ACW Striking Distance: Syn (c) v. Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

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Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event:
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: ACW Heavyweight Championship
Time Limit: 40 Minutes (4 RP Cap)
Syn (c) v. Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
FOUR RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Dec 3, 2010
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Striking Distance is a week away and Eric Snow couldn't be happier. His goal of being a world champion is in his grasp, and he feels like his time is now. He's taking the opportunity serious though and is training hard, getting up earlier than usual and hitting the gym and going harder than he's ever gone before. But still this is Eric Snow and as much as training helps him for a match having a good time is just as important.

It's late in the afternoon and all the training for the day is done. Eric sits in the conference room of a local hotel intentions still unknown. He's in a casual dress, just wearing a red track suit and sunglasses, sitting at the table alone in the room, with just a pad of paper and a pen. There's a single chair in front of him, but besides that the conference room is empty. Eric gets up from the desk and grabs a A Frame Sign and exits the room, he places it outside the room in the lobby and attaches a sign to it that reads "Eric Snow Entourage Try Outs". Snow makes sure the sign is exacty where he wants it before making his way back into the room.

Snow waits in the room playing on his phone for any interested applicants. He expected to be busier by now, as he had his agent Deandre send out mass emails take out ad space in the paper, and even mentioned it on Twitter. Snow looks at his watch as he begins to grow anxious, he thought it would be a fun idea to audition guys to hang out with him to form his own little Entourage, but he's starting to think this was a dumb idea. He's about to get up when suddenly there's a knock on the door.

Eric: Come In

The door opens and a young man appears. He's a younger guy with jet black hair, black rim glasses, a black bow tie and a white shirt with a pocket protector.


Eric: Sorry man, but your grade a pussy repellent...NEXT

The rejected young man exits the room, as another candidate enters the room, as the auditions are now picking up. The next man enters the room and he's the complete opposite of the previous applicant. He's in his 20's wearing a white cap and a red hoodie with a white t shirt underneath.


Eric: Bro, not going to lie, you seem like a cool dude, but we already got a black guy in the group, can't mess up the balance.

The gentleman exits the room giving Snow the middle finger as he exits.

There's a few minutes of downtime before the next applicant makes his way into the room. There's no explanation needed for this one, as it's Toyota Chelios a fellow member of the ACW roster.


Eric: No Fucking way man, your a lost cause, get out of here now before I slap you silly.

A Dejected Chelios exits the room

Snow is thinking about calling it a day, so far he has had 3 applicants and they've all been busts. He gathers to leave, when there's a knock on the door again.

Eric: SCREW OFF!...Auditions are over.

Whoever is behind the door obviously doesn't care as they enter anyway, as a man appears in the door way. He's another young guy but different than the others. He's well dressed, tan and muscular, he looks promising and Snow points to the chair directing him to sit down.


Eric: Ok bro, been a bunch of nerds and blueberries so far in here today, tell me a little about yourself.

Man: Names Dom Calvaco, 25 years old from Brooklyn and I'm a club promoter.

Eric: Cool name and a cool job, you got my attention, so what can you bring me as a member of my Entourage.

Dom: I get in all the hottest clubs on the East Cost, which means you get into the hottest clubs with me, free booze hot women, living the life.

Snow leans back in the chair and smiles, as he's really liking Dom so far.

Eric: Ok man, one last question. You willing to be a wingman?

Dom: Yea man, I've got no problem helping out in the ladies department, hell I'll even take a bullet for you and take the ugly friend home, but there's just one thing I won't do.

Eric: What's that?

Dom: No fatties bro? I'll spend the whole night talking to a Quasimodo looking bitch so you can nail her friend, but I ain't trying to climb to the top of any mountain of a woman.

Eric: Totally understandable bro, and I know exactly what you mean, it's a rule I live by also.

Snow seems to be out of questions as he is sitting behind the desk just staring at Dom, he gets up and Dom follows suite getting up also, he walks over to him a gestures for a handshake, which is returned with a firm handshake from Dom.

Eric: Welcome to the team man, let's pop some bottle and fuck some bitches.



Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
I’ve never seen him like this…

The scene is pure Armeggedon! We’re backstage after the main even on Adrenaline Episode thirteen and, in the locker room of one, Zack Bronko, things are flying like the opening of the Wizard of Oz! Several security guards run to the door where Nikki Bronko is stationed.


Nikki Bronko: Whoa! Hold up! NOT a good time!

Head of Security: Listen, maam. We’ve been sent here to calm this disturbance down via any means necessary. And that’s what we intend to do.

About that time a large metal locker bangs hard into the door facing.

The Head of Security has a wide-eyed look: Just as soon as we get more man power!

As he turns, Nikki sets him straight: Just cool your heels. I got this.

About this time a wall mirror flies into the wall across from the door.

A voice from behind: ‘got this’? Really?

Nikki turns to look into the face of the new owner and General Manager of ACW, John McHenry.


John McHenry: Looks like we need the riot squad. I hope he knows he’s paying for every bit of damage he causes!

Nikki Bronko: I’m sure, at this point, he doesn’t care!

McHenry looks in as a bench slides across the floor and bangs into a pile of lockers Zack Bronko has made.

John McHenry looks hard at Nikki: You got about ten minutes before I call the damned police and fire his ass! You tell him that and bring him down fast.

McHenry stomps off toward his office. Nikki looks actually worried. She knows what she has to do and it ain’t gonna be easy. But she’s used to ‘NOT EASY’. She’s had a lot of that. So, without hesitation, she steps into the lion’s den.

The damage is bad. They will be lucky to even get paid this week. In the far end of the room, the hulking figure of her husband is hunched over a fallen shelf.

Zack Bronko: Why?

Nikki Bronko, at a loss of what to say: Why what?

The Revolution spins around; rage in his eyes: NOT A GOOD TIME NIKKI!!


Nikki smiles that disarming smile: When is it EVER a good time with us, honey? You have to calm down…

Zack Bronko: THE HELL I DO!!

Nikki Bronko: What’s wrong?

Zack Bronko heaving like he’s run a marathon: Everything’s going to HELL in a flaming red MUSTANG and there’s not a damned thing I can do about it!

Nikki Bronko edges closer: Honey? It’s me. Nikki. You can tell me.

Zack looks over at her: Babe, I love ya, but that’s not gonna change a damned thing right now.


That makes Nikki irate: What the HELL, Zack Bronko? NOT CHANGE A THING? Who do you think you’re talking to? HUH? I changed everything for you!! I knew I was storming the gates of HELL when we got hitched! After your Father and collapse of your dream and you’re gonna stand there and tell me I CAN’T change a thing? HUH? That we can’t change a thing? How about you tell me what this THING is that I can’t change? Ok, MR. Bronko!? You tell me what it is that is happening that me being here can’t help but change things?

Zack backed off; seeing she was angry: I didn’t mean it like that…and you know it. I just mean you can change what’s goin’ on. This is something you and me can’t fix.

Nikki Bronko steps up and puts her hand on his broad shoulders: I didn’t say we can fix it. But there’s nothing that can happen that we being together can’t withstand…right?

The tears well up in the eyes of the Badass as he searches for the words

Zack Bronko bows his head: It’s Macy…

Now, that surprised me. I mean, I haven’t even heard him utter that name for years.

Nikki Bronko: What’s wrong with Macy?


The big man struggles: She’s my baby sister…and she’s dyin’, Nikki! She’s dyin’!

