Reality is that the scenario you put forth is the same scenario that existed with WCW back in 2001. It should have been the greatest invasion angle in history but several mistakes were made:
1) Vince wouldn't do what it took to sign Hogan, Nash, Sting, and Goldberg right away (I know he later got 3of those 4, but that was after the WCW Invasion crashed and burned).
2) The angle got waaaaay overbooked, with Steph and the ECW guys, then moving Austin and Angle over to the WECW Alliance. He didn't let the actual ECW and WCW guys (Booker T, RVD, etc.) carry the load they could/should have. That was just made worse by the fact that the WCW locker room leaders (especially Sting) weren't part of the equation.
3) Vince wouldn't allow the Alliance guys to be booked like legitimate threats to the WWE guys. Booker T should have been treated as the equal of Rocky. Scott Steiner would have made a great opponent (at the time) for Austin. These were the two guys competing for the WCW Championship when the company shut down. They were jobbed out like comedy talent and a lot of those guys never got their fair shake from WWE. I'm not saying that Booker should have gone over Rocky in the end or that Steiner was better than Austin; but the fact they were booked like jokes made it less than impressive that it took so much to finally beat them.
In the end, the WWE guys didn't look strong because the Alliance guys were made to look weak.
I think a lot of wrestling fans are afraid that a TNA purchased by WWE would end up with basically the same thing, except that Vince actually respected WCW and he has no respect for TNA, so it would probably be much worse.
Sent from my iPad while I'm rocking' with Tapatalk.