This stems from the recent reports off two fans being moved to the non camera side after having their signs removed at the last RAW.
Are fans bringing signs to the shows really necessary anymore in your opinion? WWE is obviously not as lenient with it as they were during the attitude era and before it signs were not nearly as common but the shows were still of quality. So we cannot claim that they really highten the quality of the show that much apart from those rare occassions (Bryan coming out to a sea of YES signs at mania 28 and the RAW after for example). Plus signs nowadays aren't really that good anyways. Mostly cardboard cut outs of cartoon characters (I've caught Spongebob and Patrick multiple times in the crowd), a wrestlers head or the typical "I'm with Chris" sign, and that is great Chris.
TNA is not nearly as filled with signs, nor is ROH and definitely not lucha libre or Puro. WWE seems to be the only game in town that still has that presence of signs in the crowd. There are also reports of sign users obscuring the view for other fans and being obnoxious towards the rest of the crowd, so one could also argue that they ruin the experience for other fans.
Are signs really needed in today's WWE? When a crowd is "on" nowadays it is noticed vocally. Do they really need to wave around pieces of colorful paper with badly spelled text on it?
Are fans bringing signs to the shows really necessary anymore in your opinion? WWE is obviously not as lenient with it as they were during the attitude era and before it signs were not nearly as common but the shows were still of quality. So we cannot claim that they really highten the quality of the show that much apart from those rare occassions (Bryan coming out to a sea of YES signs at mania 28 and the RAW after for example). Plus signs nowadays aren't really that good anyways. Mostly cardboard cut outs of cartoon characters (I've caught Spongebob and Patrick multiple times in the crowd), a wrestlers head or the typical "I'm with Chris" sign, and that is great Chris.
TNA is not nearly as filled with signs, nor is ROH and definitely not lucha libre or Puro. WWE seems to be the only game in town that still has that presence of signs in the crowd. There are also reports of sign users obscuring the view for other fans and being obnoxious towards the rest of the crowd, so one could also argue that they ruin the experience for other fans.
Are signs really needed in today's WWE? When a crowd is "on" nowadays it is noticed vocally. Do they really need to wave around pieces of colorful paper with badly spelled text on it?