He was right. For once, this was something I could NOT fix.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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The scene opens inside the Snow family home. Eric has been summoned there by his father Mike, no reason was given for the impromptu meeting. Snow is nervous as meetings like these with his father never seem to go well. Snow is in the front room of the house, there's a few maids moving about but besides that no one else seems to be home. He makes his way up stairs and to a room all the way to the left down the hallway. He stops at the door not really wanting to enter. It's his father office, the place he used to get scolded in when he was younger and even now nto adulthood the room seems to serve the same person. Should he knock, just walk in, or should he just bail all together and leave. All these thoughts run through Snow's head before he takes a deep breath and opens the door, walking into the room.

Seems common curiosity is another thing you lack boy

Is the response from Mike Snow who is sitting at his desk, back to Eric while looking out the window. The office is a dark place, there's just one small lamp on the desk, and the room is filled with bookshelves filled with various books from novels to buisness law. There's some art hanging on the wall, and a old statute of a lion that Eric always hated. The office like his father has always felt cold to him.

Eric: Nice to see you to Pops....can we get on with whatever you called me here for.

Mike Snow back still to Eric reaches with his left hand to a glass of scoth on the desk, he takes a sip and then sets the glass down turning around and facing Eric with a stern look on his face. Mike doesn't look happy, and the look he gives Eric is a sign that something major is about to go down.

Mike: Sit down and shut up.

Eric doesn't argue and grabs the chair in front of the desk and takes a seat, he's trying to avoid eye contact with his father, who's been glaring at him non stop since he turned his chair around.

Eric: Seriously Dad, can we go downstairs or something, you know how much I hate this room, got nothing but bad memory in here.

Mike: That's not a option, this is where I do business and you and me have some business to take care of.

Eric who has been looking down at the floor since his father turned around, now looks up, his father still looking directly at him. Whatever is about to go down it's more serious than anything his father has called him for in the last.

Mike: Eye Contact is a sign of respect, about time you grew a pair and finally looked at me in the face.

Eric: Could you please just get on with whatever you want to say here dad, I don't need you to make me feel like shit about myself, you've done a good enough job of that over the past 20 years.

Mike: Poor Eric always the victim.

Eric: I'm not....

Before Snow can finish Mike slams his hand on the desk, which is a sign that he's pissed and that he demands silence from Eric.

Mike: Don't give me your god damn sob story Eric. My father was hard on me and it turned me into one of the most successful business men in this country. He never told me he loved me, never told me good job, but he did let me know when I screwed something up and it was in the form of the biggest beatings he could give me. I knew I did good when I came home from school and didn't get my ass beat.

Mike is now red in the face veins popping out of his head as he takes a swig of his drink sitting on his desk.

Eric: Well Grandpa.....

Another slam on the desk from Mike which silences Eric once again

Mike: Your brother and sister got the same treatment I gave you and there both successful. I was hard on all of you, but you all lived the privileged life, and trust me there where times when I wanted to be even tougher, you can thank your mother for any mercy that was shown.

Snow gets up from his chair and get ready to leave the room.

Mike: I didn't tell you to leave did I?

Eric turns around and sits back down getting face to face with his father.

Eric: You know what pops, I know your not proud of me I've accepted that, but everyday I wake up and do what I love, you might not admit it but I know you used to have dreams of doing something else to.

Mike: Dreams don't pay the bills boy....and sometimes everyone needs to grow up, and that time for you is now.

Eric: You getting cut me off again, lock up my trust fund....mother will never allow it.

Mike Snow laughs as he takes a sip from his drink.

Mike: No boy this time it's for real, your apartment has been paid for till the end of the year, and 5k has been put into your account to tide you over. But the endless funds are gone and your mother has signed off on it also.

Eric: You can't do that the deal was I got the trust fund when I was 24.

Mike: It's my money I can do whatever I please with it. Your spending was out of control, at the rate you where going you'd be broke at 30. Follow your little dream and pay your bills that way. You get this money 2 ways....I Die or you get a real job, the odds of either of those 2 things happening soon seem unlikely

Eric leaves the room head hung low as he makes his way slowly out of the house and into his car where he sits not knowing what to do next. For him it's not even about the money, he makes a decent payday from ACW and a few other deals, but he will have to branch out more if he wants to continue with this lifestyle. His father's opinion of him is what really bothers him, and he's come to the conclusion that no matter what he does nothing is going to change that. Snow drives off from the house destination unknown.



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Dec 3, 2010
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It's been a few days since Eric met with his father and given the news that he was on his own financially. Eric has layed low since then, he hasn't been out much and been at home in contact concentrating on building his brand with his agent Deandre. After a few days of planning some deals of been put in place and today is the day that Eric and Deandre are to meet with a marketing agency about endorsing some products to help bring in some big income.

Eric and Dre are together in a car, driving around downtown Manhattan. Both men are from Chicago and even though ACW is based in upstate New York neither men are to familiar wit the area and have been driving trying to find the location of the agency. There over a half hour late when they finally arrive at there destination. It's a newer office building with about 20 other businesses locating inside. They make there way inside, and find that Next Level Marketing is located at the top floor of the building. They get in the elevator and make there way to the top floor, exiting in the lobby and greeted by a a receptionist.

Girl: Welcome To Next Level how can I help you today?

Dre: Deandre Jordan and Eric Snow here, we have a meeting with Mr. Foster.

The receptionist gets on the phone and calls Mr. Foster letting him now that his appointment has arrived.

Girl: He should be with you in just a few minute, if you'd like to take a seat over on the couch and make yourself comfortable.

Deandre makes his way over to the couch as Eric lingers around the desk. He's been sitting at home so he hasn't been around women in a few days so he figures it's time to shake off some of his rust.

Eric: How you doing today?

Eric says to the girl behind the desk giving her a wink and a smile.

Girl: Just fine sir.

Eric: So after the meeting is over, think you and me should have a few drinks and see where the night takes us.

The girl lets out a smirk and points to a wedding ring on her hand.

Eric: Your husband doesn't have to know...I'll have you home in time for breakfast.

Before the conversation can continue, Mr. Foster the owner of the company appears in the lobby and calls the guys over.

Foster: Deandre, Eric you guys ready to make some money?

Deandre: Yes sir think this deal should be beneficial to both parties

Eric still lingering at the desk realizes he has to go as he makes his way over to the Dre and Foster, mouthing "Call Me" to the receptionist as he makes his way over to Dre and follow the men to a back conference room, where the 3 men sit down.

Foster: So here's the deal we got a lot of companies that are interested in you, and basically all we are going to do today is go into the back studio and record some quick spots, if they like you for there product they'll be in touch, if there's anything you don't want to do we can skip those all together. Today is all about building your brand and making you some money.

Eric: Yea, money is the motive here, when do I get paid.

Foster: Just for trying out for some of these spots your going to get 5k total, then if they sign you for a full campaign we start negotiating from there and your talking serious money.

Eric: Well, how much do I have to pay you guys, I know your not doing this for free.

Foster: We take 20% of what you gross.

Eric: You can take 10% or I walk, I'm a hot item and once I win the title in a couple days even more offers are going to come through.

Foster: 20% is our base no exceptions.

Eric get's up out of the chair, and begins to walk out of the room followed by Dre.

Foster: You really going to leave money on the table?

Eric: I could ask you the same question...but I ain't going to pay you a quarter of what I make for making some fucking phone calls. I'm the celebirty, I hire you guys cause I'm to busy to make these deals myself...10% and we walk to the back and start this shit up, if not I'm out.

Foster mulls it over for a second, before walking over to Snow and shaking his hand and agring to the deal. One thning Eric picked up from his father was negotiating and he's done a great job of it here.

Eric: See Foster that really wasn't that hard. You've got to keep in mind I do a lot of screwing around and that takes money.

