Alternative Championship Wrestling

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Christian Battlez

New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Davenport, Florida
People are always looking for an alternative to WWE and TNA. They want to see wrestling matches between two skilled competitors who can talk and wrestle in personal realistic storylines that lead up to a heated situation. That's what ACW brings. Here is the roster and other important information.

Card Position Subject to change

Main Event

Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
Randy Orton
CM Punk
King Sheamus
Chris Jericho


Bryan Danielson
Desmond Wolfe
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Dolph Ziggler

Tag Teams

Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns
Generation Me
World's Greatest Tag Team
Kings of Wrestling
Briscoe Brothers


Awesome Kong
Beth Phoenix
Natalya Neidhart
Mickie James
Gail Kim

There will be a weekly television show called ACW Attitude on Wednesday nights at 9 pm on Fox. There will be pay per views in the future but as of right now there is nothing in stone. There are going to be four major championships in ACW. They are as follows.

ACW World Heavyweight Championship: Vacant
ACW Television Championship: Vacant
ACW World Tag Team Championships: Vacant
ACW Womens Championship: Vacant


Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
People are always looking for an alternative to WWE and TNA. They want to see wrestling matches between two skilled competitors who can talk and wrestle in personal realistic storylines that lead up to a heated situation. That's what ACW brings. Here is the roster and other important information.

Card Position Subject to change

Main Event

Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
Randy Orton
CM Punk
King Sheamus
Chris Jericho


Bryan Danielson
Desmond Wolfe
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
Dolph Ziggler

Tag Teams

Beer Money
Motor City Machine Guns
Generation Me
World's Greatest Tag Team
Kings of Wrestling
Briscoe Brothers


Awesome Kong
Beth Phoenix
Natalya Neidhart
Mickie James
Gail Kim

There will be a weekly television show called ACW Attitude on Wednesday nights at 9 pm on Fox. There will be pay per views in the future but as of right now there is nothing in stone. There are going to be four major championships in ACW. They are as follows.

ACW World Heavyweight Championship: Vacant
ACW Television Championship: Vacant
ACW World Tag Team Championships: Vacant
ACW Womens Championship: Vacant

I think this sounds like a pretty good show. I like how you mixed TNA and WWE superstars together. The only thing is that you may find you need more superstars over time to keep the show fresh and exciting. Some people have suggested about 40 superstars. But it does sound good, and I hope you continue to make them.

Christian Battlez

New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Davenport, Florida
I think this sounds like a pretty good show. I like how you mixed TNA and WWE superstars together. The only thing is that you may find you need more superstars over time to keep the show fresh and exciting. Some people have suggested about 40 superstars. But it does sound good, and I hope you continue to make them.

I've got thirty right there. There also will be signings as well as releases in the future. I'm going to run it like a real promotion. So when I come up with ideas I will use them. Expect a possible talent exchange with another company as well.


May 1, 2008
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Well you say the show will be realistic but the fact that a number of TNA and WWE starts left for ACW isn't really realistic. I can't deny that you've got a really great roster though and I look forward to seeing your writing.

Christian Battlez

New Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Davenport, Florida
Ok so some notes for the championships. The World title will be contested in four weeks on our first ppv, ACW 1. The competitors will be determined after a ranking system. The six people in the main event scene will compete in a series of matches over the next four weeks. Here are the rules on how points will be handed out.

Singles Match

The winner gets one point while the loser loses a point.

Tag Team Matches

The winning team gets two points each while the losing teams members each lose a point.

Multi-Man Matches

Depending on how many men are in each match. For example, if it is a triple threat the winner gets two points because he had two opponents. If it was a fatal four way he would get three points. The loser of the match the one who was pinned or submitted would lose the same amount of point the winner received. The other people involved in the match don't lose or gain any points if they aren't involved in the decision.

That is how we will determine the top two contendors for the World title at our first ppv. The two men with the most points will face off for the belt. The man with more points will choose the stipulation. Now for the television title it will be defended on every tv episode so this week all six men in the tv title picture will compete in a six pack challenge to determine the first ever tv champion. First pinfall or submission wins the belt. Only two men can be legal at a time. Other competitors must stand in the other four corners and get tagged in the match. More information for how the tag team and womens champions will be determined will be revealed on the first ever episode of ACW Attitude on Wednesday at 9 pm on Fox!

Christian Battlez

New Member
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Davenport, Florida
Well you say the show will be realistic but the fact that a number of TNA and WWE starts left for ACW isn't really realistic. I can't deny that you've got a really great roster though and I look forward to seeing your writing.

I meant realistic storylines. Like simple, basic heated feuds. Stuff you would legitamately believe people would fight over. Nothing too silly or over the top.


May 1, 2008
Reaction score
I understand but some sort of backstory as to how these guys got in ACW would have been nice. Not entirely necessary, but nice.

Christian Battlez

New Member
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Davenport, Florida

The ACW theme song Re-Education by Rise Against plays throughout the arena as the crowd goes wild! A number of superstars from the roster appear on the titantron followed by a massive pyrotechnics display. The announcers welcome us to the show!

