All Things Raw

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Apr 2, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to All Things Raw a be the booker brought to you excluisvely from me(Maxi). The scenario is set the Raw right after Suvivor Series 2008. Please note that to the relief of all of the Internet Wrestling Communitity that John Cena was defeated by Chris Jericho via a cheap Roll up win. Now here is all the information needed regarding my Be the Booker.


Raw Roster

Beth Phoenix - WWE Women's Champion
Charlie Haas
Chris Jericho - WWE World Heavyweight Champion
CM Punk - WWE World Tag Team Champion

Cody Rhodes
D'lo Brown
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Hardcore Holly
Jamie Noble
Jillian Hall
Hardcore Holly
Katie Lea
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston - WWE World Tag Team Champion
Mickie James
Mike Knox
Paul Burchill
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Ted DiBiase
Val Venis
William Regal - WWE Intercontinental Champion

World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
Won - 03/11/2008 V Batista
Defences - 1
Lost - N/A

Intercontinental Champion
William Regal
Won - 10/11/2008 v Santino Marella
Defences - 0
Lost N/A

World Tag Team Champions
CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
WON - 27/10/2008 V Team Priceless
Defences -0
Lost - N/A

Women's Champion
Beth Phoenix
Won - 17/08/2008 Summerslam v Mickie James
Defences - 3
Lost - N/A

The Road to Armageddon begins here.........


Apr 2, 2007
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Out with the Adamle in the with new!
Tonight Shane McMahon is in the house and with Mike Adamle long gone, its up to Shane to announced who will be taking over the reigns of Raw. With Bischoff, Adamle, Regal and even the coach all having stints as the main man, who next will step up to the plate and take Raw to its next level.

Y2J Heading into Y2009?
With Chris Jericho defeated John Cena at Survivor Series the question is there. Will Jericho hold his title into 2009. With only 5 short weeks away until the turn of the year, can John Cena do anything to stop him, or will a new challenger step up to the plate?

Knoxed out!
With new WWE Raw Superstar Mike Knox being impressive of late defeating D'Lo Brown, who will stop this Monster, infact can anyone?

Its not all great in Glamarella

After losing his Intercontinental Championship Santino Marella hasnt been the same, he's looking dejected upset and not even the Glamazon Beth Phoenix can cheer him up, will Raw tonight be another dejected night or can he finally get that Confidencing win under his belt, to find out this and More stay tuned for Raw!!!!!

Confirmed Match

Santino Marella v Val Venis


Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
In a box.
This looks really good. I will be reading and hopefully reviewing :)


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
I agree, looks promising.

The first time I read the preview I thought it said "Knoxed Up." A really huge WTF moment.


Apr 2, 2007
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Monday Night Raw - 24th November 3 weeks to Armageddon


*Intro Video plays then Raw introduction plays. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Monday Night Raw.

MC - Hello everybody I’m Michael Cole and I’m joined here tonight with the only and only Jerry "The King" Lawler.

JL - That’s right and what a show we have tonight with all the fallout from last nights Survivor Series and I cant wait for the reaction of John Cena after Chris Jericho cheated victory last night to retain the title.

MC - Also in attendance tonight is Shane McMahon who tonight will deliver a decision of the new man in control of Raw, our new boss!

"Break the Walls Down" plays and World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho walks down to the ring with a smug look on his face after last night title defence.

MC - Well King here he is, our World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, who in my opinion should not be standing there holding our elite honour in this company.

Jericho Grabs a Microphone

CJ - Tonight, I once again stand before you as your Reigning World Heavyweight Champion. This companies top draw and most of all the person all you washed up trailer trash wannabes look up too.

Crowd Boo's

CJ - You see last night, John Cena took his eye of the ball, he thought that he could play your game by noising you lot up, but no he failed, I took advantage and I nailed the one, two, three.

Crowd Boo's Louder.

CJ - As i know if I was stupid enough to allow your apparent fans to show me the way, hell I wouldn’t be like Cena losing last night, I would be like that ECW joke wrestler what was his name.... Braden Walkman?.... Well who cares? The point I’m making is you fans are the reason for failure in this business and you fans are the reasons John Cena lo.....

"My Time is Now" plays and Cena interrupts with a roar from the crowd.

