ACW Adrenaline Episode 13: Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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First Bout: Battle of the Rookies
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 10 Minutes (1 RP Cap)
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
ONE RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday July 1, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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The scene opens with Jay Clement walking out of the jail. He stands behins its doors and he has that happy look on his face. It seems like he doesn't believe he is out. He's been in jail for five years now. Jay has a little money with him and the first thing he does is that he buys cigarettes and a lighter. Jay is backed up against a wall and he is enjoying his cigarette when suddenly a car stops in front of him. The person who is sitting in the care takes down the window and when Jay sees who it is, he gets shocked, it's his best friend Marlon Brix. Marlon opens the car doors and Jay jumps in the car. Both men are extremely happy to see each other. *Jay drops the cigarette*

Jay Clement: Maaaaah! I'm so freakin' glad to see yo' ghetto ass!

Marlon smiles as he shakes hands with Jay.

Marlon Brix: That's nice but I want some answers before we get to any big talk. Where the fuck have you been through all those years?!

Jay doesn't seem to be very excited when Marlon asks him that question.

Jay Clement: It's a long, long story my brotha'.

Marlon Brix: I've got all the world's time, not hurrying anywhere.

Jay Clement: A'right, Imma answer yo' question but I need to to switch on the fuckin' engine and take me to ACW Headquarters. Don't freakin' ask why!

Jay turns keys in the ignition and the engine is on. Marlon begins to drive as Jay lights up another cigarette.

Jay Clement: So, you rember when I left Brooklyn and went to LA to make some money?

Marlon Brix: Yea, I remember that. That day we lost contact and I haven't seen you since then.

Jay makes smoke circles.

Jay Clement: I left Brooklyn to make some money and I made a lot of money.

Marlon opens his mouth like he wants to say something but Jay stops him.

Jay Clement: I guess, you wanted to ask how I made that much money, right?

Marlon shakes his head signalizing“YES“.

So the first thing I did when I arrived in LA was that some bitchass sucka' wanted to steal my bags. I ain't no lil' boopy –loopy. I took him down. So, a man called Daven saw that. He gave me his business card and told me to call him. He didn't say anythin' else, just that. I ignored that. I found myself a job. I was doing a bouncer in a night club. Everything was goin' well. I had just the finest suits, money and everything I wanted.
One night, somethin' fucked up and a big brawl began. I took out like 13 men who needed to be hospitalized. That man, Daven. He was at the club that night. Everybody panicked, except him. He was sittin' at the bar, drikin' whiskey.

I had problems for beatin' up those men. See, I was a bouncer and almost killing men is not a bouncer's job. Cops arrested me. Next morning Daven payed the bail and picked me up. The bail was pretty big so he wanted me to reciprocate him the favor. He was the head of an illegal fightin' club. He wanted me to fight there. I ain't gonna lie to yo', I pretty enjoyed it there, I was undefeated for almost a year. I made sooo much money but then...BANG! Everything was taken away from me. That son of a bitch told me I have to lose a match. I said: NO! That's a bullshit mah, I ain't doin' that crap! What did the fucka do? Once I came to my house I saw tons of dope. DOPE EVERYWHERE! I was just stayin' there, lookin' at it and after like ten minutes, cops came! They locked me up for 3 years mah.

Clement finishes off the cigarette, lights up another one and continues.

But that's not it. After they let me out, I found the damn motherfucker and I sent him a message. I've beaten down his best man. Mo'fo almost died. Now that's it. I got locked up. Now here I am.

Marlon stops in front of the ACW Headquarters building.

Marlon Brix: We here brah.

Jay opens the door, gives Marlon a bro fist and leaves.

Marlon enters the building.

He walks straight into the information panel.

Nancy: Do you need something, sir?

Jay Clement: I was invited here for a job interview with some kinda jack-ass mistical Es Ou Bee.

Jay gives Nancy (woman on informations) a card that he recieved in jail.