Jim Ross: Hello ACW fans and welcome to the first ever edition of Alternative Championship Wrestling, ACW! I'm Jim Ross alongside Tazz and Tazz what a terrific show we have going on tonight. Can you believe the atmosphere in this building tonight?

Tazz: No I can't JR it's unreal. Unlike any building I've been in outside of a Wrestlemania. I can't wait for the show to start.

Jim Ross: Well it looks like your about to get your wish Tazz our General Manager is about to come out and start the show!

William Regal makes his way out to the ring to a chorus of boos. He steps over the ropes and grabs a microphone. He tries to start talking but the crowd won't let him. They are showering with hate and he just smirks cuz he loves it.

William Regal: Well hell bloody lo to you too.

Mixed reaction to Regal's sarcasm.

William Regal: I'm not here to make friends with everyone in the arena I'm here to be a fair and impartial General Manager. I'm here to make sure things run smoothly and to make the hard decisions.Now first of all there were some guidelines layed out before the show regarding a point system in which we will determine the top two contendors to the World title. Tonight all six men in the Main Event picture will compete in singles matches against each other with the opportunity to improve their rankings or to have their rankings fall. The matches are as follows, CM Punk vs Chris Jericho.

Crowd boos they hate both men.

William Regal: King Sheamus vs Randy Orton

Crowd pops as they love Orton.

William Regal: Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

Crowd goes absolutely nuts as both Angle and Styles are huge fan favorites.

William Regal: Those matches as well as the Television title being on the line are all tonight. So enjoy and please don't be too loud it gives me head aches.

Crowd gets insanely loud just to fuck with Regal but instead he smirks like that's what he wanted.

William Regal: Well I suppose there's no taming you animals.

Crowd boos even louder and Regal leaves the ring with all the boos surrounding him and the microphone still in his hand.

William Regal: Carry on, as you were!

Crowd is going ballistic when Regal finally leaves. Then the first superstars music plays for the opening bout, It's CM Punk. The boos never die down. CM Punk enters the ring and grabs a microphone.

CM Punk: Are you people booing me or are you still booing Regal?

Boos continue

CM Punk: Ah so your booing me that's fantastic. Boo me and you don't even know me.

More Boos

CM Punk: Ya know we can do this all day. Maybe you should go get yourself a beer at the concession stand you know you want to.

We want free beer chant starts

CM Punk: You would you would want free beer you cheap alcoholics.

We want free beer chant continues.

CM Punk: You know what I'm done I can't do this.

Jericho's music hits and he walks down the ramp as the We want Free Beer chants stop and the boos start up again. CM Punk raises his hands up and looks at Jericho like see what we have to deal with. Jericho gets in the ring and grabs a microphone.

Chris Jericho: Will you people shut the hell up?


Chris Jericho: Do you people know who I am? I am the first ever Undisputed Champion. I'm a legend I could leave right now because you people don't deserve to see me perform. None the less against a scumbag like CM Punk.

Crowd cheers this insult and Punk mouths really to Jericho before taking the mic away.

CM Punk: Really I'm the scum bag? What happened to you Chris you used to be entertaining. Now your like Jake Roberts, your boring your past your prime, and your probably drunk right now to think I'm not on your level because I am. I'm gonna prove it to you right now.

CM Punk vs Chris Jericho
Punk and Jericho lock up. Punk backs Jericho into the ropes. The referee asks Punk for a break. He gives him one but then delivers a knee to Jericho's midsection. He throws Jericho off the ropes and ducks down but when Jericho comes back he hits Punk with an enzuiguiri causing Punk to fall on his face. Jericho rolls him onto his back and covers him for a two count. Jericho picks Punk up and tries to irish whip him into the corner but Punk reverses it and sends Jericho into the corner before running at him and hitting a knee to the face followed up by a bulldog for a two count. Punk heads out to the apron and gets ready to deliver a high risk move but as Jericho is getting to his feet he pushes the referee into the ropes and causes Punk to fall groin first onto them. The referee admonishes Jericho and says if he pulls that again he is disqualified. Punk landed on the outside of the apron after he fell so Jericho waits till he gets to his feet then delivers a springboard dropkick sending Punk into the barricade on the outside. Jericho goes out after Punk and suplexes him on the outside. He then throws Punk back into the ring and covers him for a two count. He starts slapping the back of Punk's head and goes to pull him to his feet but Punk hits him with a jawbreaker. Jericho stumbles back and Punk nails him in the back of the head with a round house kick he rolls Jericho over and covers him for two. Punk waits for Jericho to get to his feet and lifts him up for the GTS but Jericho rakes his eyes and slides down his back. He hits Punk with a bulldog before bouncing off the ropes and going for the Lionsault, but Punk brought his knees up and Jericho landed across them ribs first. Both men are down once they both get to their feet Jericho attempts the Codebreaker but Punk holds him up and drops him over the top rope onto the floor. He tells the ref to start counting him out. The ref gets to six before Jericho slides back in. Punk goes to pick him up off the mat when Jericho double legs him and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Punk drags himself to the ropes and the ref makes Jericho break the hold. Jericho won't listen and the ref has to pull him off. The ref says if he has to warn Jericho one more time he is DQ'd. Jericho is still arguing with the ref and Punk rolls him up but only gets a two count. Jericho asks the ref was that three? The ref says no Jericho has no idea whats going on he turns around and gets knocked out by the GTS! 1..2..3 and its over!

Winner by pinfall: CM Punk

The official raises Punk's hand to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Jericho is still knocked out. Punk pats Jericho on the chest and leaves the ring. He walks up the ramp and we head to the back where Jonathan Coachman is interviewing Randy Orton!

Jonathan Coachman: I'm here at this time with the Viper, Randy Orton. Randy what are your thoughts on the match that just took place between Chris Jericho and CM Punk and how that affects the current standings in the World title picture?

Randy Orton: The way I see it is this. Punk gained one point, Jericho lost one. There are two spots in the title match at the ppv I only need one. Currently I'm still in second place and that's all I need to get the title match. Then at the ppv I'll RKO CM Punk, Jericho, Kurt Angle it doesn't matter. I'll RKO them and win the ACW Championship!

Jonathan Coachman: Thanks Randy. Back to you guys.

Jim Ross: Randy Orton looks very focused.

Tazz: No doubt about that JR. I don't envy Sheamus.

King Sheamus music plays next and he makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos. He takes off his attire and awaits Randy Orton.

Randy Orton comes out to the loudest reaction of the night next. He looks Sheamus eye to eye. The ref backs both men up and rings the bell.

Randy Orton vs King Sheamus
Randy opens up on Sheamus with some hard right hands. Sheamus is just trying to defend himself. The referee backs Orton up which gives Sheamus an opening to take him down with that running sledge he uses. Sheamus opens up on Orton now and the referee backs Sheamus off. Orton gets to his feet and kicks Sheamus in the gut before planting him with a DDT. Orton slithers around on the mat and tries an RKO when Sheamus gets to his feet but Sheamus just throws him off. Sheamus then attempts the Brogue Kick which Orton ducks under and nails Sheamus with his signature headlock back breaker. Orton slithers around again and Sheamus crawls out onto the apron. Orton kicks him in the chin then brings him back in the ring with the DDT off the ropes he does. Orton starts pounding the mat like he does when he is gonna try the RKO but instead he backs up and acts like he is gonna punt Sheamus. Orton is focused on his prey when Kurt Angle comes down the ramp turning Orton's attention to him. Angle backs up when he realizes Orton saw him and Sheamus charges Orton only to be met with an RKO for the victory.

Winner by pinfall: Randy Orton

Jim Ross: Why on earth do you think Kurt Angle tried to interfere Tazz?

Tazz: Kurt probably wasn't too happy Randy mentioned him earlier when he was saying who he'd RKO on his way to the title.

Jim Ross: Kurt is a competitor surely he realizes Orton was speaking about everyone in the title picture not specifically singling out Kurt.

Tazz: I've known Kurt Angle for a long time JR. Trust me if Kurt Angle thinks your targeting him he will come after you.

Jim Ross: Well the Viper is not someone you wanna mess with either Tazz. Anyway up next we have the Television title on the line. Six young folks vying to win the title here on National tv . I can't wait.

Television Championship Match

Bryan Danielson vs Desmond Wolfe vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kazarian vs Kofi Kingston vs John Morrison

Danielson and Wolfe start the match off. In the early going it was a contest that pitted both mens abilities on the mat to the test. Bryan ended up getting too close to the ropes and Morrison tagged himself in. Morrison and Wolfe exchanged signature moves. Wolfe was getting worn down and was forced to tag out to Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler was fresh and went to work on Morrison who had no choice but to tag in Kofi Kingston to get a break. Ziggler went for the Zig Zag toward the end of the match but Kofi held onto the ropes. Wolfe was able to tag himself in off Kofi since Kofi was so close to the ropes and nail Ziggler with a huge Lariat while he was still dazed from missing the Zig Zag. Wolfe got the three count and won the tv title.

Winner by pinfall and new Television Champion: Desmond Wolfe

Jim Ross: That was a great contest. I really thought Kofi had Dolph at the end there though.

Tazz: Doesn't matter who almost had it won all that matters is the victory and Desmond Wolfe secured that congratulations to the new Television Champion!

Jim Ross: Up next is our main event of the evening. The Phenomenal AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle.

Tazz: I wonder if Orton is gonna show up during the main event to get back at Angle.

Kurt Angle comes down first to a mixed reaction because of his actions earlier tonight. AJ Styles comes out next to a bigger reaction.

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

Angle grounds AJ most of the match. About mid way through Orton comes down to the ring and plants him with an RKO. The ref calls for the bell. Kurt Angle won by Disqualification.

AJ shoves Orton and Orton responds by RKOing Angle. William Regal comes out and makes next weeks main event AJ and Kurt vs Orton and Jericho. The show then fades to black.

Updated Standings

Kurt Angle 1
Randy Orton 1
CM Punk 1
AJ Styles -1
Chris Jericho -1
King Sheamus -1