JC - yo yo yo John Cena is in the house Jericho.

Crowd Roars.

JC - Now Jericho seriously how can you go out here and slag off all these great fans

Crowd Roars.

JC - These people they pay your wage slip, they travel around the globe to watch us wrestle, they make you who you are.

CJ - No Cena, they don’t, I made Chris Jericho what Chris Jericho is today these fans did nothing.

JC - Well Chris I cant change your opinion, but there's one thing I can change and that is the owner of the World Heavyweight Championship tonight.

CJ - You think you can just walk in here and say woo imp John Cena I want a title. Well guess what, how does no hit you Junior.

JC - How about I just beat a match out of you.

"Here comes the Money" plays and Shane O'Mac stops the fight and dances to the ring in quite a flashy suit I must add.

SM - Chris, John, I’ll keep this short and simple, but tonight, no you will not fight for World Heavyweight Championship. Infect tonight, I am about to unveil to you the New General Manager of Raw who John has big plans for you.

Crowd Boo's

SM - So now let me introduce you to your new General Manager, John Bradshaw Layfield.

Crowd Boo's and "Longhorn" is played and JBL skips out his Limo with a massive smile on his face, he shakes Shane’s Hand who leaves for the back.

JBL - Well, Well, Well

Crowd Boo's

JBL- First of all i'd like to thank the McMahons for allowing me this chance to shine and bring Raw to elite of its competition, but i'd also like to thank them for allowing me to make John Cena's life hell.

Crowd Boo's

JBL - So tonight in my first act as General Manager, i will make these two matches tonight CM Punk will fight Kane in a no Disqualification match, Chris Jericho i will make plans for you later tonight. But Cena you see yourself as a superman like guy, so if your so great then tonight why don’t you beat all 3 members of team Priceless in a 3 on 1 Handicap. Now Cena, you will learn never to mess with a great man from New York.

Crowd Boo's as we cut to Commercial.

*Wrestlemania 25 Promo*

“Victory is Mine” Plays and Lillain Garcia announces the first competitor.

LG - From Patterson, New Jersey weighing in at 227lbs being accompanied to the ring by “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix, Santino Marella.

Santino grabs a mic and begins “Ladies and Gentlemen tonight, tonight, no I cannota do this bring out my na opponent.”

MC - Something seems to really be bothering Santino tonight King, he just doesn’t look right.
“Hello Ladies” plays
LG - “From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 260lbs, Val Venis.

Val Grabs a mic and begins to talk.

VV- Hello Ladies.
Crowd Cheers

VV - Tonight the Big Valbowski is here to woo one lucky female, the mighty Glamazon.

Santino sharply begins to seem interested.

VV - You see how can such a fine beautiful lady, be love stuck by a joke of foreign import, I mean this man could last the best part of 30 seconds in bed, whilst I the big Valbolski can last all night long.

*Santino runs at Val and the bell rings.

Match One
Santino Marella v Val Venis

Santino runs at Venis and hits him with numerous left and rights and backs him right into the corner, he continues to hit him rights and lefts before dragging him to the centre of the mat, he picks Venis up and slams him to the mat, before bouncing of the ropes and delivering an elbow to the chest of Venis. Santino begins to continually kick at Venis. Before picking him up and attempting a kick to the sternum where Venis counters with by catching the Italians left foot, before Santino counters that with an amazing Enzuigiri which knows Venis out cold. Sanitno then stands about Venis who is lying flat on his back and uses a Fujiwara Armbar, Venis taps instantly as the pain is insane but Santino refuses to break untill the referee makes him break it.

Winner by Submission - Santino Marella - 3.43

Santino Grabs a mic.

SM- Nowa Val Venis, you havea done me ae massive favour, I neededa someone to makea me so angry that I finally snapped into the Santino of old. The Santino Marella who takes no crapa from any of yoo stupida Americans who thinksa you can win over an Italian Stallion like me and watcha me show you dis.

Santino grabs Beth a plants her with a kiss, she seems to rather enjoy it.

SM - Nowa on to you William Regal, you havea ma golda but don’t you geta tha comfy, it is only a matter of all da times, when I will reign as the intercontinental champione of this disgraceful country youa call America.