The three men make there way to the back studio, where they will film some reads of possible ad campaigns. The three of them sit down as Eric looks through a stack of scipts trying to pick out a few he was willing to do.

Eric: Really a Hemroid Commercial, I'm not finding much good in here Foster, and I'm starting to doubt what you got to offer.

A nervous looks comes over Foster's face as Eric continues to looks through the papers trying to find some he likes, he's been seperating the papers and now has a stack of 3 that he seems to like that he hands over to Foster.

Eric: Ok let's do these 3, they have the biggest potential paydays, and it's stuff that I use or might actually use.

Foster: Ok just let me grab the scripts and we will get rolling.

Eric: No scripts, I'll just go on the fly.

Dre: These companies are going to want you to use there scripts Eric.

Eric: Dre, I'm gold on the mic, and this is no different, anything I saw will be a 100X better than some script some nerd wrote

Foster: Ok looks like we are going to go on the fly then, let me get in the booth and get everything set up, and you can get comfortable over in the recording booth.

Foster makes his way to the controll room, where all the film and sound equitment controlls are as Eric goes into the recording room which is just a boom mic and a chair in a glass enclosed booth no bigger than a closet.

Foster: Ready when you are Eric

Eric: Good to go, lets make some money


Hi, folks Eric Snow here with a special message today brought to you by trojan condoms. If your like me you enjoy having sex, what you don't enjoy is STD's and child support payments to random skanks. Well trojan is here to help you out with those problems. All you have to do is slide one of these bad boys on and your good to go, casual never call you back sex with girls, without the horrible aftermatch of children and mysterious rashes. Plus unlike other brands that give you the feeling of putting on a 8 inch plactic bag on your junk and not feeling anything, trojan has the most sensitive condoms out there, that makes it feel just like your going in there bare back. So remeber when your about to hit the sack, don't forgot to wrap, with the condom of choice for ACW superstar, your's truly Eric Snow.

Foster: CUT....Eric that was actually really good.

Eric: I know don't ever doubt my talent.

Foster: Ready for the next one

Eric: Let's go man, seeing dollar signs.


Drinking. People have been doing it forever, some do it casually, some do it for fun, some do it cause there drunks. But with so many choices out there, what's the best option. Beer, Vodka, Rum, Wine, the list goes on and on, but none of them hold a light to scotch. It's smooth, flavorfull and it makes you look cool when you drink it. But the scotch of choice for drinkers everywhere is non other than KNOOB CREEK. It's the most flavorfull, most respected scotch around, and when people see you drinking it they know your a big deal. It makes you look cool, women fine you more attractive, it's pretty much the greatest thing ever. Knobb Creek for the sophisticated drinker.

FOSTER: CUT.....Another good take Eric

Eric: Yea, stop kissing my ass lets move onto the next one.


Credit Card And Strips Clubs go hand in hand, your at the club making it rain doing shots buying time in the VIP room and next thing you know your out of money. You run to the ATM get a cash advance on the credit card and it's back to Passion rubbing her cannons in your face. But what do you get for running to the ATM, high fees, interest and your wife knowing you were at a strip club. No longer is that the case thank to the VISA SILK REWARD CARD, a credit card that rewards you for going to the strip club. Lapdances, withdraws, drinks, you get reward anytime you use the card at over 5,000 strip clubs around the world. Cash in those points and earn free lapdances, free drinks, free hats, free shirts, more of what men around the world want. Plus as a special offer free to anyone that signs up today we offer wife protectiomn, which disguises the bill as junk mail when it comes to your house, all the fun without having to sleep on the couch. So get your VISA SILK REWARD CARD today.

Foster: CUT

Eric exits the booth and makes his way over to Foster,

Eric: Send those in and get back to Dre in the next day or so, get me my money or I'll fine someone who can, want all these deals closed by Monday.

Eric stops to give Dre a fistbumb before leaving the studio and making his way to the front desk, where the receptioness who is now off is waiting for him.

Eric: Thought you said you where married?

The receptionist points to her hand and removes the ring placing in in her purse.

Girl: Tonight I'm single.

Snow smile as he puts his arm around her as they exit in the elevator.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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It's Friday Night 2 days before Striking Distance and after a week of training, family issues, and money making Eric Snow is looking to relax. To do that he's out hitting the newest nightclub RAGE in Manahatten. It's also the night he gets to see first hand what the newest member of his entourage Dom Calvaco has to offer as he's out tonight with Eric and his agent Dre. They pull up to the club with all the usual fan fare, limo, red carpet, the normal night out for Snow. They get into the club, passing by the line and getting right in, first perk of having Dom along as he's a well known club promoter. The club is packed, loud, and the amount of beautiful women in there is to the groups liking. They make there way to the VIP area where it's a little more quite and the men can talk a bit for begining to party.

Eric: Fucking awesome place Dom, the chick to dicks ratio is top notch.

Dom: Yea bro, this club actually has a formula in place for how many guys they let in.

Dre: I hear you guys no one likes a sausage fest.

A waitress shows up and drops off drinks for the group. Dom gets a Captain and Coke, Dre gets a 7&7 and Eric takes his drink of choice, Scotch on the rocks. Before she leaves she also gives the guys each a cigar which she lights for them before leaving.

Dre: I hope that's Knobb Creek your drinking Eric, your there official sponsor.

Eric: You know it brother, plus I got some Trojans in the glove box, and my Stripper Rewards Card.

All 3 men toast to the conversation as they continue to drink and smoke there cigars.

Dom: You landed all 3 of those sponsorship deals man?

Eric: Of course I did, I fucking nailed those old man cuts me off, and 3 days later I'm making more money than ever before.

Dre: That's cause you got the best agent in the world motherfucker!

Eric: More like you have the best talent in the world!

The men toast again as there all in high spirits, they relax getting more drinks and finishing off there cigars.

Eric: Ok I didn't come here to sit in a jerk circle with you two, time to scope out some talent and get back to the penthouse.

Dre: You two get what you need, some big booty bitches that I saw at a table in the front when we walked in, you fuckers don't got no game, so you help eachother I'll fly solo.

Dre exits the VIP room, giving both Dom and Eric a fist bump and a highfive before leaving and making his way to his table of women.

Eric: Yea I saw the girl he was talking about, and she was a big ums, but that's Dre for you he always says "She ain't a lady if she ain't 280".

Dom: Good for him, even fat bitches need love, now let's get to work.

The club is packed and navigating through the crowd and talking to girl seems almost impossible at this point. Suddenly Dom remembers something and pulls out a backpack that he brought with him.

Eric: What the fuck are you going to do some match homework?...we came here to get laid.

Dom: Just give me a second just have to make sure I brought them.

Dom finds what he's looking for and pulls out a pair of binoculars and a headset.

Eric: Bro I don't know what you've got planned here but it looks promising..please tell me whats up.

Dom is grinning from ear to ear as he can see Eric is excited and is off to a good start trying to get into his good graces.

Dom: You see this place it's crazy no sense in bumping into people trying to talk to them, so where going mother fucking special opps in here. Night Vision Binaculars, look into the crowd find a girl you like, and boom.

Eric: Yea but by the time you get down there she'll be gone, nothing more than bird watching man.

Dom: That's where the headset comes in, set to the same frequency as the bouncers, find the nearest bouncer, tell them what's up and ask the girl to come into the VIP room. All whitout leaving the comfort of our seats.

Snow fakes wipping a tear of happiness from his face and hugs Dom in a joking fashion.

Snow: How did I just meet you man, this may be the greatest thing ever.

Dom: Bro it's a new idea so it might have some flaws never tested it before.

