you're out there. I know you are. Just bow to your new empress and you will no longer need to live in fear..."

The camera fades away.

You have to wait and see. ;)