Crowd boo’s as we hit to a commerical.
We cut Back to the ring where Hardcore Holly is standing.

“Death Grip” Plays.
LG - From Phoenix, Arizona weighing in at 293lbs, Mike Knox

Match Two
Hardcore Holly V Mike Knox

Both men hook up, Knox over powers Holly and shoves him to the ground, the tough Hardcore Holly gets right back up and pushes Knox, Knox goes for a clothesline but misses and Holly hits him with numerous punches. Holly goes to whip Knox into the turnbuckle but Knox reverses it and send Holly. Mike Knox goes for a big boot but Holly ducks and rolls up Knox.



Knox gets right up and big boots Hardcore Holly, before setting him up for Knox Out! And going for the pinfall on Hardcore Holly.




Your Winner Via Pinfall - Mike Knox 5.12

MC - What a win for Mike Knox, he certainly has made an impressive impact so far on Raw.

JL - That’s right Cole, this guy could be a start.

Commerical - “Smackdown Recall”

“I Hear Voices” plays and Randy Orton walks out and grabs a microphone.

“Last night, I did what everyone of you said I could not do…. I beat Batista and his team.”
Crowd Boo’s
“You see I knew all along I was better than Batista and I do not need you fans to tell me that, I know I am far superior, I am the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE History.
Crowd Boo’s
“So now all you rejects can sit back and watch as I Randy Orton begin on my quest to begin the second era of the age of Orton”
Crowd Boo’s and Randy Make his way too the back.

Commercial and King comes back to say during the break JBL makes Rey Mysterio & Batista against World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and Randy Orton
“Flame” plays and Kane makes his way to the ring announced by Lillan Garcia.
“This Fire Burns” plays and CM Punk makes his way down the ring as Kanes Opponent.

Match Three
Kane v CM Punk

Finish - it’s a back and forth match, Kane whips Punk off the ropes and hits him a big boot, Kane then hit’s a leg drop on him and picks Punk up, Punk is reeling now and its not looking good for the former World Heavyweight Champion He dishes Punk with a huge Uppercut before Punk spins round, Kane grasps for the Chokeslam and grabs Punk by the throat he lifts him up and Punk reserves into a roll up….1...2...3...

CM Punk Wins 10.45

“This Fire Burns” plays and CM Punk Celebrates to the back.

We cut to a HBK Promo, he returns NEXT WEEK!

We then go backstage to William Regal.

“Hello Ladies and Gentleman, I am your Intercontinental Champion William Regal, your goodwill ambassador and King of the Ring and let me put it too you now, Santino Marella jokers like you and that other little Torag Jamie Noble have nothing on me. I represent a nation of national pride I represent England, you both bring shame to Italy and this disgrace you call the United States of America, and Noble, just so you know sunshine Layla is doing extra well.”

Out of nowhere Noble Appears and ambushes Regal with lefts and rights before officials drag him away, will some attend to Regal.


“Boooyaka” plays and Rey Mysterio enter the ring to a loud cheer.
“I walk Alone” plays and Batista joins Rey Mysterio in the ring

Their opponents “ Millienium” plays and the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho enters the ring.
“ I hear voices” plays and Randy Orton joins in the ring for this Match.

Match Four
Rey Mysterio/Bastista v Chris Jericho/Randy Orton

Finish - Orton powering over Mysterio with kicks before whipping him off the ropes, Rey counters with the Hurracrana and both men are down, the crowd are right into the match roaring both superstars on , and both men tag in the respective Partners, Jericho and Batista run in, Batista knocks Jericho down, once, twice and slams him, Jericho picks himself up and Batista with the Spinebuster, He turns round RKO by Orton. Batista is down, Jericho rolls over for the cover 1...2... Kickout.. Jericho cant believe it, he tags in Orton and Batista runs over and attacks him, all four men are brawling and Batista throws Orton to the outside and the referee begins to count

Orton walks of to the back


Your Winners Via Countout Rey Mysterio and Batsita 15.34

Crowd Cheers like crazy as we head to the back.


Commerical As King Promotes the Main Event

“I’m A star “ plays and Jillian enters
“Richmond” plays and Mickie James enters

Match Five
Mickie James v Jillian Hall

Finish - Mickie James wins in a quick squash match with the Chick Kick in less than a Minuite.

