Kayfabe After The Match - Victor Sokolov vs. The Scat.

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
Ref: 1! 2! 3!

*As soon as the referees hand hits the mat for the three count, the crowd explode with cheers. Victor Sokolov has finally been beaten. The referee raises The Scat's arm in the air, as he celebrates his victory. After The Scat has left the ring and gone backstage, Victor is still lying on the mat. A referee goes to check on him, but he suddenly rises up (kinda like The Undertaker.) and stares at the referee. His face goes from normal to a unstable rage, as he suddenly stands up and grabs the ref by the shirt, he throws him to ground and lays in the punches. After a minute of non stop punches, he pulls the ref up and hits him with a 'Hellblade'. He goes outside of the ring and to the announce table, he tears it apart and pulls one of the commentators over it and throws him into the barricade. He then grabs the second one and hits him with the 'Devil's Knee'. Victor walks over to the timekeeper area and grabs a microphone.... before grabbing the timekeeper and hitting his head on the ring bell. Sokolov climbs into the ring and begins to speak very furiously into the microphone.*

Victor: That match.... was BULLSHIT! All of you know it! Those two cunts Rhys Haze and Antonio Stark just cost me my match and have handed me my first loss in this company! Fuck them and fuck all of you! *The crowd boo loudly, as Victor goes over to a turnbuckle and rips it apart throwing the pieces into the crowd.* Seeming as you just screwed me over.... how about the two fuckfaces get their asses out of here, so I can teach them a lesson of respect!

*Victor chucks the microphone outside the ring, and stands in the middle. His face is pure anger and frustration, but when Rhys Haze's music hits, he explodes. shaking the top rope up and down.*


@The Anarchist

Enjoy crazy Victor while he lasts.

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Apr 17, 2016
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Rhys takes him time to walk out slowly, the tension and frustration between Victor and Rhys is at it's maximum and Rhys is taking this as no joke. He's holding a kendo stick gripped tightly in his right hand and clutching a microphone in his left. His music cuts out abruptly as he begins to talk.
Rhys: So this is the last stand Victor. I'm not the European champion, you're not a winner either. We are both weak, beaten up, broken and tired. Now, you decide to call me out?! You have no right bringing me out here, I know you want a fight and I've come prepared. *Rhys spins the kendo stick in his hand like a drumstick* I think you better calm down your language little boy and stop shaking the ropes thinking you're the Ultimate Warrior. You are nothing close to being 'Ultimate', You are just trash and should of never come to Precision. I still have no idea why you are here Victor, your motives and your drive, but one thing I know for certain is that we are ending this at Summerslam. *Rhys spits on the floor to disrespect Victor, acting like he was above Victor.* I'm not even going to come to the ring tonight Victor, you should come over here for once, I'm too tired. *Rhys moves the mic away from his mouth to laugh, he then beckons Victor to come face him.*

Victor: *Victor sprints to Rhys while shouting and roaring*
Rhys: *Rhys has his kendo stick held like a baseball bat as Victor approaches. He prepares a powerful swing and takes the shot aiming for Victor's head but it was easily read and dodged.* Damn you Victor you asshole, just let me destroy you!!
Victor: *Since Victor dropped his mic earlier his screams are inaudible but there is a very obvious "FUCK YOU!!!!!!" that could be lip read* *After dodging the kendo stick Victor stands strong and stares at Rhys, while Rhys stares back with the kendo stick held down. Victor takes no time to rest and jumps at Rhys to destroy his face with a Devil's knee. Victor grabs Rhys' head but Rhys gets a strong strike on Victors ribs before the move can be done.*
Rhys: *Rhys smacks at the ribs of Victor repeatedly, at least 5 times. Victor falls to his knees as Rhys gains the advantage, he holds his kendo stick high in the air ready to slam down on the back of Victor's exposed neck*
Victor: *Victor is heavily stunned and dazed but realises what's coming. Before Rhys gets the strike on his neck Victor snaps his head like an owl to stare Rhys' in the eyes. As Rhys slams down the stick he stops and jumps back in shock. It looks like Victor has taken no damage to the ribs and he seems to be okay. While Rhys is distracted Victor shoots back up to stand and kick Rhys in the balls, a very heavy low blow. Victor clutches his sore ribs as he is winded and tries to catch back some breath now Rhys' is in agony.*
Rhys: *Rhys walks in circles in burning pain from the low blow. He's on the verge of coughing up blood but he pushes on and tries to make a quick recovery. While still choking in agony he manages to grab Victor's neck and drag him to the minitron on the entrance ramp. Rhys throws Victor hard into the minitron and Victor is hurt badly from the impact. The minitron is unharmed but Victor visibly is hurt to the audience now. Theres no mercy left in the two fighters now.*

