ACW Hunting Ground: Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Sixth Bout: Revolution Versus Anarchy
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: Special Guest Referee John McHenry
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday August 8, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
This old gym that I've been training and practicing in really has an at home feel to it. Reminds me of some of the dumps Max, DJ and I used to train in in Long Beach. The only problem is there is a big push on security. And, not that ole Zack Bronko can't take care of himself, but that means anybody and everybody can walk in off the streets and get an audience with the ACW Heavyweight champ. That happened the day I got back from the trip I took to see my sister. I came to the gym to work off some steam and this kid turns up asking to be trained by me. Calls himself Mark O'Malley. Huh...reminds me of my buddy Marko back in the day. Well, he offered cash and I wasn't about to turn him away right now. For, although I'm the champ, the budget here in Yonkers is still a little tight.

SO...we spent about three or four hours that first day going over the rules and basics. But, I decided that this O'Malley kid should get in the ring and show me what he's got. And, to be honest, I was a tag impressed. The kid's got moves. And his right hook has a bit of moxey on it. SO, I take him a few rounds; beginning a bit easy on him and ramping up from there.

Problem is: I've never been one to know when to 'ramp' back down.


Zack starts with the strikes, his specialty all the way back to his short tenure in the MMA. The kid is quick and dodges and rolls off the hits. He even returns the favor. A couple of strikes, the very large champion unfortunately doesn't dodge. But that only seems to add fuel to the fire. And, as it is so common in the life of Zack Bronko, he gets lost in the flow of the fight. Things come flooding in. All the issues he's had with his dad. Tension with Nikki, his wife. And. Lately, the prospect of losing his baby sister. Something just seems to click and he goes into automatic overdrive.

The kid flows with it for a while. But, he's just a rookie and isn't ready for a full on bout with the REVOLUTION! Strike after strike backs Mark into the corner, until, finally, all he can do is cower there. This seems to set off a killer instinct in Bronko. He kicks him in the gut and picks the smaller man up and performs a perfect Jacknife Powerbomb; spinning around to land the kid in the middle of the ring!! O'Malley rolls to barely dodge an elbow drop. Suddenly, the kid is up in the corner.

Mark O'Malley: What the HELL? Slow down a bit, will ya?!! This my first lesson! Sheesh! Not like this is life and death!

And that's when something snapped in Bronko. In a rage, he rushes the corner. The kid didn't have a chance. Zack DDT's him hard to the mat and drops into a triangle choke hold. As the student gasps for air, Bronko 'instructs'.

Zack Bronko: You gotta treat every match, every day, every breath like it's your last! It has to be that desperate, that necessary or I got no business getting in the ring with ya! GOT IT!!

Mark O'Malley struggles for breath: Got it....

Zack Bronko leans down into the ear of the student: You feel the breath leavin' your body, boy? Hard to replace it, ain't it? That's LIFE. It's precious...DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!

Bronko releases the hold and stands, towering over the kid.

Zack Bronko: Now, hit the showers.

O'Malley rolls out of the ring and stumbles toward the locker room.

Zack Bronko: I'll be back here up or not...don't care.

Disembodied voice: WOW! A little rough on the kid, aren't ya?

Zack turns to see his father, William Bronko at ringside.


Zack Bronko: Nah, lifes rough. I'm a cake walk.

Zack rolls out of the ring and goes to lift some free weights.

William Bronko: And I guess this has NOTHING to do with your sister and our little trip.

I didn't answer that. The stupid old man KNEW it had everything to do with her. As he spotted me and I pumped away, my mind went back...


I find myself standing outside that hospital room again. I've been there for like a half hour. I just can't seem to move my legs. I know that once I walk in that room, life as Zack Bronko knows it will change.

Nikki, the love of my life, has been patient.

Nikki Bronko: Honey. It's time.

And she was right. It's why I came all the way across the damned nation; to see my baby sister. To share in her last days. Damn, I was NOT ready for this.