Your Winner - Mickie James - 0.35


"Priceless" plays and Manu, Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes enter the ring.
"My Time is Now" plays and the crowd roar with anticipation as John Cena enter the arena Floor and hits the ring.

Match Six - Main Event
Priceless v John Cena

Finish - Cena is down, Manu is down. Both men drag themselves up, Manu makes the tag to Rhodes, Cody goes for the punch, cena blocks and hits with a right hand, Cody goes again, again Cena blocks and counters knocking Rhodes to the ground, Cena does his taunt then bounces of the ropes for the five knuckle shuffle, Di Biase runs in the ring, he exchanges rights with Cena before Cena whips him to the turnbuckle, he then turns his attention to Rhodes and picks him up for the f-u while the referee check on DiBiase, and out of no where Manu levels Cena with the a steelchair and he is out. Rhodes hits the ddt and goes for the cover.

Your Winners - Team Priceless -17.53

We go off the air with Priceless standing over John Cena

Quite a rushed show but i got impatient with it, C & C please, i'm hoping to the Recap format to allow my storylines to progress more fluently. Promo's will always be did in full.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Jericho/Shane/JBL/Cena Promo: Over all just an OK way to start your BTB. I was hoping for a little more pop from this star-studded intro. The characters were just ok, and Cena got the shaft here by not getting to form a rebuttal. JBL being GM could be very good so lets see where you take it.

Val/Santino Promo/Match: Interesting angle here. I think I like this, though Santino seemed a little off to me throughout. I hope Val can get over here because he is definately hurting after being away for so long.

Knox vs. Holly: Meh. What can I say? These guys don't do much for me. OK.

Kane vs. Punk: Um, i didn't really understand alot of this match recap. The wording was weird and didn't flow coherently. I like that Punk wins though.

Regal/Noble Promo: I hate this angle in real life so I hope you can develop it better. I like Noble getting scrappy toward the end.

Tag Match: Ack...I wrote a similar ending last week on my BTB and it didn't work and I didn't know why. This opened my eyes a bit. I was hoping for someone to get some heat at the end but it disappointed. Why would the crowd react like they did to that type of ending?

Squash: HULK SMASH! Hulk just happens to be Mickie James.

ME: Some odd wording. Again, Cena gets no love in this match as he really lost out on this show. Hopefully next show you can give him some pop back as right now he looks like a pansy.

Additional Comments: Well, you did some good stuff, and you did some odd stuff that made me go 'huh?' I'll check out your next show, but by all means remember...quality over speed. Don't rush. Do your best work each time, even if it means taking more time. Please feel free to check out XCW:Full Throttle and leave a comment if you like. Keep up the work man!


Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks man will strive to improve.


Yep folks its true John Bradshaw Layfield is our new RAW General Manager, and last week on RAW, he vowed to make John Cena's life hell by putting him in a 3 on 1 handicap match against the 3 member of Team Priceless, Cena of course lost when Manu attackted him with a steel chair. So what lies ahead for John Cena, more trouble from our General Manager or his he beginning his road to the taking the World Heavyweight Championship from Chris Jericho.

Two Stories of Love
Last week RAW's so called Italian Stallion Santino Marella and his girlfriend the Glamazon Beth Phoenix's relationship was tested by the true ladies man of the WWE in Val Venis, Santino of course took excpetion to this an displayed some aggression which he has previously lacked. Also regarding love for a WWE Diva, whilst William Regal was bragging about defeating Santino for the WWE Intercontinental Championship he also insulted Jamie Noble, which then caused an attack by the little redneck. The question is, is Noble after Love or after the Gold?

Ego-tistic Evolution
After defeating Team Batista at the Survivor Series, Randy Orton believes he now has won well and truely over his old friend. Now as foe's Orton believes they no longer must fight as he has won the fight or so he says. Will Batista reply on RAW this week?

This week marks the return of Shaun Michaels, who has been out injured since the Survivor Series, tonight he will face off against an unnamed opponent to be decided by JBL at the start of the night?

Confirmed Matches
Ted Di Biase v Rey Mysterio

William Regal v Jamie Noble

Santino Marella v D'Lo Brown