Arik Cannon is a pro wrestler mostly working in Chikara, Dragon Gate USA/Evolve and IWA Mid south. His gimmick is that of an anarchist and since getting into independent wrestling he has become one of my favorites on the scene. He's a mid card guy currently who is getting consistent bookings across the board and I can see why. He has a gimmick, he is solid in ring and fast for a guy of his stature. I personally could see him hold some mid card belts in DGUSA/Evolve pretty soon if things go well.
But how far can he go? If you are familiar with Arik's work do you have an opinion on it?
I personally could see him get signed with ROH some day (WWE or TNA seems unlikely due to his height and build) were he could be a successful midcarder and possibly TV champions. I could also see him get called to PWG down the road as well and Japan as well. He will probably never be one of those Indy legends but a staple of the independent scene without a doubt if he works his cards well.
What do you think of Arik Cannon?
How far can the only wrestler sponsored by a beer (PBR) go?