Eric: Well I think we should test.

Dom: Reach in the bag there's another set for you in there to.

Both men get set up with the equitment and start looking around the club trying to see if there's any girls worth calling up to the VIP room. Dom is looking over to the left and Eric to the right, Dom taps Eric on the back to let him know he see's something.

Dom: Looks like I found Dre, and he's already getting work in.

Eric focuses on the area where Dom has pointed and see Dre with a larger women in a booth eating something, possibly cake, out of the area between her breasts.

Eric: I told you Dre loves him some fat bitches.

The boys get back to work looking for company for the evening, both Dom and Eric have found a few girls and have already used the system calling the bouncer and asking to see if the girls want to be escorted up to the VIP. Both men look as the girls they picked out are greated by bouncers, some of the girls deny the invation but there's a handfull that take them up on the offer and follow another club employee to the VIP area. The boys race to put away the equitment before there picks make there way up there.

Eric: Time to see how accurate these things are.

Dom: I'm confident in my pics bro.

The first of the girls start to make there way into the VIP room. There's 2 white girls one a brunette one a blonde, following behind them is a shorter puerto rican lady, followed by a very buxom black girl. After that is a taller girl, easily six foot six, which catches the boys attention in a bad way.

Dom: I think that chick was kneeling down when I picked her, she's a fucking tree.

Eric: Dikembo Mutumbo hit the breaks, rooms full.

A blunt Eric directs the bouncer to take the tall girl out of the room, who leaves embaressed.

The train of women begin to trickle in again, 2 more blondes come in next followed by a larger girl who tries to sneak in.

Dom: Who the Fuck Freed Willy?

Eric laughs and points to the bouncer again who removes the large uninvited guest from the room.

A few more girls walk in before the guys tell the bouncer that all there picks have arrived. Drinks start flowing and there's chatter and music as the guys mingle with the girls and the girls chat amongst themselves. Both Eric and Dom are trying to narrow down there original few to a select one or two they will take back to Eric's penthouse.

Dom: You find one you like bro?

Eric: Brunette over there isn't to bad, as she seems like she's down for anything.

Dom: Why not pick another?

Eric: Title match coming up, don't need to blow out my back.....You fine one you like.

Dom: Fine ass black girl over there, been talking to her for most of the night as she's a freak.

Snow laughs and draws Dom attention to the girl Dom mentioned who is sitting in a way where you can clearly see up her skirt, Eric points out something Dom must not have noticed.

Dom: FUCK, she's a fucking dude, how did I not notice that.

Eric: Yea that's not a log of salami and 2 hackysacks down there. Noticed it as soon as she walked in, she's got a huge adam's apple man.

Dom: Thanks for telling me dick.

Eric: Got to entertain myself someway.

Snow finishes off his drink and goes to ask his pick to leave, she obliges, as he helps her up and they begin to leave, stopping by Dom.

Eric: Had fun tonight man, your definitely in the group to stay.....just no more birdies, if that's your thing fine, but I got a image to uphold.




Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
I hadn’t had that dream in a long time…now it was more of a nightmare.

I was about ten and we were on one of the beaches of Long Beach, my home town. Used to be my favorite thing to do; go to the beach with Macy and mom. The weather in California seemed to always be sunny and the beaches heaven. Macy had just turned four and was one of the two bright spots of my life. Dad did a lot of traveling in those days so, most of the time, we were on our own. I wish it had stayed that way.


I was teaching Macy to build sandcastles and she was enamored with it. In fact, she seemed fascinated with everything I did; which didn’t bother me in the least. I knew other guys that hated spending times with their brothers and sisters. Not me. I treasured it. Still do. And building sandcastles seemed like the best use of my time. I remember when we finished, Macy put a straw and a piece of paper on the tip top and said FLAG.

She stood back and proudly examined our structure. You woulda thought we had built an actual mansion to live in; the way she looked at it. Then, she turned and hugged my neck.

“Brudda” I remember she said. Melted my heart.

It was getting late and mom was packing our stuff up.

Mom: Zack, make sure we got all the beach toys. We need to go soon.

I looked at her, not wanting to leave: Aw, mom! It’s not dark yet! Can’t we stay a little longer?

Mom gave me that look and I knew we couldn’t. SO I ran off and gathered up the swim ring and beach ball. It WAS getting late. I almost lost a flip flop in the tide. That’s when I heard Macy cry. I had heard it many times, but not like this. I turned and ran to her side; expecting her to be injured. But she wasn’t physically injured. She just stood there and cried and stared.

Macy: Brudda…it gone…


I looked down and the tide had already begun to attack the sandcastle; eating the walls bit by bit. I wanted to save it, but I knew from experience that it was gone. But Macy didn’t and, having never experienced it, she was devastated.

Zack: I…I can’t Macy. It’s just gone…

Macy didn’t take this news well. She exploded into a ear splitting cry and she turned and hit me several times.

Macy: stop it, brudda!! Stop it!!

I didn’t know what to tell her. It was a fact of life that, once the tide started, there was no stopping the castle from being destroyed. But her four year old mind just couldn’t comprehend that and I knew that explaining it wouldn’t help. SO, as she cried and watched the castle crumble, I held her close and let her cry.

Zack: I’m sorry, Macy…I CAN’T stop it…I Can’t…

That’s when I woke up!


I sat up on the side of the bed and realized that there was a tear rolling down my hardened face.

Nikki: Zack, hunny, you ok?

Zack: Yeah, Nikki, I’m fine.

She bought it and went back to sleep. But I couldn’t go back. Hearing Macy ask me over and over again to save that damned sandcastle played constantly in my head. How many times did I have to tell her in our lifetime that I couldn’t save her? That her big brother couldn’t cut it? And now….

Suddenly, those soft hands of my loving wife run over my back and wrap around me as best they can.


Nikki: Zack, it’s almost JULY Thirteenth. Friday, July thirteenth.

I had closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. That thought brought me back.

Nikki: You know what that means?

Zack Bronko dryly: It’s the day I kick two asses for the price of one and get that damned title.

Nikki laughs. Wow. Must be what angels singing sounds like.

Nikki: NO, silly. It means THE BADASS is one year older. It’s your birthday! Tell me you didn’t forget your own birthday, cause I didn’t!

I had actually forgotten it. With the match and Macy, I was kinda lost on the little details.

Zack Bronko: No, of course, not. Just more important things on my mind.

I get up to go get some dew and Nikki doesn’t let go. Here I am, a grown man, basically giving my lovely wife a piggy back ride to the fridge.

Nikki: Well, like I said, I didn’t forget and we’re going to celebrate, Bronko style.

As I grab a two liter of Dew out of the fridge and guzzle about half of it down, I laugh.

Zack Bronko: What? We gonna totally set fire to an orphanage or something?

Nikki drops to the floor and hauls off and smacks me.

Nikki: Zack! Be serious!

Zack Bronko: Heh…I was. Anyway, I gotta decide what I’m doing.

I put the dew back and eat a left over piece of chicken from last night.

Nikki is quiet for way too long.

Nikki: What do you mean, WHAT YOU’RE DOING?

I walk over to the couch and turn the X-Box on.

Zack Bronko: I mean, exactly that. This Macy thing changes everything.

As I start a campaign on Left4Dead2, my waif of a wife steps between me and the tv screen.


Nikki: This is your title shot, Zack.

I try not to look into those beautiful brown eyes, but I can’t help it.

Zack Bronko: I know that. But there will be other title shots.

I push her to the side and start blowing zombies away.

Nikki: Will there? You actually think, if you walk out on this shot, that McHenry is gonna graciously give you a second chance? Cause I don’t see that happening!