Victor: *Victor is heavily stunned and dazed once again and is taking punches to the chest and head from Rhys. Victor stays standing and is dangerously hurt now, but snaps out of his confusion. His rage is at its maximum and is no selling punches like he was invincible.* *As Rhys is taking a rest from his attack Victor regains some stamina and is ready to counter Rhys. He becomes cocky and lets Rhys take digs at him but out of nowhere, he gets a powerful kick in to the gut of Rhys. He then hits the hellblade on the metal ramp which injures both of them. Victor gets tens of digs to Rhys while he's knocked out from the hellblade. While taking these punches Victor just laughs at the weakness of his opponent.
Rhys: *Rhys is completely knocked out and done. He can't get up and just takes these punches like a bitch on the ground. It was like watching a one sided street fight now. The audience knew this heat between Rhys and Victor was real but this time Rhys' could not react.*

A large squad of refs and medics run out to help an Injured Rhys' Haze by pulling Victor off him. Rhys' looked like a dead corpse on the ground from his broken face and pool of blood his head was almost drowning in. Victor does not resist the refs and stops attacking Rhys as soon as hes pulled off. He just looks at his downed rival and laughs like he was his master: Satan. Victor takes a slow walk backstage now he is satisfied with what he has done to Rhys and doesn't stop laughing. The camera fades to black as Precision goes to a commercial break. Off camera Rhys is carried backstage to see if there is a chance of reviving him. After the next couple of matches take place, the camera cuts backstage to Rhys being looked after by a medic. You can hear the two discussing the extent of Rhys' injuries.

Medic: You're gonna be okay Rhys. You've suffered a minor concussion from Victor and some deep cuts, but it should heal up in no time, you aren't going to be taken out of action.
Rhys: Okay. As long as he's not here im all right. If im okay just leave me alone, I need time to think.
Medic: *The medic pats Rhys on the shoulder before getting up to leave him alone* Take care.
Suddenly, a ref is seen rushing to Rhys to give him some information on the consequences of the brutal attack.
Random Ref: Hey bud, I've got to tell you something I've been informed of by the guys higher up. *He tries to look in the face of Rhys but Rhys just stares at the ground, holding an icepack on his cheek* You're still having the match with Victor at summerslam, but they've added a new stipulation you're not gonna like. *Rhys moves his eyes to the ref after he gains his attention* I've been told the loser of the match... Is going to have their contract with Precision terminated. The loser is gonna be kicked out instantly. They've done this because both of you are going to kill eachother at some point, it almost happened tonight. I pulled Victor off of you to save your life dude. The management don't like their talent almost killing eachother and its getting worse between you two. One of you have to go at Summerslam. I'll let you think about this Rhys.
Rhys: *Rhys drops the icepack and puts his face into his cold hands and says nothing. If he wins, he has redeemed Will and this rivalry will be over forever. If the devil pins Rhys, Precision will fall into the hands of Satan's little helper and the show will plunge into complete chaos.*

Wow. This was the longest promo I have ever written by a mile. Wanted to hype up our summerslam match a ton and I think I've given everyone a sneak peek of what's to come at the PPV ;) @TheKingSonic @The Anarchist (Sorry I didn't give you an opening to reply Tony you can probably see why :p) Forgive me for any errors, there was a lot I had to write
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