If you think about it, they've only had one confrontation so far and are supposed to only have two more leading up to Wrestlemania. And now we heard that they won't give John Cena mic time because they don't want to make The Rock look weak going into this match.
So for this match, Redemption Vs. Greatness, the match that will be closing Wrestlemania 29, the match which is for the top title in the company... why doesn't it feel right? Why does this whole match not feel important? Why are we getting video packages rather than promo's. I'd rather have a pre-recorded segment with the two. Even though we all bitched and complained on how we don't want to see this match and the fact that they added no gimmick to the match kills the care cup I have even more. The way this match has been booked makes it behind Brock Lesnar/HHH and CM Punk/Undertaker.
So the question is are you happy with the build up?