Zack Bronko: Well, I don’t think I can just walk out on my baby sister…AGAIN!

Nikki: I understand the whole guilt thing, but you just can’t walk out on this shot! This is OUR future!


Zack Bronko: What? Like I did on her and mom? Huh? Like I did on the PWA? Like I did…

Nikki: Zack Bronko! You promised me!


I finish the first level in record time. In celebration and anger, I throw the controller!

Zack Bronko: Yeah, well, you should know I’m no good for them!

Nikki looks deep into my eyes: Zack. You make your own mind up, but just remember; wherever you’re headed, you’re taking Matt and me with you!

Zack Bronko: So, you keep reminding me.

Nikki kissed me and left the room. She was always good at letting me make up my own mind. Not always the best idea. But, I didn’t deliberate long. I picked up the cell phone and dialed.

As I pulled the phone to my ear: Yes, I would like to book a flight for three to Long Beach, Californina.

I just hoped I was doing the right thing.
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Syn and Kai both eyed the very elegant building that Syn had parked outside of, one with a bored, apathetic gaze, and the other with a plan in mind. Several days ago, they had been approached by a man named Michael Sorin with a proposal of a business partnership. The man offering wa Chaz North, The Self Procalimed "Czar" of Professional Wrestling, as well as a veteran manager of 20 years. Syn had many reasons to be on his guard, none more higher than the fact that North was known as someone who handled his "Problems" relating business with the "Subtle Touch" Of a mob boss giving the order. He and Ka had woken up at daybreak and had driven to the address given to them by Sorin the day before, which was located just outside of Chicago. The two continued to stare at the impressive home for a few moments longer, before Kai spoke.

Kai: Impressive.

Syn gives a slight nod of agreement, not taking his eyes off the mansion.

Syn: It is; such a shame that a beautiful home such as this one is owned by someone like North.

The two got out of the car and walked up the driveway, before stopping at the front door. Syn rang the doorbell, before he took a small step back and waited for someone to answer the door. He didn’t have to wait long as the door opened and a beautiful young woman stood in the door way. She looked at the two, before standing aside to allow them to enter.

Woman: Good morning. Mr. North is expecting you.

Syn gave a charming smile to the beauty as they walked past, before allowing her to walk ahead of them in order to lead them to North. The three walked in silence as Syn and Kai admire the mansion, before she suddenly brought them to a stop in front of a door. The young woman then turned to them and gave a cold smile.

Woman: He is inside, waiting for you.

She then turned and walked away, leaving the two brothers alone. Syn, not wanting to be here any longer than necessary, reached for the handle and opened the door, before they both walked inside. Inside, they found Mr. North, sitting down at his desk, staring right at the door. At his side stood Sorin, who was also watching them. North was a pleasant individual to look at. He was a large, portly man with a slicked back hairstyle and beady black eyes. He wore a black suit and had many rings on his large fingers, and had greeted them with a very ugly smile.

Mr. North: Ah, if it isn’t Syn and Kai. How nice of you two to take time out of your day to have this little meeting.

Both Syn and Kai fought down the urge to sneer at the man before them as they sat down in the two seats in front of the desk. North leans forward, still smiling.

Mr. North: Now, before we start our little discussion, allow me a moment to reminisce, because I never thought in my wildest dreams that two scrawny kids like you would be A World Heavyweight Champion and arguable one of the best Technical Wrestlers in the world today-

North paused, noting that both Syn and Kai looked less than pleased with his doubts about them, before continuing.

Mr. North: - (smirking) With all due respect, of course.

Sorin looked as if he was going to laugh at the not-so-subtle jab that his boss had taken at Syn and Kai’s expense, until he noticed that Syn was smiling a well.

Syn: We’ll allow it, considering that Kai and I never thought that a foul, disgusting, wretch of a human being like yourself would live as long as you have with as many enemies as you’ve made over the years –

Syn leaned in close to where he was now staring North right in the eyes, sneering at him as he scowled back.

Syn: - (mockingly) With all due respect, Charles.

Sorin made movement to go around the desk, but he was stopped as North held up a hand, still glaring at Syn.

Mr. North: I suppose I did deserve that, kid, I’ll give you that. Now, let’s get down to business, shall we?

Syn says nothing, motioning for North to continue.

Mr. North: Now, I understand that you two are two of the best around right now, and that’s all well and good. But you two need some guidance for later on in your careers. Someone who is experienced enough to teach you the inner workings of the wonderful world of Professional Wrestling; the ins and outs, if you will.

Syn and Kai both wore watch emotionlessly as North smiled at them.

Mr. North: That person would be me. So, what do you say? A chance to learn from a real veteran mind in this profession.

Syn and Kai looked at eachother for a few moments, before turning back to Mr. North with cold, dead smiles on their faces.

Syn and Kai: No.

Sorin gave them a look of shock as Mr. North’s smile faltered a bit.

Mr. North: E-excuse me, but perhaps I didn’t hear you correctly. Did you say “No�

Syn gave a long suffering sigh as he stared tiredly at Mr. North, who was shaking with fury at being rejected.

Syn: You heard us right, Charles. Neither us, nor any member of my Disciples require your services. We’ve all obtained some measure of success without your so-called “Guidance†this early on in our careers, and all without hitting our peaks yet-

North cut Syn off, a look of rage on his face.

Mr. North: You're making a big mistake here in refusing me, boy!

Syn simlpy stared at North, all traces of amusement gone from his face as his patience with the Self Professed Czar had finally worn thin.

Syn: No, the only mistake that was made here was me ever considering coming to this farce of a meeting in the first place, Charles. You see, I know your game, inside and out. You make large promises of fame, fortune, with the full intent to extort them and bleed them of everything their worth, before dumping them off into a world of misery and poverty. You've tried to do the same to someone we BOTH know, and it nearly cost you your life. And now, you've come after the man's students like myself and Kai with the full intent to do the same. Well, sorry to inform you, but I'm afraid we're not interested in our careers going down that road.

Syn then stood up and dusted himself off, before giving the large man a mocking smile.

Syn: So, in other words, we have absolutely no need for you, and you have absolutely nothing you could possibly offer us. I wish you a pleasant day, Mr. North.

With that Syn turned on his heel to leave, missing the look of rage on North’s face, as well as the signal he subtly gave to Sorin. Sorin quickly walked from behind the desk and attempted to grab Syn, but he never made it. As soon as his hand reached out for Syn’s shoulder, Kai had grabbed him by the wrist and twisted it at an odd angle, effectively snapping it like a twig. Sorin roared in pain as he fell backwards onto the desk, clutching his wrist in pain as Kai looked on in apathy at his handiwork, before he looked over at North. Rather than aying something right away, kai pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it to North, who caught it and looked at Kai in confusion. It was a photograph. Kai motioned for North to look at it, prompting the large man to do so. He took one look at what was on the photo, before recoiling in shock, dropping it on the ground as he gave Kai a horrified stare.

Kai: (Smiling coldly) He was broken in under 30 minutes, with no weapons or objects needed. Now, I want you to visualize what I could have done to your little "Bodyguard" here in under five if I turely desired to do so. And then (Kai's smile turns deadly) I want you to think of what I would do to you afterwards. And keep in mind, the person that trained me put you in a bodycast for 18 months for far less than what you've done here.

North obviously got Kai's messege loud and clear, as he backed very far away from the stoicly violent young man. Kai gave one last sneer to both North and Sorin, before he walked out of the room, quickly following after his older brother. As he caught up to Syn, Kai noticed that his brother was giving him a small smile.

Syn: Well, that went better than I expected.