Nancy: GUAAAAARD!!!!!!!!!

Nancy screams“GUAAARD“, guards arrive and try to make Jay leave the building but Jay takes them down one by one. After all the guards are knocked out, a man in hat arrives and begins to clap.

Man in a hat: Well done mister Clement, well done. I offered you a job. This was a test. You got it. Now don't start celebrating. Before you'll get yourself a contract, you have to win a match. You will be performing tonight against Dr. Frank Urwhich.

Jay wants to say something but is interrupted by a man in hat.

Please stay calm and leave the building.

Jay is not very happy but he leaves the building.



Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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We are outside what seems to be a nice suburban home. Another camera comes in and we see a party already happening inside the house. A few people look to be in some rather deep, intense conversations as they laugh heartily to show off the mood of the party. Everything seems to be going great... What could be better?

After a few more moments we get another camera seen to an ordinary basement. We get a good look at the wooden stairs to know it's right below the festivities upstairs. We then see a man white lab coat at a table drawing up some blueprints. It's just then we hear someone walk down the steps and head over to the Frank Urwhich.

Heather Urwhich: Hunny, why don't you go upstairs?

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Why?

Heather Urwhich: You know, I threw you this huge party. It's special night.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: It's a special night alright... I'm on the verge.

Heather Urwhich: Ugh, the verge of what?

Dr. Frank Urwhich: You know what...

Heather Urwhich: I wish you would stop bothering with this garbage...

The mad doctor looks over to his Wife with a look of despair frightening her right back upstairs. As she gets the hell out we see Frank tinker with some medical equipment. Some scalpels and such before placing them into a black bag.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Those should do very well when Jay Clement becomes my first victim. Ah, victim... That is exactly what he'll be... Hahahaha.

Frank's laughter is quickly ended when we hear the basement door slam shut. Frank's expression changes when we see another man around his age coming down the back steps. It quickly becomes a lighthearted situation.

Unknown Friend: Hey... Nice party man.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Thanks, I'm glad someone is enjoying it.

Unknown Friend: Yeah... well everybody upstairs is.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Is there something I can help you with?

Unknown Friend: Ummm... I was just wondering when you'd be joining us? This party is for you after all.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I tried telling my Wife... I don't have time for this. There is work that needs to be done.

Unknown Friend: Alright... Whatever. You aren't the same lately...

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I know, I'm enlightened, I am awake.

It's at this second that Mr. Urwhich grabs something sharp from his black bag of goodies before dropping it all while looking at his so-called friend like a lunatic.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Like, I said I have work to do.

The unknown friend leaves shaking his head not really understanding what is going on.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: Now back to my blueprints... Back to ACW... Back to Jay Clement... Yes... this will connect nicely....

Even with these distractions Frank still has everything going according to plan. Nothing is going to stop Dr. Frank Urwhich until.... The music above him gets to loud. At every loud bang Frank is wincing in agony. After only a few seconds he is fed up and marches up stairs. In his crazed state he slams the door against the back wall causing a scene as soon as he enters what appears to be a living room. Without hesitation, Urwhich himself walks over to the stereo and decides it would be a good idea to destroy it instead of just turning it off. He picks it up and throws it against the ground with ease. He then precedes to walk over to all his family member and friends and looks them right in the face scaring them half to death before speaking before them.

Dr. Frank Urwhich: I think you all have worn out your welcome. Yeah, Happy Birthday to me. Great... I'm too concerned with something else to care about these petty things. If you want to celebrate my damn birthday do it at your place. I'm not going to celebrate something as trivial as this. Thanks for stopping by... It was nice to see you all again but until my work is complete... Stay the hell out of my life... You got that? Good... Now leave... I got more important matters to attend to.

Frank stomps off after addressing what is left of his social surroundings. He is in a very bitter mood as he goes back downstairs hoping he scared off what was left of his party. We see him slam the basement door again before rubbing his hands together like a pyscho and returning back to his "work."