ACW Adrenaline 14: Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn

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Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event: World Title Rematch
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: ACW Heavyweight Championship
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Zack Bronko (c) v. Syn

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 18, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Of course, I showed for the title match. What am I an idiot?


I mean, sure, I was taking a big chance with my sister being on her death bed, but I’m the guy who’s been known for making bad decisions. I decided not to make missing a title match one of them. I got my plane tickets before STRIKING DISTANCE and will be leaving as soon as I’m done taking care of business at Adrenaline.

Ok, back to business.

It started with the title match. Knock down, drag out! Love those kind of matches. Those two brought it with everything in their being. Got tons of respect for their ability. Still not sure about their characters. SYN seems solid enough, but Snow is still ‘SILVER SPOON’ to me. Doesn’t mean he can’t kick ass.

I was hurtin’, but, overall, I was happy with the way things turned out. Well, everything, but…HELL, I tell ya what! Let’s go a bit forward to after the show before I get into that!

I was angry; rampaging through the back. Just like the good ole days. People were scurrying left and right to get out of my way. I made a beeline to the makeshift offices that McHenry had set up in the box office area of the IRVING PLAZA. I kicked in the door (gonna have to pay for that one) and all I got was a dark, empty room.

Voice from the hallway: He’s gone…

I stopped in my tracks; snortin’ like a prized bull.

Zack Bronko: What the hell, you say?

I get a good look at the kid. It was that annoying intern interviewer, RJ Mackelroy.


Mackelroy: He shot through here like a bat out of hell. Wouldn’t even stop for an interview.

Figures. Hit and run. What was his game? And why wait till now?

Zack Bronko: Where was he headed?

Mackelroy: Didn’t say. Just said for me to call him later for an interview…


Zack Bronko: CALL HIM?

RJ is seen texting one of his buds as he talks.

Mackelroy: Yeah, said we’d talk later.

I stomped up to the seated RJ and towered over the little guy. I think he almost crapped his pants.

Zack Bronko: As in, YOU have his cell phone number?

RJ’s eyes get wide: yes….

Zack Bronko: You better start punching up that number on that girly little phone of yours and CALL HIM!

Mackelroy: Oh, no. He gave me strict instructions about his cell number. I mean, I should never have mentioned it. He’d kill me if…

I slam my fists together hard for effect.

Mackelroy starts punching in the number: And I don’t want to die right now so I’m dialing…

After a short wait, RJ begins to talk into the phone: Yes, Mr. McHenry? Uh…yes, I know you told me not to call you till tomorrow, but…Yes, I know I’m on thin ice…Yes, I ‘m sorry….

I grab the dainty little phone and start ranting into the phone.

Zack Bronko: McHenry!? Yeah, Zack Bronko here! I don’t know what the hell that was back there in the ring, but sooner or later you’ll be answering to it! Oh, really? Well, I’ll be looking forward to that, MR. McHENRY. I’ll be there with bells on! Yeah, and JOHN? Better bring some backup!! What?

I look down at the mortified Mackelroy and hand him the cell phone.

Zack Bronko: He wants to talk to you, now.

I stomp off as RJ tries to beg his forgiveness and for him not to fire him. Pansy. And, McHenry? Wouldn’t answer my questions. Didn’t figure he would. I think I know the kind a man he is. I got a tad of respect for the man, but most of it flew out back in the ring tonight. Don’t know what his beef is, but I look forward to getting to the bottom of this.

I mean, WHY wait till I win the damned belt to attack me? Doesn’t seem like McHenry’s style. But he was like that before I got here. Maybe we’re just now seeing what he’s actually like. But STILL, why wait till I’m champion? Why not screw me out of the championship? Damn confusing. But I do know one thing for sure. JOHN McHENRY, you have the attention of the REVOLUTION and It’s about to break out all over you!




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The scene opened up with Syn storming backstage, his face eerily blank as he looks around for something. Before he can get far, however, he sees the very familiar sight of The ACW Security making their way towards him, looks of caution. Syn, normally, would have found their hesitation amusing, if not a bit disappointing, but at the moment his mind was just one thing and one thing only: Getting to John McHenry. Nothing else mattered at the moment.

