Well, many of the pains in the assess seem to be vanished or crumbling in storylines.
- Hulk Hogan seems to be gone. Brooke Hogan is officialy gone since August.
- Former MMA stars Rampage Jackson (who I don't hate at all btw, I think he's done a good job) and Tito Ortiz are gone for at least a couple of months.
- Chavo Guerrero is barely on TV (and even Hernandez).
- Aces & 8s have come down to Bully Ray, Brooke Tessmacher, Knux & Bischoff (Wes Brisco and Ken Anderson seem to be in contract negotiations and were written off TV respectively).
- RVD is gone for 7 months now and is being boring the WWE.
- New guys are being pushed and gain a good amount of TV lately: Magnus, Ethan Carter, Gunner, TJ Perkins (Manik), Chris Sabin, Lei'd Tappa.
- E.G.O. is probably the best stable alive, as you can.... no MUST see via this link:
- The once good concept with lots of potential, called Gutcheck, is now gone, since they screwed it up completely with releasing half the Gutcheck winners.
- Dixie Carter went from being an awful babyface to being an awesome, seeming to be mentally ill and manipulating heel
- Chris Sabin is an awesome heel
- The X Division is being pushed and featured again, as it looks to be more of a mid-caard title right now, with Hardy, Aries, Joe and Sabin all being in it and gunning for the strap (at least for the time being)
- Austin Aries defeated Jeff Hardy clean, in a singles match, with the Super Brainbuster (OK, this was a cheap tactic to promote the greatest thing TNA has done since Aries won the World Title)
- Zema Ion will be back soon, as he is healthy again
- Next TV tapings are in more familiar towns (Salt Lake City, Baltimore, Philly), not some shitholes like Duluth, Tulsa, Corpus Christi, Peoria etc.
- The hype for the big PPV still seems to be lacking every time, as they
really hype the PPV only 2, 3 weeks before the show itself, which is awkward considering how much time they now have in-between the PPVs
- Poor use of certain guys like Kenny King, Jay Bradley, Sam Shaw, Rockstar Spud and even Rob Terry. Many of them are in OVW, yes, but IMO are more than worthy a spot on the main roster (yeah, even Terry with a right gimmick)
- a "meh" relationship with OVW, as nothing seems to be a sure thing between the two companies
- Joseph Park is
STILL Joseph Park; for fucks sake reveal already that he's Abyss or die in hell
- lack of focus on the Tag Team division. TNA has 6 tag teams, yet the usage is poor
- Fucking ODB is the KO Champion -.-
- Announcers suck ass as we all know. Tenay and Taz are horrible, JB is "obvious", and Hemme is tolerable because tits
- TNA still goes on the road to shitty towns (Tulsa, Peoria, Duluth etc.). FUCK THAT PLACES