Kayfabe After Alexander Diamond vs JSP

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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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*As the bell rings and the hand of Intercontinental Champion, Jason St. Pierre, is raised, Alexander Diamond lies groggy on the canvas. While the champ's music plays, there is a sudden increase in booing to the right of the ring, and the camera cuts to a shot of Jack Rogue, the former champion, leaping over the barricade to the floor in front of the announce table. Rogue sports a bruise on his arm from his victory earlier in the night against CRASH, and tightly grips the leg of a steel chair in his right hand. As St. Pierre's music cuts, Jack rolls into the ring and stares a hole into the man who won the title from him. JSP smirks, then theatrically throws the belt over his shoulder while Rogue bristles visibly, and steps out of the ring through the ropes. The champion gets halfway up the ramp before the smack of steel on the skin of Alexander Diamond reverberates around the arena*

Commentary: And now, Rogue, out of nowhere, assaulting Diamond! The opponent of the new Intercontinental Champion! I mean... it's easy to question the reasons for this, but... I frankly wouldn't be surprised if Jack was just attacking whoever he could get at, with where his mind seems to be.

*The boos for Jack escalate as he attacks the better received Diamond brother after his defeat against St. Pierre. Alexander sits up suddenly with the impact to the gut and Rogue steps back, then slams the chair into his skull to the shock of the audience. As Diamond collapses quickly onto his back, Jack breathes heavily and reaches down for Alexander's neck. The already awed crowd are further horrified as Rogue wraps the steel around the neck of Diamond, the top of the seat across his neck. Jack chuckles to himself, then rolls out of the ring. He makes a beeline for the ring announcer, who flees into the timekeeper's area, vacating her steel chair which Jack swiftly picks up, folds, and re-enters the ring with*

Commentary: After that vicious, concussing steel chair shot to the top of the skull, Jack Rogue appears to have serious damage in mind for Alexander Diamond after his first match on Precision. What on [earth] could he be thinking of?

*Alexander Diamond is slowly stirring from the vicious skull shot he took and weakly attempting to pry the chair off his neck when Rogue drives the second chair down onto the leg of the first, forcing the steel plate into the throat of Alexander. Diamond is brought to life by the sudden agony and throws the chair off, then continues to writhe on the canvas, clutching at his crushed windpipe as thunderous boos rain on Rogue*

Commentary: Oh, my... Alexander Diamond just had his trachea crumpled by that heinous stunt from Rogue. We may never see the elder Diamond in Precision again, and the question we are left with is: why? Though I suppose even Jack Rogue may be incapable of answering that.

*Jack hasn't moved since his attack, and now he carelessly drops his second chair onto the canvas, and stares as medical staff cautiously yet anxiously enter the ring, and attempt to hold the tortured Diamond still to attach a neck brace and put him on a stretcher. Jason St. Pierre hasn't moved either, and as the camera pans back to him he smirks once more, before turning and walking to the back. Rogue is still watching the medics attend to his victim as his music plays, and Precision cuts to commercial*

-End of segment-
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