Syn watched as Security slowly surrounded him, and Richard, The Head of Security, walked up to him. Normally, the two men would be civil to one another, given the fact that while Syn was likely to cause trouble, he wa at least pleasent to them when he was caught. But now,, with the mindset that Syn was in, there would be no such thing.

Richard: Syn...I know what it is you're planning to do, and I'm afaid that I can't allow you to go through with it. Mr. McHenry gave us strick orders to escort you from the building after he left.

Richard flinched slightly when Syn turned to him, startling him by the emotion that were visible in those normally emotionless bright green eyes. It was rage. Pure, unrelenting, barely restrained rage, all of it directed towards John McHenry. Richard almost felt sorry for McHenry, and what would happen if Syn actually were to get his hands on him. Syn tilted his head slightly, and began speaking.

Syn: "After he left", you say? So I'm to assume that he has long since left the building?

Richard nods, not entirely sure where this is going.

Syn: You know, Richard, I would like to believe you. Dispite your annoying sense of duty, you've never had it in you to lie to me for some reason or another. I'd like to believe you...if a stagehand I had come across hadn't in a moment of fear, revealed to me that McHenry's car is still in it' parking spot, and that he hasn't gone anywhere near the parking lot yet.

Richard's eyes widen in shock as Syn moves past him, heading straight for McHenry's office. Security scrambled after him as he walked around the back, looking patiently for the office of ACW's General manager. After a few minutes of searching, Syn paused, when he saw that a door had been kicked in rather violently. What caught his attention, however, was the nameplate on the door, reading "General Manager's office".

Syn:....Hmm. It seems that someone has already beaten me to the punch, so to speak.

Syn walked into the office and looked around noting that while no one was inside, everything seemed to be intact. Syn casually strolled over to the desk and sat down behind it, steepling his hands as he closes his eyes and thinks. Richard, as well as the rest of Security, aren't really sure what to think right now. They had all half expected Syn to go on a rampage and attack anything in sight. So, he's been nothing but calm, if a little restrained. It was unnerving.

Syn: So, it's not enough for McHenry that I've lost the ACW World Heavyweight Championship tonight, but he chooses to attack me from behind, like numerous times in the past, and flee. Flee before either myself or Zack Bronko would be able to find him and deliver onto him a fury which the likes he never imagined existed. I must commend him, he at the very least knows how to make a quick exit.

Richard and the other security guards all look at each other, still worried over the impending eruption. Richard then stepped forward cautiosly, making sure to keep his eyes on Syn the entire time.

Richard: Alright, Syn, Mr. McHenry isn't here. He got out of the building a while ago, so at this point you'd just be chasing after a man who's long gone. It's best if you just leave now, while there is no damage done, and move past this.

Syn's eyes snapped open and he stared at Richard for a few seconds, before sighing.

Syn: If only I were a better man, Richard. If I were, I'd be more than willing to let this slide. Let the fact that John McHenry has, once again, saw fit to involve himself in my career and attempt to make some kind of statement at MY expense...

Syn then gave an chilling, spine-numbingly evil smile as he pushed the chair back slightly.

Syn:....But then again, that wouldn't be me at all, would it Richard? After all, I've just capped off the worst month of my career by having my so-called "Boss" attack me. It would be REALLY out of character for me to just "leave it alone" now, woudn't it?

Richard nearly shivered at the silky, sinister tone that matched the look of pure evil Syn is wearing at the moment. He, like many of the other officers, had heard of the horror stories of what the man in front of him has done in the past, and from the looks of things, the "Old Syn" was re-emerging with a vengence. Racking his brain for a way to keep Syn from going through with his plans, Richard tried to reason with him.

Richard: Syn, you're still on Behavioral Probation

Syn's smile, if even possible, became more evil as he leaned over the desk slightly.

Syn: Ah, yes, my Probation that was brought on by beating that poor, poor Stagehand several months ago. How is he by the way? I sent him a get well soon card, and wanted to be sure it got through to him.