Kai nods in agreement.

Kai: Quicker as well.

Syn: (Teasingly) And you only had to resort to causing a small scale injury with a death threat this time.

Kai said nothing as he and Syn exited the home and walked up to Syn’s car, before opening the door. The two got in and Syn started the car, before pulling off and driving away from the mansion as the screen faded to black.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Father knows best?

July 13th; Friday 1984


William and Sandra Bronko via their 1984 year book

I’m not sure why I let mom talk me into this in the first place. Me; a dad at eighteen? Not gonna end well. But it was definitely mine. Sandra only has eyes for me and her parents barely let her date me in the first place. Bet they’re rethinking that decision now, eh. This ain’t funny Billy Boy. This is serious shit; serious as a heart attack as my friends would say. Uncle Frank says there’s work at the plant and he can get me on. And, maybe with my grades, he could push to get me into middle management training. DAMN. While my buddies are out getting hammered and cruising the beach for nearly naked babes, I’m going to be changing one’s diaper. Gawd, I hope it’s not a girl. I only had little brothers. Wouldn’t know the first thing about a girl. Hard enough to figure out the one I got.

A nurse enters the room and announces: Mr. Bronko? William Bronko?

The young father is up like a shot.

William Bronko: That’s me!

As I walk up the nurse, I see the bundle in her arms. It stops me in my tracks. From this time on, nothing will be the same.

The nurse smiles reassuringly: Mr. Bronko, it’s a boy! Congratulations!


As she handed him to me, the little monster started screaming immediately. Don’t worry little guy. I’m not too keen on this myself!
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -

July 13th; Friday 1990

Six years at the plant and I’m already heading up the department for NonDestructive Testing. Uncle Frank, who’s running the production lines, says he’s never seen someone so young move so fast. Well, it wasn’t easy. I put in a lot of extra hours to get where I am. Sandra’s not a bit happy about it, but if she wants us to get anywhere she’ll shut the hell up about it. Frank also says to watch out.

Uncle Frank: Too much work and leaving her alone too much is just askin’ for trouble! Lots of wolves out there.

I don’t care what he says. Sandra’s still stuck on me. Just like High School; she hangs on everything I say. Zack’s getting big; taller by the day. Growin’ too fast though. Sandra tries to keep me up on his school and sporting activities, but work is eating my lunch. Maybe in a few years, I can slow down and take more time with them.

As I drive up to the little house, I nearly hit Zack’s bike. Always leaving that damned bike out in my way. I keep tellin’ that boy that money don’t grow on trees and, if I run over it, there ain’t no replacing it, but he doesn’t seem to get it. Always messin’ up and never listening. Hell, there are like three more bikes here. What in the HELL is goin on?


I walk up to the door and realize that there’s a commotion goin’ on inside. As I open the door, I see a group of people around the table; most are familiar. The cake in the middle of the table tells the tale.

DAMN! It’s Zack’s birthday and I was supposed to pick up his present; a big boom box with a new fangled CD player in it. He’s been talking about it for the last two years. All the other kids on the block already have one. We’re just now catching up.

The group at the table is singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the guest of honor, Zackery, seated at the end of the table wearing a silly hat and huge smile on his face as he spots me. The song begins to trail off as everyone looks around at me like I’m wearing a dwarf on my head or something. My mom is there and Sandra’s parents and sister and a few of Zackery’s friends and cousins.


Zackery: DAD!!!

He jumps up and runs to me with a big hug. I know what he expects. We tried to keep it from him, but the boy is just too smart.

I put my briefcase down and kneel to look the boy in the eye. I figure it’s the least I could do.

William Bronko: Hey, Zackery! Happy Birthday!! Listen, they didn’t have your present ready when I went by. They said we could pick it up tomorrow. Ok, sport?

All the wind flew out of his sails as he tried to understand: Sure dad. (He, suddenly,Brightens up) But we will for sure get it tomorrow, right? Swear?

I grab him by the arms as if performing some magic oath that bonds me to my word: Sure Son, no problem. Now, let’s get some cake!

He ran off and started into the cake set in front of him. My mother was there. She just kept giving me that look. That disappointed look. I walked off in the next room to get a drink. Can’t believe I forgot to get the boombox. Sandra followed me as I took a sip of my brady.

Sandra: Forgot? Bad enough you’re late, Bill! That kid was counting on you!

William: Been a rough day.

Sandra gets a little hot: A rough day? He only has ONE sixth birthday!

There it was. Been trying to remember how old he actually was ever since I walked in. Damn woman couldn’t buy a big six and stick it in the cake?

William: Listen, I said I’m sorry and I’ll get it tomorrow, so lay off, ok?

Sandra isn’t satisfied, but she knows she’s not getting any better an answer out of me.

Sandra suddenly shifted gears to an excited realization: Oh, I almost forgot!

She ran over to the mail and brought me a piece of mail. On the front was the San Fransisco 49ers logo. I looked up at her a little shocked.


Sandra: It came today! Oh, Bill, maybe they’ve decided to give you another chance as a walk on!

I held it there for a bit. I had excelled at sports in High School. I was well on my to making ALL-CALIFORNIA as a linebacker and that meant an easy scholarship to a nice school; HELL, maybe SoCal! That dream went up in smoke real fast.

Sandra: Well, open it!!

I opened it and read down the page. It didn’t take long to get the gist of it.

Sandra: WELL??

As an answer, I wadded it up and tossed it across the room and refilled my glass.

Sandra: What?

William: Based on last year’s performance, they’re gonna pass. Damn! I mean, I took that sick day and went down for the damned try outs! I wasn’t perfect, but I did better than most there! And they say I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

I take another swig.

Sandra tries to cheer me up: Listen, baby, forget that! You’ve got a room full of people in there that love you and want you to come celebrate. Why don’t you put down the brandy and come join us.

Instead, I poured more.

William: WHO? Your parents? Those vultures have been waiting for me to fail every since I knocked you up!

Sandra whispers: Please, Bill, they’ll hear you!

I take another drink.

William: What do I care? Do THEY pay my bills? Of course, not. They’ve refused to help us all along the way and NOW you want me to play nice with them? Not a chance.

Sandra: Can’t you just be civil for ONE NIGHT, for Zackery’s sake?

I take another drink.

William: For Zackery’s sake? He’s the reason everybody in that room is giving me the look they are!

Sandra: Please, don’t…

William: Don’t what?

Sandra: Don’t do this. It makes what I’ve got to tell you more difficult.

I put my glass down.


William: What now?

Sandra bows her head like she’s stolen from the candy store too many times.

Sandra: I’m pregnant, William. We’re gonna have a baby…

What the hell! I didn’t really think about what I did next. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door. I heard Zack call for me as I left. I just barely caught sight of him as the door slammed behind me. That look stayed with me for the rest of my life. I thought the lineup of drinks at the local tavern would help me forget.


I was wrong.

(OCC: The year book pictures were actually the 1984 year book pics of Kevin Nash and Anna Nicole
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The scene opened up inside of a hotel room, where the sun is slowly bleeding through the nearly closed curtains covering the windows and glass door. On the bed, someone lay beneath the cover, the only things visible of this person being one of their hands gripping the covers, and a mop of long blond and green-dyed hair. This person was Syn, who appeared to either be waking up, or was in the process of trying in vain to sleep. Suddenly, his visible hand twitched as the sounds of an argument were heard coming from outside of the room.

Alisyn: ...Needs to sleep! He barely gets enough of it as it is, and after the so called "Training" you put him through over the last week, he needs to rest! You barging in there will NOT be helping him, brother or not!

Suddenly, another voice, a male one, spoke up, partially agreeing with the first.