Zack Bronko: I still don't think it was a great idea to leave pops alone with Matthew.

Nikki stokes the big guy's arm: This isn't about your dad and Matt will be fine. Now, go on.

I hate it when she makes sense. I turn to her and try and smile.

Zack Bronko: Wait for me. I need to see her alone at first, ok?

Nikki doesn't want to leave me alone right now, but she understands and doesn't argue.

As I step into the room, the sound of the machines around her unnerves me. The overly done stench of clean assaults my nose. Smells like death; uncaring, unscented...a big nothing. I walk up to her bed side unnoticed. She's out cold...asleep, I hope. For a while, I just stand there and stare, as if she were a mannikin or something. You know, when you watch a horror movie and the guy plunges a sharp object through someone and you KNOW it's fake. That's how I felt right now. Unreal. This couldn't be happening. I was supposed to outlive my baby sister, right? Hell, I was her big brother! I was supposed to watch out for her! Protect her against all dangers. Yeah...some big brother I am.

I mean, I had beaten almost everyone put up against me in the ring. But this was one opponent I could fight. My sis was alone against this madman called death and I was helpless to do anything! That's when I did something I hadn't done since I was a kid. I squinted my eyes together, but I couldn't hold back the tears. I mean, I remember my dad telling me to 'BUCK UP' and 'BE A MAN' and 'STOP YOUR BLUBBERIN'...But this broke me.


The weakness of the voice made me question who said that. It couldn't be Macy. She was always so strong; full of fire, vim and vigor. But, as I opened my eyes, I found myself locked with her eyes; unable to look away.

“I'm here Macy...â€￾

Was all I could muster without ballin' like a little girl.

Macy: “I'm glad...â€￾

She smiled and that's all that was said. I held her hand and we cried a bit. The bad times we had in the past. The words that were said that shouldn't have been uttered. The awful feelings we had had for one another. They ALL washed away in that moment. More words would come. But, for now, our being together was all the conversation we would ever need.

Life is precious and quick as a hickup...why waste it on words...


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Jun 30, 2011
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Louisville, KY
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- The match between Syn and Harrison Andrews had dissolved into nothing more than a battle to the death between the two longtime rivals. Both men were down outside of the ring, bleeding heavily from the damage that they had inflicted upon one another throughout the match. Harrison, still barely conscious from Harrison's brutal attack on him with a Steel Chain, was trying to pull himself up using a guard rail. Syn, not too far from Harrison, was laying face down in a pool of his own blood, a Kendo Stick, among other weapons, laying right beside him.

Harrison managed to get back to his feet, swaying slightly from the loss of blood. He staggered over to where Syn was and just barely lifted the man up, before rolling him back into the ring. Harrison pulled himself under the bottom rope and crawled over to Harrison, before draping an arm over his chest for the pin.




The fans give a deafening roar of approval as this brutal, graphic matchup continues!

Crowd: THIS IS AWESOME! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap* THIS IS AWESOME! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap*

Both men lay on the mat, showing just the slightest hints of life as both struggle to get back to their feet first. Harrison is the first to his feet - and he nails Syn with a big right hand, sending Syn back down to a knee. Syn stumbles back to his feet - Syn delivers a right hand of his own, knocking Harrison into the ring ropes! The two bloodied wrestlers began trading blows in the middle of the ring, neither one giving an inch as they continued their assault on one another!

Harrison suddenly drove his knee right into the ribacge of Syn, doubling The Enigmatic Anarchist over. He bouced off the ropes - Syn catches him coming in with a huge Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! Harrison writhes on the mat in pain as Syn rolled back out of the ring. Syn walked all around ringside, tossing several chairs, the Steel Chain, and the steel steps inside of the ring, before he went under it to find more. He came back out moments later with a Trash Can, filled up with all sorts of objects for him to inflict more pain with. Syn threw the can in the ring, before he slid back inside as well. Syn slowly picked up a Kendo Stick out of the can and stalked Harrison as he tried to make it back to his feet.