Richard glared at Syn's callousness, and his complete lack of apathy over what he had done to the young man. He was lucky that the injuries he had sustained weren't worse, otherwise Phoenix would have done far, far more than fine him and place him on this Probational Period.

Richard: (Through clenched teeth) He suffered a Concussion, abraisions, lacerations, and 3 cracked ribs. He's STILL recovering from the experience.

Syn simply shrugged, not caring about the older man's anger at the moment.

Syn: Ah, pitty that. I didn't think that I hit him that hard. But never the less, during the time immediately after Phoenix's departure, I came across an interesting little ruling that was put into the clause of the paper that made my "Probation" official.

Richard had a feeling of unease at the smile Syn was wearing.

Syn: You see, for all intent and purposes, the documant was iron clad. All except one little loop-hole that, if unchecked, would have flown under the radar. This clause states that if I were to be put in a situation where I would be unlawfully provoked by a person of authority, the Probation is considered null and void. Now, while it is very vauge, it DID say a Person of Authority. Now,that could mean you, it could mean The Head Coordinator who helps set up the arena....

Syn trailed off as he noted that Richard had become deathly pale, realising what he meant.

Richard: -Or it could mean McHenry.

Syn's eyes lit up in sinsiter delight as it sunk in exactly WHAT McHenry had done, and how it went beyond simply angering Syn.

Syn: Now do you get it? While McHenry will endure hell in it's purest form when he and I next meet, I actually owe him something. The little fool, in his bravado and arrogance, has given me a pass to be me again. To once again be The Maniacal Mastermind that I was. It's simply hilarious that he has given me the chance to "Make ACW my plaground".

Syn stood up and walked around the desk, patting Richard on the shoulder as he stops next to him.

Syn: It's going to rain a torrent of blood in ACW. Whether McHenry will be the one bleeding or not remains to be seen.

With that, Syn made his way past Security, letting out a shrill, bone-chilling laugh as he goes to exit the building as the camera fades to black.


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Syn's eyes snapped open as he abruptly sat up in his hotel bed, clutching his left eye as he hissed in pain. Stumbling out of his bed, Syn removed his hand from his eye, feeling something trickling down his palm. He was startled to see that it was a noticable amount of blood staining his hand. Hissing again as a sharp, angonizing pain shot through his head, Syn staggered to the bathroom. Quickly flipping the light on, he pulled his long blonde hair back to get a better look at his bleeding eye. Syn glared at the mirror as he saw that while the bleeding had stopped, he had a tear-trail of blood going down the left side of his face.

Syn: (Growling) Damn you, Ryan.

Syn continued glaring, ignoring the stabbing pain as he remembered when this had all started. Over a year ago, when he had first debuted, he had started a rivalry with a man who, in his own words, seemed to understand him better than anyone else he had come into contact with, Ryan "The Reaper" Robinson. The two raged a bloody war, with Syn making sure that there were casualties in the form of career after career being ended in mere moments. They finally stepped into the ring one-on-one for the first time at the Company's first pay-Per-View in a Taipei Death Match. The two spent the better part of 25 minutes beating each other within an inch of their lives glass covered punches, as well as whatever they could get their hands on. Sometime into the match, one of Reaper's punches had managed to land in Syn's left eye, and had done a tremendus amount of damage.

No less than 4 shards of glass had embedded themselves into his eye, but at the time he didn't feel it. He didn't feel any of the torture he endured until after the match, when he needed Kai's help to walk back to the Disciples of Syn/Top Notch Talent locker room. Just moments later, dispite his numerous injuries and battered state, he walked back out the curtain later that night once again, this time accepting an Open Challenge to crown the company's first World Heavyweight Champion. He had managed to win the match, but at a price. Continuing to compete over the course of 7 months without having the glass removed from his eye had robbed him of a large amount of his vision in that eye, even with surgery. Syn shook himself out of his memories and sighed, most of the pain ebbing away very slowly.

Syn: Lucky for me, I can tolerate this....Pain.