Jin: I kinda agree with Alisyn, Kai. The boss has been pretty banged up over the last few days and it's been noticeable. I think this talk you want to have with him can wait for a while.

There was a small moment of silence, before another voice spoke, this one having a colder edge to it than the last two.

Kai: I don't remember "asking" either of you whether it is convenient for me to speak with my brother at the moment. This is a matter of great importance to both he and I, so it is urgent that he hears of it.

Then without warning, the door opened and Kai stepped in, ignoring Alisyn's protests as he closed the door back and locked it behind him. He slowly walked over to the chair next to the bed and sat down, a look of contemplation on his face. He sat like that for a few moments, before he slowly reached out to wake his older brother. Right before his hand could make contact, however, Syn's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, stopping it right before he could grab the cover.

Syn: (Tiredly) I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that, little brother.

Syn finally sat up, twitching slightly as pain shot throughout his torso, as well as the rest of his body. He had, less than 24 hours after the announcement of The World Heavyweight Championship match, began a very brutal training regimen with his younger brother, Kai. It has been one of the most grueling, physically demanding things he had ever done yet. He hadn't allowed himself any moment of rest beyond the few hours of sleep he managed to obtain. He trained and worked out relentlessly with his younger brother, doing everything from MMA style training to Spartan Workouts, all since he had become aware that he would be facing either Zack Bronko or Eric Snow at Striking Distance, his upper body was covered in heavy bruising from the MMA Style training, and he had been walking around with a noticeable limp for the last few days. To Syn this was, in his mind, considered to be "Better" than the state he was in immediately following the ordeal, where he needed help to stand. Syn ignored the pain and turned to look at Kai, his long blond hair obscuring his face from view.

Syn: You wished to have a word with me about something?

Kai said nothing for several minutes, thinking over what it was he was trying to tell his older brother, before finally speaking.

Kai: I understand your desire to make sure that you are ready for this contest. Not just because you've never beaten Zack Bronko, but because of your natural need to be as prepared for any and everything that may come your way. But even I am starting to think that you may be overextending yourself this time.

Syn resisted the urge to snort at the irony of that last statement. Kai was well known for having suicidal levels of dedication towards keeping his abilities in the ring as sharp as he could, to the point where he practically lived in a gym. Syn shook those thoughts out of his head as he heard Kai continue.

Kai: So I've decided to NOT continue our training.

Syn stared at his young brother for a few moments, his bright green eyes carefully analyzing him, before his turned away and stared down at his hands. This was surprising, to say the least. Kai had never refused him before, and he only did it at times when he thought that Syn would do far more harm to himself than good. Syn sighed, before speaking.

Syn: I take it there is nothing I can to make you change your mind then, is there?

Kai slowly shook his head in the negative, confirming Syn's question. Syn, rather than continuing in trying to persuade Kai to change his mind, layed back down, his hair still covering most of his face as he spoke.

Syn: Very well. If that is what you feel, then I will not pressure you into continuing.

Kai sighed as he turned away from Syn. He knew his brother, in his mind, needed to continue, but has literally pushed himself into a place where he shouldn't be: He doesn't sleep more than 3 to 4 hours a day, he never allows himself more than several minutes of rest, and he at very little even BEFORE he strated all of this. It was beginning to worry him.

Kai: I honestly think you should take a personal day for once, brother. You desperately need one.

Syn's visible eye looked over at him for a few moments, before Kai rolled his eyes.

Kai: Before you say anything, I know the full irony of ME telling someone to relax. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't take my advice.

Syn gave no outward indication that he had heard Kai other than a slight nod of his head. Kai, sensing that there was nothing left to talk about, stood up and walked to the door, before leaving the room, leaving Syn alone in his thoughts. Syn slowly stood up, ignoring the dull pain he felt as he walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. Gently pushing his hair aside, he stared at his reflection, gzing at the man who lived beyond the face-paint.

He still looked like a teenager. A moody, emotionally broken, possibly sociopathic teenager, but still a teenager. If it weren't for the dark circles around his eyes from his lack of sleep, he would have assumed, like many people that had actually seen what he looked like without the face-paint, that he was younger than he really was. He pulled himself out of his musings and slowly walked back to the room, and gazed out of the window at the city in silence for a few moments, before he gave a very tired smile.

Syn: It seems as if I have no choice but to take this "Personal Day" that Kai reccomended.

Syn gave a sinister chuckle as he left the door and began getting ready to leave. He threw a Syn "Anarchy Rules" T-Shirt, a black hoodie, faded jeans, and headed out the door of his hotel room. He informed his "Disciples" that he would be taking a small walk, as well as he more than likely not planning on doing anything else of signifigance for the remainder of the day. He walked around Manhattan, New York, for several hours, enjoying some of the sites that the city had to offer, before he found himself wandering in a small park. Syn looked around for a few moments, before he heard a shout of warning. Reacting on instinct, Syn spun out of the way, just in time to avoid something crashing into him.

Syn: Hmm, normally people wait at least a day after knowing me before they attempt to kill me.

Syn turned to see what it was that had nearly taken out his legs, and merely rose an eyebrow. It was a small child, no older than 5 or 6, picking up a ball. Syn said nothing as the child looked back at him, an apologetic look on his face.

Child: I'm sorry, mister. My ball flew out of my hands and -

Syn held up a hand and silenced the child, giving him a small smile.

Syn: There was no harm done to either of us, so there is no need ofr you to apologize

The boy gave him a look and went to say something, but was cut off by someone calling out. Both he and Syn turned to see a young woman, possibly the boy's mother, running up to them, a look of worry on her face. Syn wisely moved out of her way as she came to a stop and bent down to speak with the child, admonishing him for making her worry. She then turned her attention to Syn, who froze when he saw who she was.

Nikki Bronko: I am so sorry! I turned away and the next second-

Syn snapped out of his shock and, much like he had with her son, politely cut her off.

Syn: There is nothing that you need to apologize for. No one was hurt, so I see no reason for it.

She gave Syn a grateful smile, before he suddenly frowned, staring intently at him. He thought for a moment that she may have recognized him (No one knows what he actually looks like, but it wa a fair assumption), when she finally spoke.

Nikki Bronko: You're a Syn fan?

Syn blinked, before he noticed that her gaze was on his t-shirt, and held in the urge to give a sigh of relief. Realizing that the woman in front of him was waiting for an answer, Syn replied.

Syn: I'm more of a fan of the man behind the madness than the wrestler, but a fan none the less. (Syn paused, then gave a chilling smile) You could even say that I know both very well.

With that, Syn continued on his walk, leaving behind a confused Nikki Bronko. It would be several hours later that she would get the TRUE meaning of Syn's last statement, and began to wonder just who the man behind the Joker-Esqe grease-paint really was.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
My Lucky Day..

July 13th, Friday 2000

I remember the day he left.


He was finishing his Sophomore year in High School and had already started the varsity team this last year. He never seemed happy with his performance and, to tell you the truth, neither was I. He always seemed to me to be holding back; to be just that far from good enough. Probably my fault, but it DID give him a drive the pushed him to excellence. It gave him a chance in this damned world; a better chance than I got.

I had been passed up for another promotion. It was becoming almost an office joke. Hell, I was becoming the office Joke. The monster of a man who couldn’t hack it in sports and, now, let’s watch him fail in the office. Walking out of that building, I could feel their eyes on me; see them talking about me. Condescending Pricks! I was better than all of them. But they kept holding me back. They kept grinding me up year after year. I tried to look for other work. But a thirty something working hack was a dime a dozen and middle management wasn’t hiring anywhere. In fact, there were rumors that Boeing would be laying off any day now. And guess who was first on their hit list. Good ole William Bronko.

