Amish Roadkill has posted a blog on his MySpace page refuting the Internet story on WWE letting him go over selling WWE merchandise at OVW shows. The story is that someone in OVW ratted him out to the office over it, and he was let go. And then WWE sent a memo saying that they don't want any of their contracted talent -- including wrestlers in developmental -- selling merchandise at gimmick tables at shows. Anyway, Roadkill does admit to selling WWE merchandise at OVW shows. "Was I selling WWE merchandise at OVW live events? Yes I was," he wrote. However, he says he was not let go over it. "Was I told that my firing was a disclipinary action? No I was not. Was there then, and is there now, a STOOGE in the WWE Office? Yes. Denial?...No, TRUTH." He then explains: "Nowhere in my WWE contract did it say that I was not allowed to buy WWE merchandise from a licensed WWE merchandise vendor, and then sell such merchandise to make a profit. Basically, "someone" was jealous that I took the incentive to make some extra money and they did not. No one from the WWE ever told me that I could not sell WWE merchandise. If they would have, I simply would have stopped." He also adds, "How can you discipline someone when you didn't even tell them what they did wrong? I have talked to some of the other release-es, also on thier "Future Endeavours" tour, and it seems that we all received the same blanket statement from the WWE office on why we were all released. The reason... is between the 6 of us and the WWE Office." At the bottom of the post, he posts his P.O. box address for people interested in purchasing WWE merchandise from him.
Who would have thought the WWE would get all uptight about him selling their own merch at WWE shows:footinmouth:
Who would have thought the WWE would get all uptight about him selling their own merch at WWE shows:footinmouth: