ACW Hunting Ground: Eric Snow v. Nicky Trix

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Fifth Bout: Inches From The Top
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: #1 Contendership to the ACW Heavyweight Championship
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Eric Snow v. Nicky Trix

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday August 8, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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The scene opens in the dinning room of Eric Snow newly purchased home in upstate New York. Eric isn't present but there's a large cast of character gathered, and there chatting amoung themselves trying to see if anyone knows the purpose of this get together. The entire Snow family is there, Father Mike, Mother Dina, Brother Colby and Sister Katy. Also present is Deandre Jordan Eric's agent, and his new friend and wingman Dom Calvaco. There's a few wait staff present and most of the guest have ordered drinks as they sit awaiting there host.

A half hour or so passes before Snow finally makes his way into the room full of his anxious guests. As usual Snow is dressed to impress wearing a brand new Armani Suite with match shoes and tie. He immediately notices his sister Katy, he's always been really close with her and this is the first time he's seen her in years due to her busy schedule. He walks up to her as they embrace in a hug.

Katy: Look at you little brother all grown up and fancy, it's so nice to see you.

Katy plants a kiss on his cheek as she stands back and has a look of happiness over her face as she's proud of the man Eric has become.

Eric: Nice to see you to sis, hope to see you stick around a lot of a hell more than you have been.

Katy nods as Snow gives her another hug, before making his way to his mother and giving her a kiss on the forehead before taking his seat at the end of the table.

Eric: Well I guess your all wondering why I called you here today?....and it's quite simple we are here to celebrate my success!

Snow's brother Colby chuckles a bit, which catches his attention as he gives him a unkind glare.

Eric: As I was saying....things couldn't be going better right now for me, as you can see we are in MY brand new home, my career is going great, and I'm rolling in cash like never before. So I decided it would be a great idea to celebrate with all the people that made this happen.

Another chuckle from Colby, and Eric seems to have had enough as he makes his way over to his brother and places his hand on his shoulder and squeezes it tight.

Colby: Shit Eric that hurts.

Eric squeezes tighter moving up to his brother neck a bit, as he reaches over and whispers in his ear.

Eric: Listen up fuck head, your in my home and you need to show me some respect, if I hear another peep out of you I'm going to break your fucking neck in front of all these people.....GOT IT.

Colby nods his head as Eric loosens his grip and walks away from his brother, Dina Snow seems concerned though as she speaks up.

Dina: What was that all about boys, you know I hate it when you fight.

Eric: Everything fine Mom, Colby over there is a Fucking Jokester, just had to tell me something funny he heard.

Dina: Eric, language.

Eric: I mean Freaking Jokester.

Colby nods in agreement as Eric Grabs his glass as he begins to make some toasts.

Eric: First I would like to thank my lovely mother and beautiful sister, some of my best memories growing up involve the two of you.

Toasts all around as everyone chinks glasses and drinks up.

Eric: Next up my brother from another mother Deandre Jordan...your my best friend man, and one of a agent. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today.

Again Toasts all around as everyone chinks glasses and drinks up

Eric: Next up my new buddy Dom, dude your a shit load of fun, the increase of pussy I've been getting lately directly has to do with you being my wing man.

Reluctant Toasts all around as everyone chinks glasses and drinks up

Eric: Next up my brother know what....yea actually your just a giant douchebag, and I didn't even invite you.....but I guess your good for practice on insulting people so....yea thanks for that.

Chuckles and Toasts and a silent Colby who thinks about saying something, but the pain in his neck is a reminder to keep his mouth shut.

Eric: Finally the most important man my father....Mike Snow. Dad you've been hard on me my whole life, but I finally realize why you did it. When you cut me off I thought my life was over, but it may be better and gave me the motivation to make a name for myself, and make my own money so thank you pops.

Eric walks over to his father as he gestures for a hug, surprisingly his father stands up and embraces his boy, giving him a pat on the back and a firm hand shake. The two getting along makes Dina happy as she smiles as everyone claps and toasts. The party continues for about another hour, as everyone chats and has a good time as the whole mood of the evening has been very upbeat. Even Eric and Colby are now talking and having a good time.

The guests begin to leave, until finally it's just down to Eric and his father Mike. They both sit at different end of the table, both drinking a glass of scotch, both dressed in suites. For the most part they haven't gotten along over the years, but as both men look at each other they both realize how much they are really alike.

Mike: I'm proud of you boy.

Eric is speechless as he has never heard these words before from his he raises his glass as both men take a drink.

Mike: So I think you've earned this and I have a proposition for you. I'll unlock your trust fund but there's a catch.

Eric: That sounds both good and bad at the same time.

Mike grins as he takes a big drink from his glass finishing it off.

Mike: No Eric it's nothing but good. I'll unlock the trust fund for you, and you have 2 choices.

Eric: I'll take the mystery box.

Eric laughs as his father has a more serious approach, Eric notices and immediately changes his demeanor to a more serious look.

Mike: I know your a self made man know, but you've got to know when to be serious when it comes to business.

Eric: Yes sir

Mike: Option One I give you full control of the money you do with it what you will....Option Two take your money and invest in a ownership stake in my company.

Eric is torn here, the trust fund is quite large, and he could have a lot of fun with that money, at the same time going into business with his father would show him that he's a more serious person know and can be trusted.

Eric: Let's do business...send all the papers to Deandre and he'll look him over and I'll sign them.

Mike: No need to get him involved, I've got people at work that can handle that, be at my office and 3 days and we'll sign all the papers.

Mike gets up from his seat and walks his way over to his son giving him a firm hand shake

Mike: You made the right choice son, it's clear to see your a real man now.

Eric: Thanks Dad.

Eric sits back in his chair as his father exits the room. He pours himself another glass of scotch as he thinks about how proud of the himself he was for making the right decision.

You know you can't trust him.

A voice from the balcony echos through the room as Eric makes his way out to the patio and notices his sister Katy in a chair smoking a cigarette.

Eric: What the hell Katy were you out here spying on us.

Katy: Pretty much.

As Katy takes the last drag off her cigarette she gets up and puts a card in Eric's breast pocket.

Katy: Meet at that address in 2 days, everything is not as it seems and you need to know what's really going on.

Eric: Seriously what the fuck is going on, Kat are you playing a joke on me or something?

Katy: You'll find out in 2 days, don't be late.

The scene ends with Eric in a confused state, everything seemed great tonight, but now his sister has put a whole bunch of doubt in his mind. Eric hopes it's a joke, because if this ends up being real it's going to be bad.