ACW Hunting Ground: Avalanche v. Toyota Chelios

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Mar 18, 2012
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Fourth Bout: Crowning A Predator
Match Type: Extreme Rules
Stipulation: ACW Predator Championship
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Avalanche v. Toyota Chelios

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday August 8, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Chelios: As I look onwards, I see a new lease on life. I’m experiencing life in a way that I never knew existed. I’m finding things out as I go along. I’m learning to adapt to any and every situation that is presented to me. My abductor, my leader, my teacher is showing me so many more things to add to my repertoire… and use against any and all that dare oppose me. But still keep me who I am because I could never be as dark and sadistic as they are. I wouldn’t want to be. I couldn’t be. That’s just scary. I’m not sure how someone could function like that. How someone could be that cold to everything. So cold to the world that even the thought of death is as common as the thought of what to eat. So with that I can say that I have the most lethal teacher that can ever be there. So tell me… should I even care about what Avalanche can do to me? Should I even be the least bit concerned about what he can do to me inside that ring that my teacher wouldn’t do to me? I’m embracing… I’m finally waking up… I’m finally realizing what it is that I am. I’m learning day by day who I am to be.

The camera starts to pan back to reveal a white padded floor with Chelios sitting in the middle of strapped in a strait jacket. His legs folded underneath him.

Chelios: Its scary… it’s scary because I didn’t imagine this. I didn’t envision this. I could not have seen this coming. But all I can do is accept this because this is the right thing for me. This is what I have been shown, this is what I have been taught for all these weeks. This is continuing to be taught to me and I am understanding. I do not know why I was the chosen one but I accept that calling. I am sure that the answers will come in due time. I … I just want to get out… GET OUT!

Chelios falls backwards and starts straining as he is trying to get his arms free but the jacket is too tight as he lies on his stomach with the jacket making slight budges from where his arms are trying to force themselves out. But seeing it is futile he stops and just lies there on the floor before using his legs to get himself to a standing position. He runs at full speed and jumps and collides back first against the padded wall and falls back to the floor again. He repeats the process a second time but upon getting up the second time he starts to chuckle but not a normal chuckle. A more sinister chuckle is escaping from him.

Chelios: Twinkle twinkle little star… I sometimes wonder where you are. Up above the world so high… like a diamond carving up the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star… carve me out and set me free. Set me free from what I once was to what I am now. Set me free from what I was to what I am to be. Seven four six three six four nine. Seven four six three six four nine! Safety. Safe. Answers are only enough to raise new questions. But with each new question comes new answers for more new questions to the point that there will be no more questions but only answers. And answers will not suffice because people will no longer want to hear them but only believe what they want. They want to believe. They want to know. They want to believe they know but they don’t know. They don’t know. They want to know but they don’t know. They walk with their eyes closed believing they have everything… but they don’t have everything. They have nothing… nothing… nothing… nothing… nothing… hahaha… something.

Chelios all of a sudden falls over and as he starts to pull himself back up a look of fear and terror has come across his face.

Chelios: What? What… what is going on? Someone help me? Will someone help me? HELP! Where am I? What is this? Save me. Someone save me. SAVE ME! Save me from the nothing I’ve become… hahaha… save me. Save me. Only you can save me. Only you can do it.

The terror feared look has quickly disappeared and replaced with a sinister look.

Chelios: Avalanche… let the games begin.

Chelios sits in the middle of the room once again with his legs folded underneath him but completely calm now as he holds his head down as the scene fades to black.

John McHenry

John McHenry
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Avalanche watches the ring crew assemble the set from out in the arena. The arena empty except for a few wrestlers wondering around the arena and the ring crew. Avalanche watches for a few minutes sitting alone. His cell phone rings.

Avalanche: Yeah it’s a big match. The predator title, me and Chelios. No the doctor left for greener pastures.

Avalanche pulls the phone away from his face looking off. Then listening to his phone once again.

Avalanche: Yeah it means a lot to me…My problem is I’m lost. John’s lost everyone I know just seems lost. I’m not sure what to do, if I knew that I wouldn’t be having these issues now would I?

Avalanche looks down at the ring frustration growing.

Avalanche: No I don’t want you hear. How, what makes you think it would help? No. NO!