Syn washed the blood off of his face and out of his eye, before he looked at his eye. It was blood red, with the Bright Green iris standing out against it, but otherwise it looked fine.

Syn: Well, it seems as if I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon.

Syn walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, before sitting down in a chair near the window, staring up at the celing as the pain finally seemed to stop, leaving a stinging sensation in his eye. Syn simply sat there, staring out into nothingness as the scene fades to black.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Storming out of the Irving Plaza, Zack Bronko gets hit unexpectantly with a mob of people wanting his autograph.

Zack Bronko: Damn, not used to this.

A father and son are first.

Boy: My names Timmy! Could you say something about me being badass? Wanta show those woosies back at school I know THE BADASS!

Dad: Timmy! Just make it out to Timmy, Mr. Bronko. Great match tonight. You guys hung it all out there. To me, it was even better than the International!

As I sign my name, I realize there’s a lot of them. I hand the paper back to the boy.

Timmy: Not me! I’m a Nicky Trix mark!

The dad laughs: Darn kid! Spends too much time on the internet! Thanks!

Zack Bronko: No problem.

I must have signed a hundred of them that night. Hand actually got tired. But not my spirit. I was wasted energy wise, but I couldn’t help but just keep signing. Something of value there with the fans. Children with their mothers and fathers and even grandparents and uncles and aunts. Family. Fed me. Gave me energy to go on. Like in the ring. I would be almost down and hear one fan chant my name or scream for me to get up and I couldn’t stay down; like I owed it to them. The way I saw it, they had invested something special in me and what I did. How could I help but not give back. Damn, I’ve become such a softy.

As the last one walked off, I looked up to see Nikki waiting for me in the car. I thought she went home already. How long was she there and why didn’t she yell for me to come on. Then, I saw the look of pride and childlike faith that just ebbed from that cherub-like face. She was getting something out of it too; seeing me interact with the crowd. This ACW move was a good deal after all.

“That McHenry is askin’ for it…â€

I turn to see my father, William Bronko walking in from the dark.

Zack Bronko: Not now DAD…

William Bronko: No, you’re right. There’s time to put him in his place. Now is the time to celebrate.

He never changes.

Zack Bronko: Celebrate?? Nah, dad. No , celebration or party. Just me goin’ home to the ones I love and who love me back.

I push by him hoping he will get it. No such luck.

William Bronko: I figured you’d fold and fly out to see Macy already. Really surprised everybody tonight, Zackery.

That grates me like claws on the chalkboard; calling me Zackery.

Zack Bronko: Yeah, well. I’m just full of surprises. Nah, I booked a flight after the next Adrenaline and will be coming back right before the next one. What surprised ya more, pops? The fact that I showed or that I actually won?

William Bronko smiles: Neither actually. I was afraid I’d made a mistake telling you when I did. Bad timing and all.

Zack Bronko: Well, you’re the king of bad timing. Like now. I’m tired. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

William puts his hand on my shoulder and I just look at it like some alien just landed and touched me. Just felt weird. Couldn’t ever remembering him every touching me. Never a bit of affection.

William Broko: Give Macy my love.

Zack grins mischievously: Tell her yourself. You’re going with us.

I walk on feeling pretty good about myself.

William Bronko: What? You’re kidding!? She doesn’t want to see me.

I reach the car and open the door; it starts to rain. Just like the good ole days.

Zack Bronko: Well, I didn’t want to see you either. Didn’t stop you from showing up time and time again did it?

As I get into the car and kiss my beautiful bride, I look back to my stunned father.

Zack Bronko: See ya at Adrenaline. And be packed and ready

Dad fights through the stunned slience to say something loving and fatherly. As usual, it comes out weird.

William Bronko: Just like McHenry better be ready, eh, Zacke…Zack.

I smile. The first time in years I remember smiling at the man.

Zack Bronko: Yeah, you bet.

As I fade into the night, I can still see him in my mind; standing on the roadside still trying to grasp what just happened. I’m not even sure what that was. Maybe I am getting soft….NAH!