Harrison turned around - Syn swung the Kendo Stick and nailed Harrison right in the ribs, causing a sickening "CRACK" from the Stick to echo through out the arena! Harrison clutched his ribs in agony as Syn rose the Stick again - and again hit Harrison, this time in the back, sending him down to his knees! Syn, seizing the opportuninty, went to the ropes - Syn drops him with a modifide clothesline, using the Kendo Stick! He drops down and makes the pin attempt.




Syn sat up, ignoring the crowd around him as he glared scathingly at Harrison. Syn rolled over and went to pick Harrison up - Harrison strikes with a low blow, sending Syn crumpling to the ground! He rose to his feet, and looked down at Syn before giving him an evil grin. He picks up a steel chair and unfolds it, before sitting down and looking right at Syn as he used the ropes to get back to his feet. Harrison quickly darted out of the chair and hooked his arms around Syn's waist, thinking German Suplex onto the chair. Syn fought the manuver with everything he had and latched onto one of Harrison's arms - Armdrag takeover, sending Harrison out to the ring apron! Syn waited until Harrison was standing, before sprinting to the ropes - he springboards - Harrison counters the Traingle Dropkick attempt with a devestating kick right to the side of the head!

Syn staggers backwards and Harrison springboards in - Bulldog, sending Syn face first into the open steel chair! Syn was out cold! Harrison rolled Syn over and hooked the leg for the pin.





Harrison looks at the ref in shock as the crowd went nuts, before he pounded the mat in frustration. He pulled himself up and kicked the trash can out of his way, before he stalked over to Syn and dragged him to his feet by the hair.


Harrison continued to yell at Syn as he held him by his hair, before he set him up for his Royal Genocide Brainbuster. He went to lift Syn up, but Syn managed to block the first attempt. He went for it again - Syn spins out of it and kicks Harrison in the midsection -CHAOS THEORY DD - Harrison counters the DDT attempt into a Bridging Exploder Suplex!




Both men scramble to their feet - Syn ducks the clothesline - CHOAS THEORY DDT! RIGHT ONTO THE TRASH-CAN! The crowd exploads as Syn sits up, an evil look on his face as he spots something sitting not to far off from the Trash-Can. Syn crawls over and knocks several weapons out of the way, before he gabs a hold of the object and raises it into view. It was his Tire Iron. Syn slowly stood up, grasping the weapon and staring at it as if he were in a trance, before his gaze turned to Harrison, who had pulled himslef over to the ropes and was slowly making his way to his feet. Syn gripped the Tire Iron tightly as he waited for Harrison to turn around - Syn swings the Tire Iron and bahes Harrison right in the face with it! Harrison goes to fall backwards, but Syn quickly grabbed onto one of his arms and turned slightly - THE KILLING JOKE CONNECTS! Syn tiredly drops down into the cover.




Ashley Sparxxx: Here is your winner, Syn!

"Duality" plays and the crowd erupts as both Syn and Harrison lay motionless in the ring, both men physically and emotionally battered after that grueling, volitile contest. EMT's and trainers begin pouring from backstage to give medical treatment to the two downed wrestlers as the fans gie a standing ovation to the match-up that they had just witnessed. As they go to help Syn, he weakly pushes them away, and tries to stand on his own, only to fall back down to the mat. Syn tries again, this time pulling himself up using the ropes, and managed to yank himself back to his feet. He stumbled a bit, before he drops gingerly exits the ring and limps up the ramp to a standing ovation from the crowd. He drops down to a knee for a moment, before he slowly got back up and continued up the ramp. He stopped at the top, before he turned and looked over his shoulder, directly into the ring as Harrison is still being treated by trainers and staff. He turns away, then does his crucifix taunt as the crowd cheered one last time, before disappearing behind the curtain as the event drew to a close.


(A continuation of The Eric Snow/Nicky Trix vs Zack Bronko/Syn RP)