William Bronko: BASTARDS…

I remember muttering at the Tavern; ranting even. The bartender cut me off and called me a cab. I showed up at the house smashed so bad I could hardly make it to the door. And, when I did, it flew open almost knocking me down. It was Zackery; all seven foot whatever of him! He wasn’t the little kid I could send to his room anymore or manhandle or even spank. NO, he had achieved the ultimate; he was a bigger monster than his father.

William Bronko staggering: ZACKERY!!

He stopped in his tracks and dropped the bag he was carrying. I didn’t realize it at the time, but he had packed everything he had in that one bag. He turned and glared at me. We hadn’t talked a lot lately. He had learned to fight back. His bark was rabid and his bite was getting more and more dangerous. Was I afraid of him? You bet. Was I gonna let him know that? No way in HELL!

William Bronko: Where the hell do you think you’re goin’, Zackery?

Zackery grinned a devilish grin: Wherever the HELL I want dad! We’ve been through this song and dance before. This is it.

William Bronko: Dude! You’re only fifteen, Zackery!

Zack Bronko: I turned sixteen today, like you ever cared. Look at you. You’re drunk again. How about drying out and being a dad and husband, huh? Listen, I got a job in the city and I’ll be getting my GED by the end of the year.

William Bronko: What about your football, Zackery?

Zack Bronko cuts him off: Stop calling me that! I haven’t been Zackery for like two years! And FOOTBALL? Your dream dad. I could care less. Marco has some connections in town. I should be able to do pretty good. Hell, better than you could do for me.

Zack turned to walk off. I couldn’t let him get the last word in, could I?

William Bronko: Get back in the house, Zackery. You’re not old enough to pull a stunt like this and you know it.

He stopped in his tracks. Turning, I could see the fire in his eyes. What was I thinking? Probably not doing much of that.

Zack Bronko steps up to his old man: And what are YOU gonna do? Huh, dad? You gonna stop me? I don’t think so. You’re big. Not big enough. Get the authorities involved? Yeah, that’s what you need; an investigation into your drinking habits. Yeah, lets publicize your problem! Not like everybody doesn’t know already! NO, I tell ya what we’re gonna do! I’m going to leave and NEVER come back. And you are gonna stay the pathetic drunk you’ve always been!


I couldn’t help myself. Having him talk to me like that. Before I knew it, I took a swing at him. Never even got close. Zackery caught my hand and squeezed.

Zack Bronko: Goodbye, Pops.

My arm was burning as he let it go. He gave me a shove that sent me up against the wall and he walked off into the night. If I’d been any type of man, I’d stopped him. But, by that time, all I would gotten is a deserved beating.
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July 13th, Friday 2008

I had found out that Zackery had spent the last eight year working for various thugs and hoods on the streets. He was big and there was always a market for muscle. There wasn’t a drug dealer or crime boss who didn’t know the name BRONKO. He had started hanging with a gang of street punks with no future. But, instead of letting them drag him down, he raised them off the street. Word was the three of them could take any gang on the streets…by themselves.


When I found that he had gone legit and walked away from the criminal element, I was never so proud. But I had to know what could possibly have happened in his life that could warrant such change. SO, I did some fact finding. Hell, I had lots of free time on my hands. Sandra had finally gathered the courage to leave me once Macy turned eighteen. Didn’t really blame her. Those last years, I was out of control. The drinking had gotten me fired and I started getting abusive. Once she left me, I went into rehab.

Now, I stood in front of this high school gym that he had graced while he was in High School. Across the top of the door was a banner: Long Beach Championship Wrestling. Damn it sounded so big. I knew better. It had been around for about a year and was still struggling. But Zack and his little pack had begun to make a name for themselves. They always excelled past the expectation of the crowd. And THIS was getting some attention.

As I walked in, I could see the workers putting up the ring for the night’s festivities.

Voice from the side: What the HELL are YOU doing here?

I turned to see a small shadow coming toward me.


William Bronko: DJ? Hey…I’m looking for…

DJ Bratt,a sawed off little guy was one of Zack’s little gang of miscreants. As he stepped into the light and I could tell he was NOT happy.

DJ Bratt: I know what you’re lookin’ for! Trouble and you found it! You know Zack don’t wanna see you!

William Bronko: Well, how about you let him tell me that to my face?

Another voice from behind him: I think all that needs to said HAS been said. Now, how about you turn your ass around and make tracks before…


Max Knight, Zack’s musclebound friend. I could tell that this wasn’t gonna be easy.

William Bronko: Listen…I don’t want any problems.

Max Knight: You ARE a problem…problems as a matter of fact. Now…

One last voice: It’s ok, guys. I got this…

Everybody turns to see Zack Bronko emerge on the scene.

DJ Bratt: You sure, Zack? I mean, you don’t have to…

Zack Bronko: Nah, I know I don’t. But he’s MY problem. I’ll take care of him. Moxy needs some help with the ring.

His way of getting rid of those two. They left reluctantly and I was glad. Talking to Zack alone was bad enough.

William Bronko: Thanks…

Zack Bronko: Don’t thank me, Pops. What the HELL do you want?

William Bronko: Well, It IS your birthday, right?

Zack didn’t look impressed: You askin’?

William Bronko: Ha…no. How could I forget July the thirteenth?

Zack starts to get irritated: You forgot plenty in the past. Now, I’m askin’ ya one more time. What the HELL do you want?

This was harder than I thought it was going to be.

William Bronko: I heard you were takin’ care of your mother. And I want to thank you.

Zack Bronko: Somebody’s gotta do it. And it cost me. I promised her I’d go clean; no more street stuff.


That was why he was doing this. Made sense. He had put away a considerable amount of money and this was a step down.

William Bronko: Yeah, I just wanted…

Zack Bronko: WANTED WHAT?

He was always one to push to the bottom line.

William Bronko: I need some cash, Zack! Makko…

Zack Bronko gets angry: The book keeper? Been gambling again?

William Bronko: Yeah, I got in deep, Zack.

Zack Bronko gets even angrier: HOW DEEP!?

William Bronko: 5 GRAND deep…

You could tell he wanted to go off on me and part of me wanted him too. But, before he did, he calmed down.

Zack Bronko: Talk to the lady at the table. She holds my money for me.

He stopped and wrote a note and handed it to me.

Zack Bronko: Give her this and she will give you six.

I guess a smile broke out on my face cause Zack got angry.

William Bronko: Thank you, Zack…

As I start to walk off, he grabs my arm and squeezes again. He looks deep in my eyes.

Zack Bronko: This is the LAST time pops. You show up in my life again, it better be life or death, got it? And I don’t mean a gambling debt. Somebody better be dying!

As he let my arm go, I could feel the pain pulsate through it. He stomped off and I collected my money. I came back that night and watched him compete. Him and his friends were amazing. I even thought I saw Shane Douglas from ECW there!


No, I had never been so proud. Too bad that was the last time I saw him compete in person for four years.

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July 13th, Friday 2012

I find myself standing in front of the Irving Plaza as the crowd was milling in. The card posted on the wall boasted a triple threat between the champion SYN, Eric Snow and, my son, Zack Bronko. Unfortunately, I hadn’t been able to make contact with him since I told him about Macy. His phone calls go to voice mail. No one answers his door. I even stood outside his apartment complex. NOTHING.

Maybe I should have waited to tell him. I just hoped it wasn’t going to be another Friday the Thirteenth in July to end with broken promises and lost chances. But, knowing Zack Bronko, there was no guarentees.


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