ACW Adrenaline 12: Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios

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Mar 18, 2012
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First Bout:
Match Type: Singles
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Chase DeSanto v. Toyota Chelios
If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by June 23, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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After the show has concluded Toyota is seen walking through the back with a bag of ice on his neck. He makes his way to his locker room and closes the door behind him. The cameraman there to capture everything that is going on. Toyota takes a seat on the bench by the lockers and slumps over.

Cameraman: So how are ya. Had your debut match, you looked pretty good…

Chelios: Man… wrestling hurts. I thought it was fake. Then he started choking me. I mean I didn’t have any idea what to do.

Cameraman: Well don’t be so hard on yourself. You went out there and you did pretty good. And now you have a match against Chase Dan… no DeSantos… I think. Yeah Chase DeSantos. Formerly Drew Alexander… somehow.

At that Chelios looks up with a confused look on his face.

Chelios: So he was Drew Alexander but now he is Chase DeSantos? So he had a name change? I guess that works. Same guy right?

Cameraman: Nope… new name new attitude, even looks completely different.

Chelios: Sex change?

Cameraman: No no he is still a guy. But I don’t know. Its strange. Then again I don’t even know if they are the same person or not. I think they are two di… or did they know… I don’t know. As far as I understand he was Drew Alexander and no showed… and now he is this Chase DeSantos… so maybe he got plastic surgery which is why he missed the show and has this new look although he shouldn’t be in competition so soon after that you know.

Chelios: Dude I am so confused I don’t know what you just said. So who am I going against? Some hybrid cyborg that was once Drew Alexander but is now Chase DeSantos?

Cameraman: To the best of my knowledge… yes that is exactly what or who it is you are facing.

A look of almost elatedness comes across Toyota’s face as he jumps up to his feet.

Chelios: I’m fighting a FREAK! This will be just like tangling up against a can of spam.

Cameraman: What? Spam?

Chelios: Yeah. You know its like all these meat by-products and leftovers mashed together into one thing. Its like some crazy collaboration that you have no idea what it really is so its just called spam. It doesn’t make the least bit of sense at all but it works. And that’s what he sounds like… just random stuff mashed together. Its crazy awesomeness… I’m fighting the equivalent of spam. This is crazy… its like a dream come true.

Cameraman: You had a dream about fighting spam? Are you serious?

Chelios: About as real as a fat man ripping his too tight pants when he bends over.

Camearman: That is an image I did not need to think about.

Chelios: Well… ummm… yeah. So at any rate… this is going to be my time of redempt… redempt…remission… you know what I’m trying to say.

Cameraman: Redemption.

Chelios: Yeah. That word.

At that moment a knock is heard from one of the lockers behind them almost startling them. Chelios gets up from the bench and leans up against the locker as the knocking is heard again. Chelios pops it open and as soon as it opens the door flings open slamming Chelios in the face. As he clutches at his face it is slammed forward again this time hitting him in the head as he falls over. The Cameraman drops the camera and charges at the mystery person that wasn’t seen and we can hear punches thrown and then the cameraman is seen on the ground. And then a boot swiftly comes across his face as he lays their motionless. The camera is picked back up shining on Chelios as he is almost coming to before the boot kicks him square in the face sending the back of his head into the locker before the camera feed is cut off.


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The camera lights up the room showing Chelios strapped to a chair and a black mask over his eyes and nose. The person that did it remains behind the camera as another light in the room is turned on. And now everything can be seen better as the person walks in front of the camera and is dressed in all black and red. They walk up to Chelios and stand in front of him.

Person: Why are you here?

Chelios: Because you kidnapped me. Let me go.

Person: Why are you here?

Chelios: I just told you.

Unknown to Chelios the person just put a pair of brass knuckles on their hand and has their hand clenched ready to strike.

Person: Why… are you here?

Chelios: Because you want me here.

The person delivers a wicked right hook to the side of Chelios face. And then delivers a second punch and then a third one as blood starts to flow from his cheek.

Chelios: Somebody help me!

Person: Your words are moot. Nobody can hear you and nobody can save you. But do not worry… I will allow you to be free.

Chelios: You will?

Person: And you will return back here.

Chelios: Are you sure?

The person raises their hand and delivers a backhanded slap across Chelios face almost knocking him and the chair to the floor.

Person: Refrain from questioning me as I do not have the patience to deal with that.

Chelios: Okay. Just please stop hitting me.

Person: Your answers will come soon enough. Soon you will understand why it is I have brought you here and you will be the one delivering my message. Let it be known that in due time… someone is coming. You are my messenger.

Chelios: But why me?

The person steps back and then delivers a kick where the shin connects with the head and the impact causes Chelios and the chair to fall over.

Person: No more questions. Simple acceptance will be far less painful. And I will say that for your inability to follow simple instructions next time there will be more pain inflicted and you will still continue to be my messenger. Allow your little ACW friends to know that in order for there to be a true birth, there must be a death. The death has already occurred and so it will only be a matter of time before birth will happen.

Chelios: Tha… that… that’s a lot to remember.

Person: You have no choice in the matter. You are the chosen messenger. The time will come when I will seek you out again. So no matter if you remain on your toes or not… you will be taken by surprise and by force again. But for now Chelios… you will be free to go.

Chelios: How do I get out?

The person walks over to Chelios and kicks him in the stomach and then puts something in his hand.

Person: Trust is the key. Questioning my trust will bring you pain. There is your way out. Clean yourself up. You aren’t that messed up so you will be fine in your match. So yes I do know more than you think.

The person walks back to the camera and cuts the feed.